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Listen to This Before You Lose Your Purpose | Ralph Smart (Eye Opening Speech)

peace and finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby just
whoa breathing in that good aahs piranha
I’m sending you tons of amazing energy
deep divers take that take that take
that take that
now deep divers I’m about to share with
you the best way to know what it is you
are supposed to be doing with your life
I want you to imagine you only have 24
hours to live
now what would you do in those 24 hours
that right there is your true purpose
now what would I do I would go for a
skate I would play the guitar I would
definitely get my butt into nature I
would call a few good friends meet up
with them I would do it I would do a
whole lot in 24 hours but guess what
deep divers I’m doing that every single
day it’s like I’ve only got 24 hours to
carpe diem seize the day so if you are
still wondering what you are supposed to
be doing with your life just imagine you
only had 24 hours to live surely you
would do what would make you most happy
you would leave that mediocre job you
would start doing what would truly
fulfill your soul so you could just say
Phil don’t get to be a live baby can I
get a Hello
beautiful deep divers were just wolf
breathing in that good ass prana baby
shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the amazing good ass prana
shirts Ralph smart come slash clothes
giving a few away only on instagram at
infinite waters check out the amazing
new book on Amazon deep divers feel
alive by Ralph smart deep divers you are
truly appreciated have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you you
only got 24 hours what are you gonna do
you’re gonna do what makes you most
happy well start doing
[Music] you

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