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Learn This And You’ll Never Be The Same (The Magic Finger Secret!) Powerful!

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again we’re just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby
deep divers have you ever got caught up
in someone’s details which are really
not that important
like what someone’s wearing for example
London Oxford Street imagine the
scenario and with a friend we’re walking
along strangers say to him oh I love you
clothes and he’s like kind of upset
because he’s like is that the only thing
you can notice about me and oftentimes
that is all what we notice about other
people their clothes this outward
materialism and that’s cool it’s natural
to do that but this Zen story sums it
all up there is a great Zen master and
he is well known in his village as a
great master and many students would go
to him because they thought he was the
truth one day a student says master you
are the truth and he says no I am not
the truth then he points his finger to
the moon on a clear bright sky and he
says that is the truth and the student
is looking at his finger and he says
this is not the truth stop looking at my
finger because
you will miss the heavenly glory up
there so many times we confuse the truth
with a messenger not realizing the
message sometimes we confuse people for
their cars and their clothes and how
much money they make which is not really
who they are
so what’s helped me along my journey is
to always dive deeper stop looking at
the finger start looking at where it is
pointing to and once you realize that
you just say get to be a live baby can I
get a Hello
and Wayne even had breakfast yet have a
beautiful day deep divers infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy you the truth is that way
stop looking at my finger [Music]

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