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Learn This, And You’ll Never Be The Same! (Relationship Secret!)

do you go to bed dreaming of meeting the
perfect ideal partner are you still
searching for the one have you found
them yet so many of us in our lives were
always searching for that perfect person
even me along my early journey where are
they we searched outside of ourselves
for perfection ladies sometimes you meet
a guy in your life oh my days he’s so
handsome look at those shoulders if only
I could be with him he’s so perfect
fellas sometimes you might see a lady
and say gosh she’s so beautiful look at
the way she carries herself if only I
could be with her she’s so perfect that
word perfect you see many of us we are
looking for another half to complete her
what helped me along my early journey
was to realize this you’ve got to become
whole within yourself first you see the
greatest relationship we can have is
within ourselves
when you become holy within yourself by
loving yourself accepting yourself 100%
you now see another hole who has done
exactly the same thing and then both of
you will create a whole new wall
together and just say feel so good to be
alive baby panic
hello there are no perfect people it’s
about accepting our perfect
imperfections we come home within
yourself build your own cup then you
will see your true reflection have a
beautiful day
we just whoa breathing in that JA das
prana baby
infinite Ward’s diving deep once again
today well they help me peace you [Music]

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