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peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again wonderful deep divers we are
here just wolf breathing in that good
ass prana baby breathing it up and it
feels so good to be alive the deep
divers do you sometimes believe in luck
Oh Ralph she is so lucky he’s so lucky
they got it all laid out for them they
were born into a rich family me on the
other hand I’ve got to work for him look
deep divers was help me along my journey
is to realize there is no such thing as
luck because even those fortunate people
who were born into rich families
that’s not guaranteed life is always
changing I don’t believe in luck have
made over 2,000 videos in nature
inspiring millions to become their
greatest version that doesn’t seem like
luck to me it seems like work and I love
to do it you got to go out there and do
it to really make it happen to really
manifest something great in your life
stop believing in luck
do yourself a favor Michael Jordan is
not lucky he woke up at 4 o’clock in the
morning every single day four years to
go and practice to be the best
basketball player in the world that’s
not luck that’s hard work so stop
feeling like some people are lucky and
some people on no there is no such thing
as luck if you want it you can get it
you can make it happen right now and
just say just say so get to be a live
baby can I get a hello wonderful deep
dive is you are amazing have an amazing
day we’re just wolf breathing in that
good ass prana baby
I don’t believe in luck I made this
Ralph’s Montcalm’s wash clothes getting
you good asperatus shirts you’ve got a
question want to be more inspired add me
on instagram at infinite waters let’s
[Music] [Applause]

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