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important message | 3

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby another
beautiful day with just wolf breathing
in that good oz prana baby but deep
divers are you holding on to a grudge
has a negative person really upset you
and now you can’t let it go it’s eating
you up inside because just the thought
of them really pisses you off you’re mad
right now you’re looking a bit shaky
baby right now a lot of people ask me
Ralph smart do you hold grudges
absolutely not
why Ralph because holding on to a grudge
is like drinking poison and expecting
the other person to die the real reason
why I never hold on to grudges
apart from being a Pisces is that I
simply don’t have time because I’m too
busy helping other people holding on to
a grudge it’s like tenants
renting out a room in your mind without
paying you any time you stop thinking of
people no longer serving you giving them
your time and your energy that’s not the
wisest thing to do so instead of
thinking about someone who’s really
negative or they’ve upset you use that
same time to think about someone who
actually uplifts you by the cat down the
road think of someone who’s actually
been there for you stop giving your time
and attention to people who do so little
for you stop giving your time and
attention to people who do so little for
you you’re better than that
and once you realize that deep divers
well you just say Phil so get to be a
live baby can I get a hello beautiful
deep divers would just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby take that take
that great energy I’m sending you shout
out to everybody who’s been getting the
good ass prada shirts I love seeing them
on you check out the new amazing book on
Amazon feel alive by Ralph smart if you
found this video inspiring add me on
Instagram right now at infinite waters
deep divers have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy
you so you’re holding on to a gradual
[Music] [Applause]

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