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important message

Pisan Finnick waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
but do you feel that what you want where
you want to be seems so far off right
now yes it does Ralph how far like a
good 17 days away no more like five
thousand years away Ralph it’s that far
away I will never get there
I’ll see you when you get there no I’m
not gonna get there Ralph yes you are no
I’m not Ralph yes you are no I’m not
okay look what’s helped me along my
journey beautiful deep divers is to
realize be patient you will eventually
end up where you need to be relaxed
still not helping Ralph okay check this
out three things to know you will
eventually end up where you need to be
talks me Ralph don’t sit down when life
knocks you down okay if you’re getting
up you will eventually get to where you
know you need to be where will help you
become your greatest version even more
if you are failing yes I am Ralph will
keep failing you will eventually get to
where you need to be because every
single failure is only a stepping stone
to help you become your greatest version
what slow motion this side if you are
living by your own values even though
you’re not where you want to be right
now you will eventually get there I love
animals I’ve been a vegan for over 13
years I’ve been on tables where people
are like what’s that vegan stuff but I’m
like I know what I’m doing and I
eventually ended up on a vegan farm in
the middle of nowhere saying Phil so get
to be a live baby can I get a Hello with
a bunch of grapes in my mouth beautiful
deep divers have an amazing day we’re
just whoa breathing in that good oz
prana baby
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you oh
you’ll get there you’ll get you’ll get
[Music] you

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