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peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
in the wonderful art gallery just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby so
a lot of you wonderful deep divers
always ask me Ralph where do you get all
of this energy from you’ve got like so
much energy Ralph what is the secret
what is your greatest philosophy Ralph
did you know deep divers that the word
philosophy emanates from the Greek
filler meaning love off Sophie meaning
Sophia the Egyptian goddess of wisdom so
philosophy means love of wisdom what is
my greatest love of wisdom if not now
that’s right every single day I wake up
and I’m like Ralph’s ma if you don’t do
it right now then when are you gonna do
it you see if you don’t work on your
business right now then when will you do
it if you don’t start improving your
relationship right now then when will
you do it if you don’t start eating
better right now then when will you do
it because the power is in the now I see
a whole lot of people procrastinating
Ralph I’ll do it next year and next year
never comes there’s a song that says
we might be dead tomorrow now deep
divers we are immortal I know but we
live in a flash of light and anything
you want to do was help me along my
journey you got to do it right now
because tomorrow is not promised every
single day I wake up and I say this is
it this is it you got to make it count
right now deep divers I’m putting all my
chips on the table that’s right I wake
up and I say carpe diem which is the
Latin for seize the day so deep divers
if there’s something that you really
want to do do it right now because if
not now when and once you realize that
deep divers well you’ll just say they
also get to be a live baby can I get a
beautiful deep divers who are truly
appreciated with just wolf breathing in
that good ass prana baby shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the
wonderful good oz prana shut Sir Ralph
smart dog
come slash close you’ve been reading
haven’t you feel alive by Ralph smart on
Amazon check it out get more daily
inspiration on instagram at infinite
waters deep divers if not now when
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you I’ll do
it tomorrow Ralph there is no tomorrow
there is only this moment
[Laughter] [Music]

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