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I AM – Ralph Smart (Law of Attraction!) Important Information!

do you sometimes feel that no matter
what you do how hard you try how much
effort you put in is just not good
enough it’s never good enough you’re
like it’s never ever gonna be good
enough Ralph I am not good enough I am
the two most powerful words in the
universe because whatever you put after
that you will become I am
creates your reality your entire reality
check this out I am not good enough I am
good enough I am poor okay I am rich I
am sick I am healthy I hate life
I love life
each one of those statements carried a
totally different vibration remind
yourself that when you say I am
you are now speaking your words into
existence words vibrations vibrations
become realities and everyday if you say
I am Alive I am grateful I love life
your life will change for the better
some people didn’t wake up today I am
grateful to be alive because by being
alive only means I have opportunities
opportunities main possibilities and
possibilities mean greater growth and
now I can become my greatest version
because I am good enough and then you’ll
just say feels so good to be alive baby
we are out here in nature baby just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
have a beautiful day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace
you [Music]

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