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How to Use Your Thoughts to Manifest Now – Law of Attraction Secrets!

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
absolutely gorgeous day those birds are
saying hi wonderful deep divers the law
of Correspondence it is the day to talk
about the law of attraction have you
ever thought of a massive idea and
you’re like I wonder if I could actually
manifest this Ralph well deep divers we
are about to manifest using the law of
Correspondence which is what we now call
the law of attraction how to use the
power of your thoughts to manifest now
law of attraction deep divers let’s just
breathing in that grass prana baby do
you want to know how to use the power of
your mind to manifest now the law of
attraction deep divers I’m about to dive
deep into the law of Correspondence how
I use the power of my mind to manifest
anything I want I’ve got a YouTube Gold
Award inspiring millions and I’m still
young I’m still healthy I’m still
healthy and I’m still full of energy how
did I attract a YouTube Gold Award just
spreading positivity just spreading
positivity how did I do it well I’m
about to show you how I manifest
anything okay using my mind and you can
do it too and we even had breakfast yet
can I get a hello
yeah first and foremost shout out to
everybody who is rocking the good ass
praana shirts
Ralph smart comm slash clothes a lot of
people are like Ralph I want one well
head there and go and get one okay now
let me share with you how I use the
power of my mind to manifest anything I
want I’ve spoken about the seven
hermetic principles okay and one of them
is the law of Correspondence the law of
Correspondence is as above so below as
within so without
and the law of attraction is actually a
tiny bit of loft correspondence it goes
a lot deeper than that so law of
attraction a lot of people are like
Ralph I just have to think about it and
then it’s gonna manifest now right it
doesn’t exactly work like that because
law if law of correspondence states
going back to ancient Chemical Egypt or
even Sumeria we never attract what we
want we always attract what we are
slow motion this side three words only
bring positivity say it again or else
only bring positivity say one more time
ralph only bring positivity that’s how I
use my thoughts to manifest now because
there is only now
I only bring positivity a lot of people
are like Ralph your videos really
inspire me
it’s your energy it’s not even what
you’re saying you’re just bringing so
much positivity and that’s the reason
why I’ve got a massive YouTube Gold
Award hanging on the wall because I’m
bringing positivity I could wake up
every single day and complain to you
deep divers but I’m giving you solutions
to your problems I’m telling you how to
become financially independent I’m
telling you how to become spiritually
balanced and I’m showing you how I did
it how I manifest it and it’s only gonna
grow more and more I’m bringing positive
energy if you have a positive attitude
if you have that mindset to say actually
I’m only gonna be positive in anything
I’m doing it doesn’t mean you have to
fake positivity being real is also
important okay but at the same time
you’ve got to make an active effort to
bring positivity to the table whenever
I’m in nature I’m saying can I get a
hello there that’s a conscious thought
I’m choosing to be happy right now I’m
choosing to be positive an attitude of
gratitude that’s how I use the power of
thoughts to manifest right now I’m
giving you the best energy in the world
and I’m also giving that to myself a lot
of people wake up all they do is spew
out negativity all they do is look for
drama and that’s why your life hasn’t
changed that’s why nothing is happening
for you because you want consciously
choosing to put out positive energy
there’s a power in positivity
that you have to realize today I’m
telling you from firsthand experience
being able to travel to any single
country I want seven day vegan challenge
being able to eat at any vegan
restaurant I want i’ve manifested this
amazing abundant lifestyle now when you
have that positive attitude when you
have that positive attitude you have to
realize how the law of attraction which
is actually the law of Correspondence
works the universe is always responding
to our thoughts which is actually
vibrational energy life is not something
happening to us we are never victims
life is always responding to us so if I
wake up with a very negative thought the
universe is gonna respond to that it’s
gonna send another negative person into
my life to actually reaffirm that if I
wake up with a positive thought if I
choose positivity the universe is gonna
send somebody who is actually on a
similar vibrational frequency to the
thought I have deep divers have you ever
noticed this sometimes you wake up and
you’re like in a really bad mood and
then what happens accidents happen
okay you start getting really mad at the
world and now the cat down the road is
getting mad at you things just aren’t
going your way cause it’s a domino
effect however if you wake up with a
positive thought just one tiny thought
in the day in the morning as soon as you
wake up that’s of a high vibration
that’s uplifting that’s helping you
become your greatest version what
happens your mom calls you your mom
calls you oh I love you so much
what happens you get a hug from a random
stranger what happens things start going
your way just because of one tiny
positive thought it creates the domino
effect for better things to happen in
your life that’s how I use the power of
thoughts to manifest right now
it’s about feeling good right now that’s
more important than what you’re actually
desiring from the universe a lot of
people wake up saying I want this and I
want knack and I want this and I want
now but what is more important than
wanting that is feeling good now I
didn’t wake up and say I want to inspire
millions of people I just said if I
continue to maintain this amazing energy
I have only good things are gonna come
my way and that’s what’s happened I meet
amazing people every single day only
because I’m consciously choosing to put
out good energy okay
so always learn the power of feeling
good right now that’s your power you can
wake up and choose to feel negative
which is actually affecting your DNA in
a negative way or you can wake up and
choose positivity which is now actually
affecting your DNA in a positive way
positivity will help you get what you
desire in your heart space negativity
won’t I’ve been skating since I was 13 a
lot of people pass by my skates they’re
like Ralph I want to go they’re like
really excited to I’m like go for it and
even though they can’t skate properly
they give it a go and sometimes they
actually get going because that’s what
that’s the intention they’re setting
they’re like I can do this however some
people pass me and they’re like I could
never do that
I could never do that and that negative
attitude of doubting yourself is the
reason why it hasn’t manifested for you
so long as you are putting out thoughts
of I can’t do this it won’t happen for
me that actually now ends up becoming a
self-fulfilling prophecy it ends up
becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy and
that’s why you haven’t manifested now
sometimes there are things deep divers I
thought I couldn’t do in the past but
then I realize how the law of
Correspondence works
the universe is responding to our four
forms and our subconscious mind is
programmed through images
thus thoughts so every single day even
if I have a new challenge even if
there’s something I can’t do I always
say I can do it i reprogram my
subconscious mind and now I’m able to do
it because I actually visualize to
materialize I act as if I’m already
doing it I act as if everything I want
is already here and then I just wolf
breathing that good-ass prana baby so
always learn how to act like it’s
already here to really activate the
power of your thoughts to manifest right
now you have to use thoughts as the
catalyst for radical action let me
repeat that you have to use your
thoughts as the catalyst for radical
action a lot of people are just thinking
way too much when I’m thinking I’m also
acting and that’s how to manifest now
thinking is never enough we need to
think and then act okay
thinking now has to become physical
that’s how to manifest right now don’t
just be lost in your thoughts make your
thoughts work for you in the 3d physical
realm I’ve been thinking about making a
YouTube video Ralph make one right now
use thoughts as the catalyst to help you
step into radical action seven day vegan
challenge how to use the power of your
mind to manifest right now every single
day a lot of people are going vegan
infinite waters Ralph smart that’s me
that’s my name is the reason why
especially on the internet which is the
global world right now so many people
are going plant-based because the seven
day vegan challenge which is one of the
largest vegan challenges in the world is
taking off more and more people are
their meat consumption more and more
people are starting to respect animals
instead of butcher them more and more
people are consciously choosing to put
health and life inside of their body
instead of death and disease let me give
a big shout-out to dr. savvy who
mentored me about food ok showing me
that Ralph he said you need to be eating
more alkaline foods that was over 13
years ago ok and I’ve been a vegan since
and that’s why I’m using his information
to help spread that 7 day vegan
challenge message to help spread that 7
day vegan challenge message and that’s
why living my dream out into a reality
ok because I’m consciously choosing as
soon as I go into the supermarket I
could buy processed meats I could buy a
lot of dairy that’s gonna create a lot
of mucus but I’m consciously choosing
and put some delicious black grapes into
my mouth every single day full of
resveratrol gonna improve your
cardiovascular health how to manifest
now using the power of your mind
33 born on March the 33 33 33 seconds
the hold of thought and make that
thought manifest a lot of us will lose
in concentration we lose focus
so what’s helped me along my journey is
to hold a thought for 33 seconds every
single day if you have a desire to
travel to a country hold that thought
for 33 seconds 3 3 you’ve got 33
vertebrae in your spinal column it’s a
master number it’s actually the number
of the ascended masters okay so it’s
Christ consciousness and it’s super
powerful so if you are holding that for
33 seconds thoughts now become things
what slow motion this slide 33 club baby
forever hold a thought for 33 seconds
and now thoughts become things it’s all
about focusing many times you are going
to be distracted
whatever we focus on gross so I said
this many years ago deep divers whatever
you focus on grows to use the power of
your mind the power of your thoughts to
manifest now realize whatever you focus
on gross
where is your attention in this new age
attention is the new currency however
where is your attention because if your
attention is not in an uplifting place
you are losing you are losing your
energy you are losing your desire you
are losing even your hunger okay because
a lot of times you get lazy and what’s
really helped me along my journey is to
stay focused on the prize is to stay
focused where I’m heading I’m never
looking back because I’m not going that
way and that’s how to use the power of
your mind to manifest right now every
single day ask yourself right now where
is my attention where is my focus and
then focus on what you want and you will
adjust you will attract more of it focus
on what you want and you will attract
more often don’t focus on what you don’t
want because then you will attract more
of that – okay so I’m consciously
choosing to only focus on what I want to
see in my reality okay I don’t focus on
gossip I don’t focus on drama I focus on
becoming my greatest version creating
beautiful friendships loving
relationships loving relationships with
my family
it’s all about focusing on what matters
the most okay how to use the power of
your ma
to manifest right now it’s all about
deep divers embodying it okay you have
to act as if it’s already here but more
so feel as if it’s already here and
that’s why meditation is so powerful to
use the power of your mind to manifest
now key word now meditation especially
mindfulness meditation which I’m a
practitioner of I practice it daily
helps us move into the power of now so
in the now is where there are an
infinite amount of possibilities for us
to manifest now so when I’m meditating I
am allowing myself just to be and the
more you allow yourself to be you allow
yourself to receive it’s not just about
saying I want this and I want knapp to
use the power of your mind to manifest
now you have to realize we will never
attract what you want you will only
attract what your core frequency is in
resonance with slow motion this side
say it again Ralph to use the power of
your mind to attract now realize this
you will never attract what you want you
will only attract what your core
frequency is in resonance with not
everybody came here to be the best bap
the best ballet dancer in the world or
the best basketball player in the world
or the best architect in the world
you’ve got to find out what you came
here to do an honor the core frequency
okay and then learn how to meditate
learn how to come to beautiful nature
spaces like this there’s a reason why
I’m always in nature because I’m getting
my thoughts in alignment in equilibrium
and in balance to help me manifest right
now in other words deep divers is giving
me clarity of mine that’s why I’m going
to new heights every single day that’s
why I keep getting more and more
successful and the cat down the road
loves me how to use the power of your
mind to manifest right now you’ve got to
let go of expectations I want mr. Alvin
I want that know once again we only will
attract what our core frequency is in
resonance with so free yourself from
expectation because that creates
disappointment free yourself from the
outcome and just learn how to trust the
process so long as your thoughts are in
balance and they are in alignment you
will manifest now what you need to how
to use the power of your mind to
manifest right now we never attract what
we want we always attract what we are
and we always attract where we attach
our emotions to slow motion this side
and that’s why I always put out positive
energy because I attract that back only
bring positivity so become aware of your
emotions because once again they
stimulate your thoughts and your
thoughts influence your actions so we
attract what we attach emotion – and if
you realize that you will now begin to
use the power of your mind to manifest
right now and just say feel so good to
be alive baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart of nature baby just wolf
breathing in that good oz prana baby
shout out to you beautiful deep divers
who’ve been getting the good ass prana
shuts look amazing a lot of people
getting the good ass prana shuts Ralphs
smart calm / clothes do something good
for yourself today head to the website
Ralph smart come check out feel alive
the new book on Amazon head to Instagram
follow me there at infinite waters and
deep divers realize you are amazing we
manifesting right now infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace you already manifesting already going to the next level

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