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How to Upgrade Your Mind And Trust The Universe (4k)

deep divers have you ever thought to
yourself hmm it’s time for a new mind
right now imagine deep divers if you
could buy a new mind like all the shops
will be so full cuz a lot of our minds
we need an upgrade like can we just get
an upgrade the cat down the roads like
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby
I’m sending you tons of great energy
take that take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby it’s time for a new mind
it’s time for a new reality are you
ready for a mind upgrade EEP divers yes
I am Ralph that’s fantastic
how to upgrade your mind and trust the
universe right now a lot of us know we
are nowhere near our full potential but
to get there we need a new mind so after
this video your mind is gonna be
upgraded and we ain’t even had breakfast
yet can I get a hello wonderful deep
divers let me share with you what’s
helped me along my journey upgrade my
mind and trust the universe it is all bs
belief systems
slow motion this side and once you
realize that you start to realize your
mind is the software and our body is the
computer and therefore every year we
need to upgrade the software otherwise
the output won’t be any good so this is
the year of manifestation to manifest we
need a new mind
we need new thoughts we need a new
vision there is something that I call
the mind plan have you ever come into
nature a place like this so lush in so
green or maybe go for a stroll along the
beach and you feel so at peace within
your mind that everything around you is
just beautiful you are cultivating the
mind plan because once you change your
environment you start changing your mind
there is something called epigenetics
and that is how our perception can alter
our DNA dr. bruce lipton the biology of
he’s been on infinite waters check out
that amazing interview right so I think
it Wow epigenetics our perceptions our
environment they all influenced our DNA
so to upgrade your mind start placing
yourself in uplifting environments in
inspiring environments because so long
as you are in environments which stunt
your mental growth
an environment see this also this also
includes people who trash talk you put
you down this also includes polluted
cities all the time
noise that is not how to upgrade your
mind to upgrade your mind take a walk
into nature every single day
surround yourself in a beautiful
environment yet the Fung Shui going the
water the wind in ancient China the in
ancient in ancient China they realized
how you place certain things influences
the energy around it just by changing
certain objects in a room you can
actually influence the energy in the
room slow motion this side there is
something that I call mind spa and mind
spa is mind relaxation what are we doing
right now what are you doing to get your
mind right but the mind spa I’m
listening to a lot of 4 3 2 Hertz music
the universal sound frequency I’m
listening to a lot of reggae music a
little bit of Bob Marley a little bit of
Samba to write classical music – that’s
the mind spa now I’m getting my
brainwave frequencies into the Alpha
state in other words I’m upgrading my
mind and trusting the universe slow
motion this side so relax your mind let
your conscience your conscience be free
how to upgrade your mind and trust the
universe mind food seven day vegan
challenge right
what are we feeding our mind not just
with what we are eating shout out to
everybody who’s eating a whole load of
grapes right now and cucumbers in
Ayurvedic medicine they teach that we
are only eating through our mouths we
are eating through all of our senses so
when you are watching something that is
not serving you you are also consuming
that energy you see to upgrade my mind I
realize that I have to eat well that
includes plant-based foods drinking
green juices right getting my greens my
fresh fruit but also eating well in
terms of what I’m seeing every single
day also what I’m listening to
also what I’m feeling around me all of
this has to be in my best interest to
help me become my greatest version how
to upgrade your mind and trust the
universe mind gym mind
exercise when was the last time you
memorized my whole video huh
mine exercise every single day like deep
divers do you remember when we had
address books and we had to memorize all
of those numbers well pretend we are
still living in that time that’s mental
exercise that’s how to upgrade your mind
and every single day that’s why I don’t
have any script for these videos right
I’m just exercising my mind what I call
work right it’s a lot of fun right now
right that’s how to upgrade your mind
set a new challenge every single day
learn something new that’s really gonna
test you change your routine because our
mind becomes stronger with every rep hmm
slow motion this side how to upgrade
your mind and trust the universe beat
divers was help me along my journey is
to realize mine power is real
I visualize myself being where I am
today and guess what it happened because
our thoughts create our reality
I’ve seen it firsthand so start to
believe in the power of your mind to
create your reality your thoughts are
potential realities what slow motion
this side how to upgrade your mind and
Trust the universe become a mastermind
and to master your mind it means
mastering your emotions which is the
energy in motion start becoming more
conscious of your emotions of your
thoughts okay and with greater
self-awareness you start to upgrade your
mind because now you get knowledge of
self how to upgrade your mind deep
divers and trust the universe
masta love right mind love that’s what I
cool start loving stop opening your
heart let the heart be infront of the
mind so now you’re not living you’re not
living in the ego anymore now you are
actually mastering the mind with love
because a lot of us we allow our minds
to rule us we allow the ego to rule us
and we have to allow our hearts to take
over right so start loving something
love a tree love the cat down the road
for goodness sakes just love something
that’s how to upgrade your mind and
trust the universe deep divers what’s
helped me along my journey is to realize
mind over matter is real ok ever seen
those programs where people get this
incredible strength from nowhere like if
someone stuck under a car they just lift
the car up where did that come from
that’s mind over matter our body can do
phenomenal things ever heard of the ice
man who’s just submerged under ice like
no top on how is he able to do that well
it’s mind over matter that’s how to
upgrade your mind and trust the universe
start believing in the power that you
are it’s impossible Ralph I’m possible
that’s what happens when you break down
impossible it’s possible how to trust
the universe how to upgrade your mind
deep divers what’s helped me upgrade my
mind every single day I’m minding my
business right a lot of us we have a lot
of distractions up here
and that’s why we’re not at our optimum
performance so every single day I’m like
let me mine my business and just stay
focused on where I need to be and that’s
how to upgrade your mind and trust the
universe are you focused today or are
you allowing yourself to be distracted
you see to trust the universe you have
to take care of today and tomorrow will
take care of itself how to upgrade your
mind and Trust the universe this is what
I call mind sleep and I do this by
meditating every single day spending an
hour in silence whoa breathing in that
good a spur on the baby
all of a sudden whoa I’ve got a whole
new mind I got new software I’ve got new
beliefs which are or inspiring that I
can do anything be anything can go
anywhere that’s how to upgrade your mind
and Trust the universe and once that
happens deep divers well you’ll just say
Phil so gets me a live baby can I get a
hello beautiful deep divers would just
wolf breathing in that good ass prana
baby upgrading our minds shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the amazing
good ass prana shuts out Ralph smart dog
calm slash clothes check out the new
book on Amazon for more information like
this feel alive by Ralph smart and deep
divers if you found this video inspiring
add me on Instagram right now at
infinite waters deep divers recognize
the power of your mind
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace
you you change your mind
[Applause] you

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