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How to Trust The Universe When Things Don’t Go to Plan

deep divers how many times have you been
celebrating waving your arms in the air
like you don’t care
doing a little samba baby and then all
of a sudden that happiness turns into
sadness that goodness turns into
ugliness and you’re looking a bit shaky
oh no Ralph it was all good just a week
peace and finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in nature baby you can hear those
beautiful birds tweeting away I’m
sending you tons of good energy take
that take that take that
we’re just whoof breathing in that good
Oz prana baby was it all good just a
week ago was it all good just yesterday
was it all good just an hour ago was it
all good just a few seconds ago and now
all of a sudden you’re looking a bit
shaky baby oh my deep divers are things
not going to plan right now you’re
scratching your head asking the universe
what just happened
I’ve got a great question that came in
deep divers if you’ve got a question
follow me on Instagram right now at
infinite waters so on us hi Ralph
how can I trust life when things don’t
go to plan well deep divers I know what
that’s like but after this video you are
going to be able to trust life even if
you are caught up in a tornado and we an
even had breakfast yet can I get a hello
hey now wonderful deep divers let me
share with you what’s helped me along my
journey to trust life when things don’t
go to plan deep divers how many times
have you received bad news just at the
same time you’re celebrating how many
times deep divers did you envision
yourself to be somewhere else how many
times deep divers did you envision
yourself to be somewhere else a place
much different from where you are right
now are you stuck right now are you like
Ralph help me I can’t get out are you
are you trapped in that deep dark sunken
place and things aren’t going to plan
did you enter a relationship and you had
big hopes for it and all of a sudden
things got ugly really quickly did you
have huge expectations for that job and
then you got that job and now it’s
making you really depressed deep divers
how to trust life when things aren’t
going to plan deep divers did you
envision yourself to be somewhere else
in the future
and now the future has come it’s the
present and you’re still in the same
predicament well deep divers was help me
along my journey is to realize this you
got to scream really loud oh that’s good
that’s a good stuff get it off your
chest you see what’s helped me along my
journey deep divers is to express myself
100% when things aren’t going to plan
when things don’t go to plan what do we
do we grit our teeth like that’s good a
bit more than that though that’s better
let me see your mean mug are you on the
toilet having constipation or something
let me see it again that’s good okay
because all of this is helping you to
release all of that blocked up energy
inside of you it is great to really
honor all the emotions you are
experiencing don’t sugarcoat how you
feel because depression is suppression
so if you are experiencing and facing a
life situation which is stressing you
out and you’re getting really annoyed
show the world how annoyed you are
I won’t judge you that’s the first start
though but deep divers have you ever
noticed that whenever you’re angry about
something it still stays the same now
it’s good you’ve released it it’s just
this beat divers no amount of anger will
change what has already happened hmm
slow motion this side you’re wasting
your energy so what I have is the sixty
second rule of getting worked up doing
the mean mugging and now we’ve got to
start taking responsibility for our
emotions because we can’t control what
happens to us but we can always control
how we respond so I love to find a calm
Center that’s how I trust life when
things don’t go to plan find a calm
Center how I do this is by whoa
breathing in that good oz piranha baby
deep divers I love to breathe before
count with me hold for four and then
exhale in harmony where did all of that
chaos go
nobody knows deep dive is what happens
when things don’t go to plan
a lot of us say I can’t believe it the
universe doesn’t care if you believe it
or not it has already happened so what’s
helped me along my journey is to really
believe it but realize this deep divers
you are not a victim of circumstance you
can become a co-creator of your reality
you see every single day
a lot of things are happening to each
one of us the only difference is how
you’ll respond if things are not going
the plan many of us we keep ourselves in
an arrested state of development we keep
ourselves stuck by staying in the same
environment but Ralph I feel like crap
so I’m gonna stay in my bedroom close
the blinds and close the windows and
just go to sleep because bad things are
happening Ralph deep divers that was me
when I was like 16 when things weren’t
going to plan and then all of a sudden I
had the massive metamorphosis the great
change that happened in my life
I said okay to trust life when things
aren’t going to plan I need to change my
environment and how I did this was by
going to an environment which was at a
higher frequency which was at a higher
frequency to me so that’s why I’m always
making videos in nature because nature’s
nature’s energy is so pure the Fung Shui
is so fantastic
look at these behind me right look at
that beautiful plan up there look at
those butts it’s paradise right here so
when things aren’t going to plan nature
always reminds me about the simplicity
of life that we live in a flash of light
life is short
even though we are immortal life is
short so you’re going to make the best
of it so if things aren’t going to plan
head to nature to gain a fresh new
nature will give you clarity nature will
give you hope the Diamonds now talking
of Hope how to trust life when things
don’t go to plan a lot of expectations
cause a lot of disappointments what’s
helped me along my journey deep divers
is to have less expectations expect less
and be pleasantly surprised a lot of us
we expect way too much some of us even
have entitlement well we expect
everybody to owe us something can give
us something and they don’t and things
don’t go to plan so if you can have a
child’s mind to say actually I’m gonna
be living in the present moment I don’t
expect anything else than what is in
this present moment that is how to trust
life when things don’t go to plan deep
divers how to trust life when things
don’t go to plan
a lot of us just imagine deep diamonds
your entire life is a book you are a
book okay you are a book you are living
book okay
now let’s just say you wake up one day
and things don’t go to plan you are a
page 333 now it’s not going to plan why
isn’t it going to plan Ralph but guess
what deep divers you got to keep turning
the pages until you get to 888 and then
things start going to plan mmm
slow motion this side mmm don’t get
stuck on the same page that is not
serving you let me repeat that don’t get
stuck on the same page that is not
serving you deep divers to trust life
when things aren’t going to plan learn
how to keep turning those pages baby
because guess what your story is not
over yet
guess what deep divers you can also
rewrite your story
guess what deep divers your story has
not even begun but many times we’re
focusing so much on all the bad things
happening that we forget about all the
good things happening what’s helped me
along my journey deep divers to trust
life when things don’t go to plan is to
find one thing at least every single day
that I can be grateful for tuck yourself
deep divers wait a minute oh oh yes you
are alive you woke up I used to work in
a hospital
I remember seeing someone in a coma
and it made me think that wow so many of
us we take life for granted this is a
gift and if you focus on gratitude today
no matter what is happening in your life
you are going to be able to overlook
that because you are gonna be able to
see you woke up and that is all that
matters that means you have
opportunities that means anything is
deep divers how to trust life when
things aren’t going the plan was help me
along my journey is to accept it accept
what is accept what is happening without
trying to change it accept it first and
foremost and then see if you can
actually change it maybe you can change
it by changing your thoughts by changing
your mind to change your world so accept
it then change it and then leave it and
this is one of the most powerful ones to
leave it many times what happens deep
divers too much pride
we’re fighting ghosts right now you see
if you are in the midst of a situation
which is not serving you many times is
great to abandon ship leave it and then
head somewhere else that you can
actually nurture yourself in you see
deep divers there is no shame in
quitting a job not serving you there is
no shame in leaving an abusive
so to trust life when things aren’t
going to plan learn how to trust your
own intuition how do we cultivate our
intuition by having a better
relationship with ourselves you see
what’s really helped me deep divers
trust life when things aren’t going to
plan is to go on the journey within this
is the greatest journey I’ve ever
traveled on the journey within I know
what Ralph’s like I know what Ralph
likes as well what Ralph dislikes
I know Ralph’s triggers right Ralph’s
strengths and weaknesses it’s time to
get to know yourself and I love being
alone to really know who I am and that’s
how to trust life when things aren’t
going to plan start forming the better
start forming the better relationship
with yourself deep divers how to trust
life when things aren’t going to plan
seven day vegan challenge now what
happens when things aren’t going to plan
when there’s a lot of chaos all around
us we start to eat chaos we start to eat
chaos we start to eat confusion we’re
like what’s that I don’t know I’ll eat a
carpet I don’t know what’s in this food
is full of acrylamide that causes cancer
who cares we’re gonna die anyway you
lose hope right now right deep divers we
have to become an alchemist in this
situation when things aren’t going to
plan this is the time when you have to
take care of yourself the most
this is pure alchemy fresh mangoes fresh
pears fresh oranges fresh dates
tangerines nectarines the Buddha bowl
acai bowls green juice arugula spinach
coconuts walnuts Brazil nuts this is the
time where we have to really we have to
really Oh baby embrace that plant-based
diet deep divers how to trust life when
things don’t go to plan realize that you
want in it alone many times we feel like
we are the only ones going through this
but deep divers I’ve got news for you
you are the only one other people may
not have gone through exactly what
you’re going through
but they can lend a hand they can share
with you their wisdom that helped them
to get out of a similar which helped
them to get out of a similar situation
so don’t feel like you are alone ask for
deep divers how to trust life when
things aren’t going to plan forwards
deep divers this too shall pass
keep saying that every single day that’s
bad things don’t last forever yeah but
also good things don’t last forever
nothing lost forever except the love in
your heart hmm
slow motion this side hmm that’s the
only thing that will last forever the
love in your heart deep divers how to
trust life when things aren’t going to
plan fight back
have you heard that expression fight
back when life is beating you up fight
back no no no another one smile back
that’s right
bring it on universe give me all you’ve
got smile life smile through the
confusion smile through the pain all of
a sudden you are transmuting the energy
transforming the energy becoming a must
alchemist and that’s how to trust life
when things aren’t going to plan smile
back at the universe if you wake up one
day and people are abusing you on your
phone oh my gosh what are they saying
about me Ralph just smile back deep
divers there are no accidents or
coincidences in this universe everything
happens for a reason the universe gives
us experiences
that will help us grow to become our
greatest version until we learn from
these experiences we will always get the
same kind of experiences it’s all a test
and that’s how to trust life when things
aren’t going the plan realize this deep
divers realize this you are becoming
stronger in the process you are
sharpening your sword three choices you
have right now give up pack up go home
right give up give in or give it all
you’ve got
how do you want to be remembered to
yourself because whatever we do now
echoes on into eternity to trust life
when things aren’t going your way when
things are falling apart when things
aren’t going to plan use this as an
opportunity deep divers to show the
universe what you’re really made of
oh I’m not falling down today and deep
divers don’t focus on falling down focus
on the comeback on rising back up put
all of your energy in that because that
will create your reality deep divers we
all fall we do not all rise but this is
an opportunity for you to rise to a new
frontier of greatness when things aren’t
going your way deep divers when things
aren’t going to plan realize your story
has not even begun and things will only
get better and then deep divers well
we’ll just say fill so get to be alive
baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart of nature baby just whoa
breathing in that good ah spur on a baby
shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the wonderful good Osprey shuts
at Ralph smart dog calm slash clothes
deep divers get the new book feel alive
by Ralph smart
Ralph smart calm slash the book also on
Amazon you got a question deep divers
one more daily inspiration follow me on
instagram at infinite waters deep divers
when things aren’t going to plan always
realize this too shall pass
have a beautiful day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
[Applause] [Music]

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