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HOW TO TELL IT’S REAL LOVE *life changing*

I love you you see deep divers that was
so easy to say but that’s a lot harder
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
beautiful day blue skies Sun beaming
through the cat down the road is naked
over there by the way deep divers I’m
sending you tons of good energy take
that take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
Oz piranha baby now deep divers are you
still not sure if you are truly in love
with someone I got a great question that
came in someone asks me Ralph how can I
tell it’s real love like I keep falling
in and out of love like it’s really hard
to know Ralph how do we all recognize
real love well alas deep divers after
this video you are gonna know real love
this is sexology water fire hot cold
yin-yang daddy’s home I’m back and went
even had breakfast yeah can I get a
Hello how to tell it’s real love deep
divers let me share with you what’s
helped me along my journey I started off
with I love you like in our society it’s
common for people to say I love you but
what does it really mean you see words
are easy actions take more effort
what slow motion this side hmm
say it again Ralph words are easy
actions take more effort now deep divers
I was in Brazil many years ago and I was
talking to older guy who was like love
does not exist love is an illusion
Alapai see so I’m just listening and
come to find out that this man had gone
through a divorce and his view of love
was that it does not exist
that was his perspective on love because
of his experiences me on the other hand
I beg to differ for me real love does
exist it’s just that in our society it
has become misconstrued you see a lot of
us we practice fish love we say oh I
love her I love him
what we really mean is that I want to
own them you want to own them like a car
like a house that’s not love you see
love has got nothing to do with
ownership love is about partnership mmm
slow motion this side mmm when two
people are in a partnership rooting for
each other every single step of the way
that is real love real love is not about
possession giving each other curfew
times not at all deep divers how to tell
it’s real love how to tell it’s real
love both of you are on the battlefield
together you see it’s easy for someone
to say I love you because you’re a
millionaire because you dress so good
because you live in a big house because
you drive rolls-royce or a Porsche
oh it’s so easy to say I love you
because that person can help you go
places but what about when they have no
money what about when they’re sick but
you still love them what about if they
didn’t have a YouTube Gold Award do you
still love them I know deep divers would
still love me even if I didn’t have a
youtube go to would cuz I love you too
right deep divers real love is when
you’re on the battlefield together they
celebrate they celebrate you they are
happy for your success but they’re also
there during the hard times and periods
of your life they’re there where no one
else is rooting for you they’re in your
corner deep divers how to recognize is
real love I talk of the water
relationship the water relationship is
all about transparency
anytime you lack honesty real love
cannot exist because the water
relationship is all about transparency
it’s all about honesty many times and I
counsel a lot of people people are like
Ralph I’m with this person they’re an
asshole what are you doing with them and
what are they doing with you to be
treated that way you see that’s not how
people who are in love talk about each
treat each other with respect compassion
care appreciation that’s what real love
is people who are in love never fall in
love they rise in love together deep
divers how to tell it’s real love are
you with someone right now and you’re
holding your tongue them is that you are
you suppressing your emotions are you
with them but you’re having second
thoughts that’s not real love you see
real love is when you never ever
suppress your emotions real love is when
you let it all out you tell that person
exactly how you feel about them and
about the situation deep divers how many
times have you experienced this a real
friend really loves you and they tell
you the truth they’re like take that off
or they’re like you shouldn’t have done
nobody else can tell you that only a
real friend can tell you that only
someone who truly loves you will tell
you the truth so austere self are they
telling me the truth or are they only
telling me what I want to hear are they
telling me the truth or are they only
telling me what I want to hear you see
how to tell it’s real love oh look at
his muscles Ralph oh look at her but you
see deep divers I love my early journey
I only thought I was just this just this
physical body just this body this shell
this vehicle no I am NOT just this body
I am so much more I’m a
multi-dimensional being having a human
I am the primordial life force energy
inhabiting this vessel deep divers
for when it comes to love to tell it’s
real love the body is the last thing you
fall in love with mmm what slow motion
this side
say it again Ralph the body is the last
thing you fall in love with you are
attracted to their energy you are
tracted to their energy or like oh I
love this person’s energy I love their
essence I love what they represent
I love the values they possess they hold
I love who they are as an infinite being
and then yeah I love their body too but
a lot of us in our society everything is
physical because everything is material
oh he’s got big muscles oh he’s really
tall oh she’s got a nice butt that’s the
physical connection then you have the
mental connection then the emotional
connection and the heart connection you
see to tell if it’s real love or not all
yourself do we share the same heart what
do we share the same heart because if
you do then it’s real love but if you
don’t then it’s not if you share the
same heart it’s real love if you don’t
then it’s not beat diamonds how to tell
Israel love vulnerability you can be
vulnerable with that person you can tell
them all of your secrets you can tell
them seven day vegan challenge I’ve been
a vegan I am a vegan I eat plants the
plant energy ie avocados pears dates you
can get personal with them you can tell
them about what happened to you during
your childhood you can loosen up around
them you can be silly around them you
can show them size of yourself you’re
not willing to show you’re not willing
to show anyone else
that’s how to tell it’s real love deep
divers you know it’s real love when you
trust that person and they trust you you
don’t have to hide from that person you
can put it all on the table because you
know they accept you and you accept them
how to tell it’s real love acceptance
they accept you you accept them holding
the space that’s how to tell is real
love if somebody can hold the space for
you if they can understand your silence
more than your words mmm
what stop it Ralph slow-motion this side
how to tell it’s real love if they can
understand your silence more than your
words then it’s real love because they
know you they accept you and once it
happens deep divers well you’ll just say
so get to be alive baby can I get a
hello there beautiful deep divers would
just whoa breathing in that good oz
prana baby get the good Oz prana shirts
deep divers Ralph smart comm slash
clothes get the new book feel alive by
Ralph smart on Amazon follow me on
instagram at infinite waters deep divers
have a beautiful day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace
you you know it’s real love when they
can touch you without touching you Oh
[Applause] [Music]

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