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How to Take of Yourself And Make Everything Fall Into Place

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby
Jurassic Park another wonderful day in
nature sending you tons of great energy
take that take that take that
now deep divers are you taking good care
of yourself or are you exhausted
are you exasperated are you burning
yourself out do you have a natural
proclivity to kind of wake up every
single day get stressed out and then go
to bed it’s time to start taking care of
yourself how to take care of yourself
when you are experiencing burnout deep
divers let’s just whoa breathing in that
good oz prana baby we’ve got a whole lot
to talk about deep divers become your
greatest version the only way to do that
is to take care of yourself someone
messaged me Ralph how can I practice
more self-care because I’m always
stressing myself out every single day
chasing my own tail is that you deep
divers well alas after this video you
are gonna be a self-care expert
massaging yourself pampering yourself
looking amazing and we even had
breakfast yet can I get a Hello so
wonderful deep divers let me share with
you watch out me along my journey take
care of myself when I’m experiencing
I know what it’s like I’ve been there
sometimes it’s exams student stress
sometimes it’s relationship stress
sometimes it’s work stress sometimes
problems at home give rise to burnout
give rise to exhaustion frustration
you’re looking a bit shaky baby and it’s
time to take care of yourself go back
deep divers and watch my old videos I
actually look a lot older than I do now
now people are like Ralph you 18 19 18
and a half right I’m looking younger
feeling better more energy I’m happy
what I’m doing because I’m taking care
it’s all about how you get there it’s
not about having the fame and the
fortune earn a million subscribers but
how did you get there what good is it if
you gain all the riches in the world but
you end up losing your soul in the
process mmm
slow motion this side so how I live my
life deep divers I’m never ever gonna do
something my soul does not agree with I
stay authentic I keep it real and that’s
how to take care of yourself when you
are experiencing burnout a lot of us we
want it quick and easy we are taking
shortcuts and we want the quick sprint
to get there to the finish line life is
not a hundred meter race it’s a marathon
and therefore you have to stop focusing
on a finish line and say actually how do
I feel in this beautiful life experience
am I happy in this relationship
am i happy in this job am i happy around
certain friends am i truly happy with a
life I’m living or am i deceiving myself
a lot of us we are pretending to be
someone we’re not we are living a double
life and that’s how to not take care of
yourself when you are experiencing
burnout because that is the catalyst for
your burnout so it’s all about enjoying
the step-by-step process every single
day of who you are becoming I’ve seen
this along my journey deep divers we’ve
got to put all of those things down
we’ve got to learn how to stop
multitasking a lot of us we’re doing a
million and one things at once
a lot of fuss we have a lot of
priorities we don’t have a priority mmm
slow motion inside mmm
we’ve got to stay focused out here you
see what’s freed me along my journey
deep divers is to say what is my main
priority as soon as I wake up and right
now that is to inspire people so I’m
taking care of myself because I’m
staying true to my main priority but
that also includes being in a loving
relationship taking care of my health
taking care of my family that’s all of
my main priority so I’m focusing on that
every single day I’m focusing on what is
most important I’m not chasing a check
the checks chase me uh-uh
how to take care of yourself when you
are experiencing burnout remind yourself
this deep divers remind yourself this
you don’t have to do what everyone else
is doing if people are unhappy in their
jobs complaining to you and you’re like
oh maybe I should do what they’re doing
no that’s a sign you shouldn’t and you
got to start listening to yourself every
single day you’ve got to become more
intuitive to start taking care of
yourself when you are experiencing
burnout start listening to your body
your body speaks in metaphors if you’re
if you’re not feeling well deep divers
if you’re always sick coming down with a
lot of feelings of anxiety depression
all the time that lifestyle is not
serving you because once again it is not
in your best interest
that was me along my early journey going
from job to job also studying at the
same time it was really burning me out I
had to make a change to say actually
it’s time to start doing more of what
makes me happy how to take care of
yourself when you are experiencing
burnout now this is what I call the
holiday effect okay this is what I tell
all my clients look
deep divers imagine the feeling right
now you’re on the beach of your dreams
white sand turquoise waters and you’re
like so happy what happens all of a
sudden you got a new swag all of a
sudden you feel so amazing now your
seven day vegan challenge you want to
drink a beautiful mango juice to go with
it okay ladies you want to get your
nails done get a pedicure get the
manicure going whoo looking fly because
because you’re on holiday because you’re
on holiday what happens you can read
that book feel alive by Ralph smart you
always wanted to read you didn’t get a
chance because you weren’t taking care
of yourself in the matrix but you can do
that when you’re on holiday so to take
care of yourself when you are
experiencing burnout start visualizing
you are on holiday that’s what we call
the holiday effect Home & Away we always
treat ourselves better when we are away
deep divers ever gone to a friend’s
house you take off your shoes at the
door you go inside you don’t want to get
anything dirty you’re on your best
the holiday effect away now you come
home you get home you put your shoes on
the carpet get everywhere dirty you
don’t care because it’s home no deep
divers to take care of yourself when you
are experiencing burnout you have to
find peace at home you have to make home
a holiday home and that’s what I do to
take care of myself in my home in my
home there is beautiful music playing I
got reggae playing classical music
playing beautiful Fung Shui got the bun
size out great energy inside the home I
feel fantastic and home is also a
metaphor for inside of me
I’m making sure I’m making sure I am at
peace with myself the greatest form of
wealth you have is your peace of mind
you have to wash yourself every single
day be honest with yourself am i
investing in my peace of mind okay
that’s the only hope you have to really
invest in your peace of mind you see
deep divers what’s helped me along my
journey to take care of myself okay to
take care of myself when you’re
experiencing burnout is to always make
sure you are honest with yourself always
make sure you are staying true to
yourself you see so every single day
I’m staying true to myself I’m honest
with myself saying actually this is the
life I chose this is the life I love
realize this deep divers you are
choosing everything if you are in a job
that’s not making you happy you are
choosing that so take responsibility for
your life take responsibility for what
kind of energy you’re putting out there
that’s the same energy you’re gonna get
back I see time and time again a lot of
people not taking responsibility for
their life you’re burning yourself out
because you’re being unfaithful to
yourself you start taking care of
yourself when you start becoming your
best friend when you wake up every
single day and you give yourself a big
hug when you start practicing self-love
when you start practicing
self-acceptance that’s how to take care
of yourself when you are experiencing
burnout sometimes
it’s good to quit Tellem Ralph sometimes
it’s good to give up if you are heading
for a cliff
stop right there press the brakes turn
the car around and realize it’s never
too late to turn the car around
that’s how to take care of yourself when
you are experiencing burnout even though
it’s killing me in the process that’s
not wise
that’s ignorance and wisdom is knowing
the full extent of one’s own ignorance
okay so we have to start getting real
with ourselves and say actually since
I’ve been living this certain lifestyle
has my health improved am i happier do I
have less anxiety keep a life Journal of
your emotions that’s how to take care of
yourself keep a life Journal of your
feelings every single day and start
monitoring yourself like a doctor would
okay how to take care of yourself
whoa when you are experiencing burnout
treat yourself every now and again by
those beautiful cherries you always
wanted to buy seven day vegan challenge
right go on holiday and that means it’s
all about becoming whole right now be
kind to yourself okay before you are
kind to the cat down the road that’s
great be kind to yourself you and you
alone have to live with you and you
alone you have to face yourself every
single day in the mirror and say
actually am I happy or am i miserable
and are and am i miserable and am i
pretending to be someone I’m not to take
care of yourself when you are
experiencing burnout
learn this the divers stop feeling
guilty of being kind to yourself stop
feeling guilty about treating yourself
every single now and again okay how to
take care of yourself
when you are experiencing burnout I’m
practicing eco therapy every single day
whoa whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby it’s good for my health I got
an amazing studio I love it but I know
nature is a lot more healthy for me
every single day making an active effort
to get out there go to the beach go
hiking come up to the hills create and
because I’m in a very harmonious
environment this energy now is being
absorbed into me I feel fantastic that’s
how to take care of yourself
go for a walk go to the park connect
with some friends who you really are
into start talking about really silly
stuff how to take care of yourself when
you are experiencing burnout prevention
is better than cure and if we can learn
this it won’t be too late I’ve been in
situations where I have literally burned
myself out gone to the doctor and say
I’m not well because of this was when I
was a student right I was studying so
much I forgot to enjoy life I forgot to
actually skate I forgot to go out with
friends all of that stuff now I learn
it’s all about balance we got a balance
our lives so prevention is better than
pure seven day vegan challenge every
single day I’m indulging in plant
medicine that’s right
plant medicine nature is so smart it put
the medicine inside of the foods hmm
slow motion this side
I’m investing in super foods Moringa
powder okay full of antioxidants cacao
okay full of tryptophan it’s gonna make
me feel better about myself and that’s
how I take care of myself when I’m
experiencing burnout okay so start
eating to live every single day now
let’s talk about self-love if we can
realize that that comes when we learn
how to put ourselves first a lot of the
times people are like Ralph I want to
help people I’m like can you help
yourself first you need help right and
that was me alone my Ellie Jenny I
wanted to help you but I actually
realized I had to help myself first you
can’t help anybody unless you are
helping yourself why are you giving
someone advice about how to make money
when you two are financially broke
doesn’t make sense so when I’m talking
to you I’m talking to you from a place
of actually manifesting creating a life
of infinite abundance over a million
subscribers I know what I’m talking
about that’s how to take care of
yourself when you are experiencing
burnout learn deep dive is how to fill
your own cup first let your cup runneth
and now you can help other people but
learn how to put yourself first learn
how to take care of yourself first
especially if you want to start
inspiring people now to take care of
yourself when you are experiencing
burnout it’s all about being honest with
ourselves and honesty comes in the form
of a big fat no or no or no I’m not
gonna do that
right honesty is all about staying true
to your emotions it’s not about
people-pleasing I see so many people on
one knee saying please like me please
love me ain’t nobody got time for that
to take care of yourself when you are
experiencing burnout learn to say the
big fat no when you don’t want to do
something never do something that your
soul does not agree with and the more
honest I became the more I realize I was
care of myself you have to take care of
yourself because you are all you have
okay I take care of myself every single
day deep divers because I know I’m
worthy for the best I didn’t come to
Planet Earth to suffer
I came to Planet Earth to be free I came
to Planet Earth to connect with
beautiful Souls I came to Planet Earth –
not just stress all the time but
actually to have a pretty good time and
that’s what’s happening in my life okay
because I’m realizing I am worthy a lot
of the times we’re not taking care of
ourselves because we’re not listening to
our body animal is very in tune with
their bodies because they are living in
the present moment a lot of us we are
not taking care of ourselves because
we’re thinking about the past what oh oh
we’re thinking about the future so every
single day
well I send to myself I become present
and now I’m taking care of myself
I’m listening to my body if I’ve got a
tight chest it’s because I’m stressed
out this is not good
I’ve got to start creating more balance
in my life to actually go out more go on
holiday more and that’s what I’m doing
every single year right enjoy myself
more go to the beach more go hiking more
connect with the cat down the road more
connect with beautiful deep divers more
and then just say feel so good to be
alive baby can I get a hello beautiful
deep divers sending you amazing energy
we’re just wolf breathing in that good
oz piranha baby taking care of ourselves
shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the amazing good asperatus
shirts Ralph’s smart comb slashed
clothes shout out to everybody who’s
been getting the amazing new book feel
alive by Ralph small Amazon had to
Instagram – if you got a question at
infinite waters
deep divers take care of yourself
goodness sakes infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you life is so much better when
you just hug yourself every now and again can we do that

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