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How to Stop People and Situations Destroying Your Peace of Mind

it was all good just the week ago it was
all good like just two days ago it was
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
another beautiful day in Jurassic Park
I’m sending you tons of great energy
take that take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby now deep divers do you
have someone who is very negative in
your life right now deep divers are you
dealing with a negative situation right
now which feels like you’re never ever
gonna get out of and was it all good
just a week ago was it all good just two
days ago was it all good just a few
seconds ago but now things have taken a
turn for the worst and you’re like round
will I ever get through this after this
video you will how to stop situations
and people from destroying your peace of
mind and we even had breakfast yet can I
get a hello
now wonderful deep divers let me share
with you
watch out me along my journey I know
what it’s like when you’re well-dressed
everything is going so well and then
someone gets on your nerves a negative
person comes into your life they’re
testing you right now and you’re looking
a bit shaky baby I know what it’s like
when everything was all good but all of
a sudden a situation came up and now you
want to pull out your hair now you don’t
know if you’re gonna come out alive
because this situation is so irritating
it’s draining your energy right now well
over the years deep divers I’ve learned
how to stop situations and people from
destroying your peace of mind it all
starts with this you have to realize
that you are bigger than any situation
you are also bigger than any person
trying to hold you back and trying to
pull you down mmm
slow motion this side you see what
happens when we are thinking
overthinking ruminating about a
situation that is negative a person that
is holding us back a negative person a
person who we are losing sleep over we
spend all of our time focusing on this
one person we spend all of our time
focusing on this situation and a lot of
the times it’s all about how this person
is destroying my peace of mind this
situation is destroying my peace of mind
so therefore it actually becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy I’ve realized
that over the years
Ralph smart yes you can learn how to
change your focus whenever deep divers
I’m going through a trying situation
whenever I’m dealing with someone who is
trying to pull me down I stop focusing
on that person because the moment you
focus on that person you breathe life
into them the moment you focus and you
keep focusing on that negative situation
you breathe uh life into it it does not
mean you have to ignore that person or
ignore that situation
it just means you now have to stop
focusing on something a little bit more
uplifting because that will in the end
create your amazing new reality I’ve
seen over the years deep diamonds that I
am bigger than whatever is happening to
me and life is never something happening
to you life is always something
responding to you it’s responding to the
thoughts you have it’s responding to the
words you use it’s responding to your
own energy so every single day to stop
people and situations from destroying my
peace of mind I stop externalizing my
power I take back all of the power and
say actually I am responsible for how I
respond I’m not responsible for what has
just happened because many times we
aren’t it doesn’t mean that we have to
see ourselves as victims though it’s
just that we are responsible for how we
deal with the situation we are
responsible for how we deal with a
person so if you can start to really tap
into your true power to say actually I
am bigger than this I’m not gonna let
this stop me I’ve got way too much more
living to do and so does the cat down
the road how to stop deep divers people
and situations from destroying your
peace of mind your peace of mind is the
highest form of wealth
stop it Ralph slow motion this side so
that means I’m investing in my peace of
mind every single day how do I do this I
come out into nature I practice daily
eco therapy I meditate I listen to four
three two Hertz music to get my
brainwave frequencies in the alpha state
so I’m gonna be more calm throughout the
day so when a situation seems unbearable
is gonna be a walk in the park when I’m
around a negative person I’m an
alchemist they are no longer negative to
me because I’m not focusing I am not
focusing on that person I’m taking all
of my power back and I’m focusing of
people I’m focusing I’m focusing on
people who I actually like who actually
who actually helped me along my journey
and I help them deep divers how to stop
people and situations from destroying
your peace of mind ask yourself every
single day deep divers do I want to feel
like this do I want to feel like a
victim every single day like do I really
want to feel like that or do I want to
feel like a hero of my own story you got
two choices
you can be like a victim you can be like
that person who everyone is picking on
situations are picking on you people are
picking on you and you’re totally
helpless or you can become the hero of
your story
you can triumph out of any situation
that is seeming unbearable right now and
that’s what’s helped me along my journey
I’ve chosen keyword chosen to be the
hero of my own story we have to move out
of this victim mindset I know what it’s
like many times life is going great and
then all of a sudden it takes a turn for
the worst sometimes in the forms of
undesirable people or situations
if you can realize you are never a
victim you are co-creator of your
reality and the best is yet to come I’ve
learned over time to be an alchemist
which is the art of making the best out
of the worst and never allowing
situations or people to govern your
internal condition we have to take
responsibility which is responding to
your ability of our emotions of our
feelings we have to take responsibility
for that of how we feel deep divers
don’t treat people as bad as they are
treat them as good as you are hmm slow
motion this side and that’s how to stop
people and situations from destroying
your peace of mind every single day say
actually I’m gonna keep my composure I’m
gonna remain authentic and I’m also
gonna rise out of this situation or this
circumstance which is not serving me but
what happens a lot of us we lose our
cool all of a sudden we get into react
mode I just want to scream right now I
just want to throw a chair around be
careful of the cat down the road okay I
told you that hey all of a sudden we
just were just into reacting ah we just
want to scream and that’s good up until
a certain point where now it actually
becomes detrimental to our own mental
health so instead of reacting I’ve
learned how to respond how you respond
to a situation literally has the power
to change the situation itself how to
stop people and situations from
destroying your peace of mind a lot of
the times people say Ralph should I just
be silent maybe that’s the best thing to
do because if I’m silent then they’ll go
away no many times you actually do have
speak your truth even if your voice
shakes you’ve got to learn how to speak
your truth even if your voice shakes
you’ve got to learn how to get it off
your chest
I’m never concerned about what other
people think of me if I’m dealing with
an undesirable person or a testing
trying challenging situation I’m gonna
express how I’m feeling that’s why I
make these videos right that’s why I
make these videos to get it off my chest
okay the more you can really express
yourself the more you can speak up even
if you are dealing with a person that is
destroying your peace of mind tell them
how you feel and then move on don’t just
bottle up all your emotions stop
suppressing your emotions because
depression is suppression it’s time to
get it off your chest
and that’s how to stop people and
situations destroying your peace of mind
7 day vegan challenge every single day
I’m eating a plant-based diet to become
mentally strong how do I do this by
daily fasting intermittent fasting right
but also check this out I don’t eat
dairy I don’t eat meat that in itself is
a fast right that’s discipline I’ve
learned over the years over the years to
let go of foods which weren’t serving me
that means I can also let go of people
no longer serving me and situations no
longer serving me so to really stop
situations and people destroying your
peace of mind learn how to practice food
discipline even if you really want those
greasy fries and that processed meat say
actually I’m gonna sacrifice that for
more health within my body and instead
you can eat a beautiful pineapple papaya
whatever it is but by you learning how
to let go of certain foods that aren’t
serving you you can also learn how to
let go of certain people that aren’t
serving you and situations deep divers
how to stop people and situations
destroying your peace of mind vibrate
higher vibrate higher you see the only
way negative energy can affect you is if
you are vibrating at the same frequency
we have to learn how to rise higher you
see I always say people sometimes write
to me deep divers yeah I was arguing
with this person for four hours around
and they’re a terrible person I’m like
wait wait wait a minute it takes two to
tango baby you also had a part to play
and that’s how to stop situations and
people from destroying your peace of
mind realize you also have a part to
play you want a victim and if you can
learn how to vibrate higher rise higher
those so called negative people or
situations will no longer affect you
because you are at a different frequency
and vibration what happens deep divers
when someone’s mean to you
you are also mean to them back many
times with the reptilian brain okay
just very reactionary I’ve learned that
actually stop copying other people who
are mean to you stop mimicking them stop
imitating them because it’s a temptation
there I know just like when it suits you
just like deep divers just like this
when a situation is really crappy we
become like really crappy but we have to
learn how to become an alchemist if
someone is negative towards us we still
got to smile at them a lot of people say
rather how come you’re always smiling I
say because it’s good for my health
right so stop imitating people who are
negative towards you or situations and a
negative towards you learn how to keep
your own authenticity smile even when
you’re in a storm and that’s how to stop
people and situations from destroying
your piece of
now once again realizing we are never we
are never victims okay
we are never victims we are never ever
victims of circumstance we have to see
what is this bringing out of us if you
put a glass of water on the table you
bang it down water is gonna shoot up
meaning that if someone gets on your
they are only bringing out of you what
was already there mmm what slow motion
this side so we have to start working on
what they are bringing out of us all the
unresolved issues that they are
highlighting within us we have to start
working on it I remember back in the day
when I would have really hard situations
to deal with and people to deal with it
would make me feel a certain way
irritated annoyed and now then I’m like
actually this is good thing because I’ve
got to work on my emotions on the way I
feel I’ve got to find more inner peace
right so that’s how to stop people and
situations from destroying your inner
peace from destroying your peace of mind
start working on what they are bringing
out of you choose to respond instead of
react how I respond is just by wolf
breathing in that good ass prana baby
in a very calm way choose to not let it
destroy your happiness and every single
day are making sure I’m taking care of
myself mentally emotionally and
physically and that means happiness has
to be at the forefront so you have to
say is this really worth it is it really
worth me losing sleep over this okay
never allow someone to have that much
power over you because whoever angers
you controls you is time deep diamond’s
to stop externalizing your power realize
you will overcome any situation
and any person that is destroying your
peace of mind and then well you just say
don’t get to be a live baby can I get a
Hello hey beautiful deep divers we just
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
baby I won one Ralph shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the amazing
good ass prana shuts Ralph smart calm
slash clothes
check out the new amazing book on Amazon
feel alive by Ralph smart giving a few
away on instagram at infinite waters
deep divers have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you it
looks like we got our peace of mind back yeah you

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