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problems yeah I’m talking to you can you
disappear for like two seconds please
thank you thank you very much
no don’t come back here again get away
see symfony waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep diamonds we are
here I hope your day is going good
I’m sending you a lot of problem free
energy right now take that take that
take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby did you wake up with a
mind full of problems do you always wake
up with a head full of problems that
seemed insurmountable relationship
problems money problems work problems
self identity problems food problems a
whole lot of problems Ralph
well alas deep divers how to stop
dwelling over problems you cannot fix
immediately now that’s the question that
came in deep divers let me actually read
the question word for word because I
love you that much they asked this Ralph
I love your videos how do I stop
dwelling over problems
I cannot immediately fix I tend to worry
compulsively and spiral into a hole when
I can’t immediately wipe our problem
that could end up being a more severe
problem later on so I wanted to know how
I can find peace while I’m trying to
calmly make action to fix it whoa that’s
a powerful question that’s a powerful
question deep divers and we’re not even
had breakfast yet can I get a hello
there how to stop dwelling over problems
you cannot immediately fix now deep
divers let me share with you us helped
me along my journey I remember growing
up and always having problems hanging
me hanging over my head just like
standing there I’m like what are you
doing their problem go away and then
another one came I’m like both if you go
away then three came and I’m like three
if you go away and then four came yeah
they kept doubling and it wasn’t fun now
do you find yourself worrying about
something that is looming over you
are you afraid about the future and what
it holds
are you afraid and worried about where
you find yourself in life
do you have anxiety today well deep
divers was help me along my journey to
stop dwelling over problems I cannot fix
right now it’s the focus on what I can
change right now you see we can’t
control everything and this is why a lot
of us spend so much time ruminating
because we are trying to fix things
which are beyond our control
you see we don’t control the external
world seven billion people we don’t have
control over that
I can’t control what you’re gonna do
right now
don’t do a moonie at me deep divers
that’s not nice but I can control my
attitude to any situation that is not
serving me to any circumstance that
seems unbearable I can always change my
attitude towards it I can always change
how I respond to a situation which
actually has the power to change the
entire situation itself hmm
slow motion this side I used to dwell
over problems all the time but I
realized that I don’t control problems I
control solutions that’s right say it
again or else I don’t control problems
because a problem can come out of the
Woodworks like where did you come from
problem but I control the solutions
I am the remedy to the problem so focus
deep divers on the internal rather than
the external because what has already
happened has already happened in fact it
may not have even happened yet you could
be ruminating on something that hasn’t
even happened yet you can only control
how you feel about what is happening so
what I love to do every single day is
just to take five minutes just in pure
silence meditation
well breathing in that good ass prana
just being thankful just say I woke up
Thank You universe cuz now I can
actually eat a whole bunch of grapes
seven days vegan challenge full of full
of resveratrol deep divers sometimes I
wake up and I’m like it’s so horrible
what is happening to animals on planet
earth did you know deep divers over a
hundred and fifty billion that’s right a
hundred and fifty billion animals are
slaughtered every single year now this
breaks my heart because there’s nothing
I can do to control that wait a minute
wait a minute what I can control though
is what I’m doing in my life and I
choose not to eat animals because I love
animals and I feel every life-form
deserves a chance at life so I’m doing
my part that’s how to stop dwelling over
problems you cannot fix right now do
your part you can’t change everything
you can only change yourself once you
change yourself you will inevitably
change the world deep divers how to stop
dwelling over problems
you can’t fix right now deep divers
everything and this is what I’ve seen
along my journey is in divine order I
always say the universe knows what is
doing is been here longer than you
mm slow motion this side hmm and yes we
also the universe because we are
Stardust I know everyone you see is
gonna take a loss I’ve taken major else
L Ralph yes so are you you see a problem
can arise at any time in all of our
lives we have to realize it’s not
personal to stop dwelling over problems
that you can’t fix right now realize
this too shall pass
the beautiful thing about problems is
that they pass away
thank goodness deep divers
however they stay if you hang on to them
through your focus you can choose to
hang on to problems and make them stay
around for a long time or you can change
your focus on something else and let go
of the problems what you focus on
creates your reality you see deep divers
a problem isn’t all that bad you see
what’s helped me along my journeys to
realize this deep divers a problem is
nothing more than a potential
opportunity to learn something new
hmm what slow motion this side
say it again Ralph a problem is nothing
more than a potential opportunity to
learn something new if you have a lot of
problems you might as well learn from
them grow from them become better from
them become stronger from them never
allow a problem to define who you walk
why because you are so much more than
deep divers how to stop dwelling over
problems you cannot fix right now
occupy the present you see a lot of us
as soon as we wake up we’re on this oh
what help me along my journey is to
learn how to be present with Who I am
you see worry doesn’t exist in the
present moment anxiety can never live in
the present moment because all anxiety
emanates from the desire all anxiety
emanates from the desire to escape the
present moment so we have to be as
grounded as we can as present as we can
realize this the worst has not happened
yeah that’s how to stop dwelling over
problems you cannot fix immediately the
worse has not happened yet deep divers
I’m a dream I’m a Pisces so a lot of the
times I’m overthinking what’s gonna
happen tomorrow what’s gonna happen in
two weeks but the worst has not happened
yet more so allow the worst to happen
and then tell me how you feel you see
once it’s happened we stop worrying
about it
we’re only worrying about what we think
is gonna happen but it hasn’t happened
yet so deep divers realize what you are
worrying about what you are afraid of
has not even happened yet give yourself
a head start and say what is the most
empowering thought I can have right now
what I call making the next best move
even if you do have a problem looming
over you say this the divers what is the
next best move what is the most
empowering action I can take right now
what is the most empowering thought I
can think right now and all of a sudden
you stop dwelling or look all of a
sudden deep divers guess what you stop
dwelling on all of those problems and
then deep dive as well you just say oh
so get to be a live baby can I get a
hello beautiful deep divers were just
wolf breathing in that good ass prana
baby it feels so good to be alive oh you
like the oh baby get the good ass
prana shirts deep divers at Ralph smart
calm slash clothes get the amazing book
feel alive by Ralph smart on Amazon
follow me on instagram at infinite
waters deep divers whirring is a misuse
of your imagination have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace
you War II War II where did you go it
just disappeared right now
[Applause] [Music]

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