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How To Stop Being Jealous – Techniques To End Jealously Forever

is there some being deep divers who
you’re like they are way too cool way
too rich way too successful so beautiful
that’s not fair Ralph and that being
happens yes you guessed it happens to be
the cat down the road
peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
I hope your day is going good but I use
the jealous type are you like that is so
unfair who does she think she is and who
does he think he is and now you’re
feeling you’re being left out deep
divers how to stop being jealous
techniques to end your jealousy right
now I’ve got a great question that came
in from a wonderful young lady who’s
like Ralph I’m jealous I have the trait
of jealousy and I haven’t found a way I
haven’t found a way Ralph to overcome it
yet please help I love your videos how
can I stop being jealous deep-dive is
less just well breathing in that good
ass prana baby take that take that take
that positive energy I’m sending you by
the end of this video
you are going to stop being jealous and
we even had breakfast yet can I get a
Hello now deep dive is less dive
straight into it let me share with you
what’s helped me along my journey to
stop being jealous techniques that have
helped me and jealousy and jealousy once
and for all
now if truth be told I’m not the jealous
maybe because I’m a Pisces however I
have been jealous at times I’m human we
all have twists an extent now check this
out deep divers
when you are jealous of someone else or
something did you know that the region
of the brain that’s affected
is the same region that you experience
schadenfreude er schadenfreude er
okay what is schadenfreude er that is
when you take pleasure yes out of
someone else’s misfortune many people
who are jealous don’t want to see people
win now the first way to stop being
jealous to end jealousy once and for all
is to realise why you are jealous the
Trinity of jealousy you feel threatened
competition for resources right many
times jealousy appears in relationships
jealousy can appear in the family
structure if you feel threatened you
will feel jealous many times and then if
you feel inferior to someone else that’s
also what gives rise to jealousy and
lastly fear of something or someone who
is valuable to you ie the cat down the
ie your partner and that’s why jealousy
creeps up in people’s relationships
don’t look at her
don’t look at him right people want to
control you ownership when you feel you
own someone you will be jealous if they
are coming out of your grip in your
grasp so look at it like this deep
divers to stop being jealous and end
your jealousy stop thinking that you own
people if you are in a relationship with
someone instead of ownership think of
how to stop being jealous deep divers
the second technique to end jealousy has
helped me along my journey is to admit
that you are the jealous type now that’s
fantastic you are like Ralph I’m jealous
you are already on your way to not being
jealous ever again fantastic you have to
own your jealousy you see nobody can
make you feel jealous I don’t I don’t
care how many Rolls Royces they have
okay no jealousy is created by your
thoughts and reactions to a situation so
to stop being jealous to end your
jealousy you have to become more
self-aware keyword aware why am I
thinking these thoughts why do I feel
this way get to know yourself know your
triggers and now you are closer to
ending your jealousy deep dive is what
is a third secret that’s helped me along
my journey to stop being jealous to
end-to-end jealousy instantly
many of us we are jealous when there is
scarcity when things are running out and
then other people have them we’re like
that’s so not fair right that’s so not
fair Ralph what about me
FOMO fear of missing out that’s what
gives rise to jealousy a lot of the
times so as soon as you wake up you go
on Instagram oh my gosh look at this
person oh my life is so boring no Ralph
you’re melting down right now because
you feel you feel threatened because
everybody else seems to be doing a lot
better than you and now you can’t take
it look at you you’re mad right now
looking a bit shaky baby scarcity if you
can move into the mindset that there is
more than enough to go around
you can now end your jealousy once and
for all I once believed deep divers that
only a few people could be on top now I
believe that everybody can be on top we
can all shine together hmm
slow motion this side seven day vegan
challenge everybody eating a plant-based
diet knows that
there is more than enough food in the
local farmers market to go around
correct exactly asparagus dates
pineapples peaches strawberries and some
cranberries of course right we all can
eat everybody can eat you are jealous
because you feel that no only one person
can eat
no I’m here to tell you we all can eat
we all can get rich together we all can
be in love we all can be happy we all
can be healthy there is more than enough
to go around because abundance is the
natural state of the universe deep
divers what is the fourth way to stop
being jealous powerful technique – and
jealousy today consider your
insecurities consider your insecurities
consider your insecurities a lot of us
we love to trick ourselves into thinking
that we are so secure now a lot of us we
are insecure and this is where jealousy
comes from insecurities when we don’t
trust someone we get jealous what are
they doing who are they texting then
they still love me am I good enough we
start doubting ourselves we start
doubting our own abilities this is what
gives rise to jealousy if you are a
jealous person it is because you don’t
believe you can succeed by yourself rest
in paradise the xxx fantasy on now when
I heard the news somebody some people
shot him in Florida I was like gosh that
is terrible then I realized it was
because of jealousy you see the people
that shot him didn’t believe they could
be successful by themselves you see what
jealousy would make you do it will land
you behind bars in prison that’s why you
don’t want to be a jealous person
because jealousy will lead to rage rage
creates an awful amount of problems for
in the long run because it moves you out
of balance so realize that actually I do
have a unique spirit I am unique I can
achieve what they I can achieve what
they can achieve if someone else is rich
I too can be rich without hating on that
person we both can be wealthy together
we both can be healthy together if they
have a beautiful wife or husband I too
can get one or just married the cat down
the road right right I too can get
whatever they have but in my own unique
way so start really realizing that it’s
all inside you believe that you can make
it today and you will never ever be
jealous again believe in your own
jealousy is a sign of weakness deep
divers what is the fifth powerful way to
overcome your jealousy to stop being
jealous this technique works all the
time learn to be alone then learn how to
be happy being alone you see the reason
why a lot of us are jealous is because
we are constantly comparing our lives to
other people on Instagram and other
social media apps comparison is the
greatest thief of joy you have to feel
whole within yourself you have to learn
how to have a better relationship with
yourself to stop your jealousy sometimes
that could mean leaving certain friends
because a lot of people if you are like
oh I always have a lot of friends Ralph
but I’m jealous of them what kind of
friendship is that learn how to embrace
yourself learn how to enjoy your own
company learn how to be happy alone now
all of a sudden you realize how much you
possess you’re thankful for what you do
possess you’re not coming from a place
of lack you are coming from a place of
abundance so learn how to go solo
sometimes you don’t always need to be
surrounded by a lot of people if that’s
gonna make you jealous learn how to be
comfortable in your own skin
learn how to love yourself learn how to
accept yourself but more so learn how to
appreciate yourself and others
appreciate yourself to stop being
jealous and then appreciate other
people’s unique differences and their
deep divers is how to stop being jealous
the five most powerful techniques to end
jealousy right now and once you do that
deep divers well you’ll just say Phil so
beautiful deep divers were just whoa
breathing in that good oz piranha baby
get the good Oz praana shirts at Ralph’s
smart dog calm / clothes get the feel
alive book Ralph’s smart dog come / the
book but a question follow me on
Instagram right now at infinite waters
jealousy begins to disappear when you
can admit you are jealous and then
realize that you have everything you
need inside of you have a beautiful day
leave divers infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay healthy peace
you jealousy jealousy jealousy ain’t
[Applause] [Music]

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