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How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Energy

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again here we are in nature is beautiful
the birds are singing how to stop
absorbing other people’s energy other
people’s junk how do we neutralize
ourselves I say every single day I am
not in this world to live up to your
expectations you do your thing and I do
mine and if by chance we meet that’s
beautiful but if not well that can’t be
there are a number of tools I deal with
when we talk about not absorbing other
people’s energy you have many people
around the globe who are very sensitive
some people call them psychics I say
everyone is a psychic
we just have varying degrees of
sensitivity the very sensitive people
are able to read other people’s minds
when they’re not even speaking they can
go into a room and they just attract all
of this energy they feel what everyone
else is feeling in the room this can be
a great gift to be able to feel
especially in a desensitized world but
how do we protect ourselves especially
the people who are very sensitive to
other people’s energy
I found five ways that work for me I’m
going to share them with you first of
all we have what we call the intuitive
empath empathy is different from
sympathy empathy is the ability to
recognize other people’s emotions
sympathy is feeling compassion other
empathy is feeling into other people you
place your mind into this and you feel
many people who are very sensitive we
call them the intuitive empath so how do
we stop absorbing other people’s energy
and junk here are the five ways number
one remember you can’t please everyone
except not everyone is going to like you
once you can get past that you don’t
absorb other people’s energy because
everyone on this planet is here for a
different reason they’re living their
own unique life journey some people will
love you some people will hate you there
are no positive or negative people there
is only resonance resonance is the key
factor we have to pay attention to but
you cannot please everyone please love
me please be my friend you have a lot of
people in the world who are too nice
they always say why the nice people
finish last there’s nothing wrong with
being nice it’s more important however
to be yourself
once you stay true to yourself you don’t
absorb other people’s energy because you
are loving yourself 100% you are
accepting yourself 100% for who you are
if people don’t like it too bad they can
hit the road
I’m sorry number two a great way how to
stop absorbing other people’s energy is
the invitation choose whether or not you
want to be invited to where this person
is going to take you nobody can enter
our Dominion which is your inner Kingdom
which is a universe in itself without an
we attract every single person into our
lives we have to see them many of us we
leave food food is the invitation for
people to come in into the house when
there’s no food at anybody’s house no
one’s over there however once your
next-door neighbor has a great banquet
of food everybody’s over there so we
have to remember that we are consciously
or unconsciously inviting people not
absorbing other people’s energy is to
remind ourselves of this every single
day we have the power within to choose
whether or not we want to invite this
person into our temple which is
essentially within ourselves number
three do not pay attention a lot of
people are called energy vampires an
energy vampire is someone who uses your
energy to survive in essence it’s a
parasite a parasite can only live on the
host body they call it paying attention
for a reason because everything in the
universe is a process of exchange the
universe is a great business man or
woman that is the law of nature the law
of exchange when you pay someone
attention you are in essence giving them
energy so we have to change our focus to
stop absorbing other people’s energy
whatever you focus on grows energy
vampires work
by making you think of them thoughts
energy therefore they steal your
thoughts energy is money therefore you
feel exhausted after thinking of them
just the thought of them alone tires you
out we have to remember where we pay
attention are we focusing on what we
want or are we focusing on what we fear
we have what I call and coined the
emotional drive-by
this is where people they absorb your
energy by dumping their energy on you
like a garbage trash can and then they
just drive off that is the emotional
drive-by be careful of the emotional
drive-by let it go
do not become the trash can for someone
know your Worth know your value do not
allow anybody else to give you value
that is how to stop absorbing other
people’s energy essentially we have to
let go of society’s expectations
number four breathe just going into
nature can purify your senses you get
the Chi circulating around you you feel
light you feel fun you feel free you can
meditate whatever you want to do
meditating is not just sitting under a
tree in a lotus pose it can be dancing
singing purify the water within yourself
change the water become fluid like the
water become like the butterfly have you
ever wondered why you can’t catch a
butterfly a butterfly is sensitive but
it does not absorb your energy that’s
why you can’t catch it because it’s wise
it is very light but it is moving around
so fast
therefore the trick and the secret while
you’re breathing you are speeding up
your vibration the more you slow down
the more you absorb other people’s
breathing increases the blood flow
circulation around the body the more you
breathe you feel calmer you stop
absorbing other people’s energy
keep your head up the secrets of body
language how we carry ourselves in the
world say so much about how we see
you are inviting people to steal your
energy walk with confidence with
self-esteem to know that you are worthy
you are deserving
don’t let anybody make you feel inferior
because in essence there is no one
greater than yourself when the
caterpillar is there consuming all of
the food becoming very greedy it is
absorbing a lot of energy therefore it
can’t move becoming lighter is the only
way to fly and stop absorbing other
people’s energy
keep it moving just like the butterfly
become an alchemist become a transformer
we have to change our internal condition
before we can change our external
condition that’s the secret
lastly number five take responsibility
for your internal condition your
feelings how you feel inside is how you
project yourself externally the body is
the unconscious mind become aware of
your body how do I feel ask yourself
to stop absorbing other people’s energy
once you take a hundred percent
responsibility you realize that it’s not
the other person’s problem it is your
problem for you to take care of how you
feel at any given moment within the day
we live in a world of infinite
possibilities of infinite creations of
infinite expressions therefore the
universe gives everyone a job we have to
remember that nature has a sense of
nature is sending people into our lives
to test us your greatest adversary is
your greatest friend the people who are
draining our energy don’t give them
power because what you fight you give
energy to tap into your authenticity a
hundred percent take responsibility that
you are co-creator we are creating our
own reality based on thoughts and
feelings everything is based around
perception the perception we have of
ourselves is greater than the perception
other people have us that is the secret
become aware that once you change your
perception you change your reality that
is how you stop absorbing
other people’s energy perception coming
from the Latin Pacific meaning the
apprehension with senses everything is
based on how we see ourselves that is
the secret of perception it all lies
within us our image we have of ourselves
how do you see yourself am i a victim
because once you see yourself as a
victim then you give other people power
over you therefore you stop absorbing
their energy
nobody has power unless you give them
power how do you see yourself that is
the only thing that matters you can’t
change what other people think of you
therefore you fly fly past other people
let go of fear today fear is false
evidence appearing real
many of us are stuck in fear to move
past fear we have to embrace ourselves
for who we are
it’s not about fitting in on the planet
please like me please be my friend
through indoctrination subliminal
programming mind control many of us from
childhood are told we have to fit in we
have to be the same act the same dress
the same love the same things no we
don’t we have to be who we are a hundred
percent be yourself love yourself the
more you connect with yourself the more
empathy you can show to others many
people who embrace nature they activate
their pioneer gland which is the seat of
your intuition so now you pick up
everyone’s feelings their emotions you
project yourself into their own
personality it’s liberating but if you
don’t know how to stop absorbing other
people’s energy it can become a problem
many people in society are cognitive
misers this is where they choose not to
worry about anybody else many people
there pioneer glands are calcified
through the fluoride in the water
bad food diets also choosing not to
become aware that we are living in a
world of infinite possibilities all of
this calcifies pineal gland so many
people do not show em
because they choose not to some people
have called them psychopathic some
people have called them desensitized
people we have to remember when we talk
of not absorbing other people’s energy
essentially we attract what we are we
have to place ourselves in environments
which boost our spirits which raise our
vibration and frequency light attracts
like many people when they absorb our
energy it’s not a negative or positive
thing because we have given them
permission everything in nature is based
on a symbiotic relationship there’s a
relationship between the Sun and the
everything is based on sharing in nature
so to stop absorbing other people’s
energy we have to say is this person
making me feel good and am i making them
feel good
is that an equal exchange of energy here
or is it just lopsided on the scales one
person is just taking all of my energy
we have a choice of where we want to be
of where we place ourselves in this
universe the power lies within you we
have to remember we are worthy you are
worthy to have the most limitless
expansive brilliant existence why are we
spending a whole day ruminating on
someone who is insignificant we have to
move past that let it go
brush it off the secret to stop
absorbing other people’s energy is to
change what you tune into many of us are
watching so many hours of television
which tells lies to your vision we have
to tell our own vision tell our vision
that’s what we should change it to
programs Jerry Springer hasn’t been on
for ages but talk show programs we’re
absorbing all of their problems when
they’re talking about their
relationships all of their problems some
of it may be beneficial which is
beautiful but a lot of the television
programs are there to keep us distracted
to keep us like programmed robots
zombies drones wake up the human brain
is a giant antenna a transmitter and a
receiver of information therefore we
have to be conscious of what channel we
are tuning into
that is how to stop absorbing other
people’s energy change your channel
change your focus just like a TV if you
don’t want to watch a program you change
the channel so you don’t have to take in
that energy the secrets of nature are
revealed in every aspect of our life if
only we would look women connect to the
universe through their womb which is the
Stargate it is in essence the gateway
between two worlds spirit and matter
many women feel through their wombs it
talks to them it is their seat of
therefore to stop absorbing other
people’s energy other people’s junk
women have to learn how to protect their
womb Kotov 8 the womb place it in
healing energies go to nature take a
walk take a swim jump up and down feel
alive we have to feel alive to stop
absorbing other people’s energy most of
all we have to say to ourselves we are
worthy you are worthy live breathe enjoy
that’s a secret many nice people feel if
I am polite that’s all I need to get
through life no we have to be direct and
true with ourselves say what you mean
and mean what you say be yourself the
power of no that will get you far in
life say it with confidence
set energetic boundaries once you can
say no to people with confidence you
stop absorbing everyone’s energy
people’s energies you don’t want to
absorb a lot of really nice people they
deny themselves the truth because they
want to make everyone feel happy so they
don’t want to say no to anyone they
don’t want to hurt people’s feelings and
upset other people in essence they upset
themselves by refusing to listen to
their inner Oracle which is their heart
right here in nature I hear the birds
singing their song is one of harmony
sound is a great way to stop absorbing
other people’s energy everything is
based on vibration sound is vibration
music is the universal language once we
can heal ourselves through sound
listening to music that uplifts our
spirits it helps us to remain neutral we
have to remain neutral salt water if you
live near the ocean go and take a swim
salt water can keep all of your cells
neutral water changes the structure of
your DNA intuition comes from the Latin
intuitive which means to look at to gaze
upon therefore the more we connect with
ourselves the more we begin to notice
the intricate designs of nature it is a
tremendous gift to have a deep intuition
however we have to remember
how to protect ourselves from harmful
energy remember to have fun smile you
cannot catch a butterfly even though the
butterfly is sensitive it has learned
and mastered the secrets of the universe
because it is flying so light so free so
powerful we have to become that
butterfly sensitive but at the same time
protecting ourself from harmful energies
the power is within you
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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