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How to Stay Positive When Things Fall Apart

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again we are out here in nature
baby the ocean is that way gorgeous day
today how to stay positive when things
fall apart has I ever happened to you
like one minute everything is going so
great next minute you’re on your us
let’s just whoa breathing in that good
oz prana baby
and you’re trying to stay positive now
do you like my new haircut I always got
the same low fade so I come out of the
barbershop and I’m like whoa I’m looking
so fresh and fly I can really impress
you beautiful deep divers you pee then I
walk to my car parking ticket oh are you
trying to take away my moment of
greatness that’s not fair sometimes
that’s life life is the good yeah the
bad oh no and the dawn right ugly oh no
someone wrote to me saying that Ralph is
not looking so good for me things are
falling apart how can I stay positive
I’m not happy where I’m working I don’t
know my true purpose I’ve got
relationship issues my oh my that’s a
we even had breakfast yeah can I get a
hello let me share with you once helped
me along my journey beautiful deep
divers to stay positive when things fall
apart because my oh my
things are gonna fall apart it’s
inevitable but you are gonna be strong
enough to deal with them because I’m
gonna share with you ten fabulous steps
that have helped me that has helped me
along my journey now it was all good
just a week ago I saw you smiling
chillin dancing woohoo what happened now
you’re on your us okay it was all good
just a week ago right what’s helped me
the first step is this you have to
change how you respond life is not
something happening to you it is
responding to you your words your
thoughts and your actions things are
gonna continue to happen to you but the
only thing that matters is how you
it’s not about reacting to situations to
people that aren’t serving you it’s
about learning how to respond to
situations to situations which are
pretty awful right so when life is not
going your way don’t react cuz it’s only
okay do that that feels pretty good but
if you keep doing that reacting now you
are losing your energy your power you
are allowing you are allowing the
outside world to control your emotions
you have to become an alchemist and turn
this whole situation around baby to stay
positive don’t let the world don’t let
the world take away your beautiful smile
smile again for me oh that’s great so
I’m learning to change how I respond
there’s a difference between reacting
and responding responding is where this
is a practical example okay a crappy
situation comes my way ah no responding
is where you’re like okay let me see
what’s the best I can do right now let
me just take a deep breath whoa of that
good ass piranha baby now I feel a lot
calmer I feel a lot calmer to deal with
the situation at hand and now I’ve got
my smile back right so what once I saw
the parking ticket I was like who cares
I’m a millionaire anyway kind of what’s
the second step baby to stay positive
when things fall apart it was all good
just a week ago now you’re on your ass
Oh No remind yourself that you are doing
the best you can and be proud of
yourself don’t talk down to yourself
this point in time this is the time when
you need to encourage yourself to say
actually you’ve got this you’ve got this
you’ve got this even the cat down the
road is saying you’ve got this because I
know what it’s like when things aren’t
going your way when things are falling
apart you kind of tend to blame yourself
for it and sometimes you have to say
I’m innocent universe I’m innocent I
didn’t do anything then the universe is
gonna be like don’t worry I’ve got your
back life is not easy and being a human
is not easy but realize you gotta not
talk down to yourself at this point stop
blaming yourself for whatever you did to
stay positive start patting yourself on
the back like that that’s better
don’t worry I’m gonna make you a nice
chamomile tea soon that’s good what’s
the third step to stay positive when
things fall apart now I know what it’s
like sometimes life can get really rough
ugly and you’re like why is it happening
to me and the universe is like why not I
want to make you stronger from this
experience so I’ve learned you got to
learn from the lesson more from whatever
you are going through there’s a lesson
inside of it doesn’t help you okay check
this out then your inner world
determines your outer reality slow
motion this side what’s sad again Ralph
your inner world determines your outer
reality so to stay positive when things
are falling apart into little pieces
scattered everywhere across the planet I
feel sorry for you don’t worry because
you’ve got this you are now gonna start
becoming an alchemist where you make the
best out of the worst and you you never
you never ever allow external events to
govern your internal condition baby baby
isn’t that beautiful right so realize
that the outer reality you are
is coming from your inner world so
you’ve got this just start moving more
into your true authentic self by saying
actually I’m not gonna focus on the
world out there for one second I’m gonna
focus on inside and changing inside to
change outside and that’s how to stay
positive when things fall apart what’s
the fourth step let’s go to ten check
this out
seven day vegan challenge I’ve realized
this you have to rely on a positive
healthy meal at this time ever been in a
bad mood deep divers and you’re like I’m
not gonna enjoy myself with this organic
carrot cake right now I’ve been so bad
I’m just gonna eat a cheeseburger you’re
supposed to be doing the seven day vegan
challenge I know Ralph but I’ve been so
bad and I don’t care about myself right
now right I’m gonna eat all the foods
not a bad for my health every time you
eat or drink you are either helping your
body or hurting you slow motion inside
what’s helped me to stay positive when
things are falling apart when it comes
to food is to realize this I can’t
control everything in my life that’s
happening to me on the outside but I can
control what I put into my mouth what I
put into my body and that’s a whole
bunch of grapes full of and those
s gonna prevent cancer full of
I can control
bringing my butt into Whole Foods and
buying a whole load of watercress I can
control going to the farmers market and
staring at that strawberry like it’s my
future wife I love you baby don’t need
me Ralph I’m sorry I’m gonna have to
because you’re looking so juicy right so
you can control eating a healthier
plant-based diet when everything is
crumbling on the outside you can control
what you put in the inside to make you
feel better on the inside to change your
outer reality what’s the fifth step to
stay positive when things fall apart
I’ve realized this that life is full of
contrast black/white yin-yang hot cold
yes it’s full of contrasts and the only
way that’s helped me to stay positive
when things fall apart is to allow the
contrast allow the good experiences and
the bad experiences without judging them
but actually realizing they are both
needed because now when you are going
through a really hard time you now
appreciate the really good time are you
spent with Ralph smart on the beach
talking about the cat down the road yeah
you’re gonna appreciate that now right
so sometimes you need bad stuff to
appreciate the really good stuff right
life is full of contrast allow the flow
when things fall apart what’s helped me
is to become whole now when I’m talking
of this
it’s about fusing both poles together
you see a battery it’s got positive and
negative but it’s the one force to stay
positive when things fall apart
you have to fuse both poles
together to become one force okay
the negative and the positive once you
don’t judge them if once you don’t judge
what’s negative or positive it’s only an
experience that that you can learn from
there’s only a lesson in it okay so
that’s what I do now I have a balanced
perspective that’s what happens when you
become whole you fuse the positive and
the negative together now you have a
balanced perspective to stay positive
when things fall apart it’s all about a
different perspective this perspective
right now is not serving you many times
when things are falling apart
we take our magnifying glass and we look
at everything that is falling apart
oh my gosh it looks you Ralph put the
magnifying glass down now it looks a bit
smaller that’s good then get a
bird’s-eye view and get a different
perspective about what is happening to
you then you realize oh my gosh now you
have a more balanced perspective and
that helps you to stay positive when
things fall apart
what’s the seventh step to stay positive
when things fall apart what’s helped me
along my journey baby baby is to find a
calm Center because my oh my I’ve been
through some pretty heated experiences
like I’m a Pisces naturally I’m cool I’m
good I’m a water sign but sometimes
people they get under my skin they get
under my skin sometimes experiences get
under my skin I don’t know what to do
right now I’m about to go crazy and I
hear a small voice from the cat down the
road Ralph
yes breathe in that good Oscar honor
okay cat down okay cat down the road
let’s do it well breathing in that good
Oscar on a baby right so I’m all about
finding a calm Center once you find a
calm Center which is really
how you start transforming the outer
world which is actually only a
reflection of what is taking place in
your mind based on your perception
perception creates reality so I’ve
learned this find a calm Center and now
you deal with whatever is troubling
whatever is troubling you you deal with
that in a very calm way and you’re now
still positive nobody is taking away
that beautiful smile
I paid a million dollars for it what is
the eighth the eighth sign baby baby to
stay positive when things fall apart it
was all good just a week ago whatever
happened nobody knows dance in the storm
get your Samba on baby I need to go back
to Brazil by the way but to heal de
drink some acai then I’m good look dogs
in the storm that’s why I love being a
cuz I can always dance in a storm right
I’m a water sign I’ll be dancing in the
water to look when things aren’t going
your way when things are crumbling when
it seems like the world is coming to an
end show the universe what you are made
of you will be tested I’m always tested
as soon as I make a video I always get
tested on that video I know kind of
weird right
life will continue to test you but guess
what you will continue you will continue
to become stronger baby now your
Superman your superwoman
you ain’t even had breakfast yet right
dance in the storm show the universe
that hey you’re an alchemist baby do the
opposite of what you were originally
gonna do and show the universe that you
aren’t a quitter you are winner no you
didn’t win the lottery but don’t worry
keep playing you might win one day
what’s the ninth step to stay positive
when everything is falling apart what’s
helped me along my journey is to remind
myself everybody and I mean everybody
takes losses there’s winds and there are
losses everybody is gonna take a major
loss you’re gonna lose big you are gonna
lose big time because one minute you’re
gonna be super high next minute you’re
gonna be super low that’s why sometimes
it’s good just to stay low right stay
stay grounded all right that’s what I do
look everybody is gonna take losses but
you don’t have to allow these losses to
define you and now you can still remind
yourself why you started that’s how to
stay positive when things are falling
apart remind yourself why you started
who you’re doing it for I’m doing it for
the exactly let me hear that kind of
talk baby right remind yourself why you
started you are not gonna be beaten
by parking ticket what’s the tenth step
to stay positive when things fall apart
beautiful deep divers was help me along
my journey is to remind myself this if
everything is falling into little tiny
pieces it reminds me that this is my
opportunity to come back even stronger
like I’m a Pisces which means that I’m a
master of comebacks
ask any Piscean they’ll tell you just
when the world counts just when the
world counts them out they come back
with the most epic comeback in history
it’s amazing right so count me out I
want people to count me out because you
are gonna see me come back so much
stronger right so I’ve been through a
lot of crazy stuff in my life but I’ve
always come back because in my heart I
always know that I am an infinite being
right and that’s how I stay positive
when things are falling apart I realized
that hey I’ve been through a lot of
stuff in my life and I’ve always managed
to somehow get through it
so who says I can’t get through this
nobody so I get through it and that’s
how I stay positive and well I just say
feel so good to be a live baby can I get
a Hello
Oh beautiful deep divers we are out here
chillaxing in the heart of nature just
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
baby getting high and that’s how to stay
positive when things fall apart have a
beautiful day deep divers it is a
beautiful day out here infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace you oh no I just got
another parking ticket who cares [Laughter]

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