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How to Stay Positive and Keep Your Vibration High When Everything’s Falling Apart

peace and Finnick waters diving Zeke
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby I
hope your day is going good as you can
see I’m surrounded by leaves and it
seems like everything is falling apart
in a good way ok but what happens if
everything is falling apart in a bad way
what happens if it seems like everything
just crumbling around you and you are
losing control of your life what happens
when it’s hard to smile when it’s hard
to keep your vibrations high because
everything around you is falling apart
deep divers we are out here in the heart
of nature baby and I’m gonna help you
put yourself back together how to stay
positive and keep your vibrations high
when everything around you is falling
deep dive is less just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby now does it
sometimes feel like deep divers your
whole entire life is falling apart break
up the job you hate it seems like
nothing is going your way and you are
losing control of your life ok so
somebody asked me that like how can we
stay positive
how can we keep our vibration sky high
when everything just seems to be falling
well deep divers after this video the
cat down the road is gonna put you back
together and we even had breakfast yeah
now wonderful deep wonderful deep divers
I Got News for you
I’ve been there I’ve fallen apart
scattered everywhere and I know what
it’s like sometimes when one bad thing
happens another bad thing happens and
it’s like a domino effect but if you
flip it around when one good thing
happens also another good thing can
happen it’s just that when you are when
your entire life is falling apart what
happens deep divers you only focus on
the bad things and therefore you attract
more bad things to happen so what I love
to do is even if life is falling apart
I’ve got to focus on something that is
actually going right because the more
you focus on that tiny thing that’s just
going right that will create a domino
effect for everything else to fall into
place mm-hmm
slow motion this side many of us we are
in resistance we are afraid to surrender
we are afraid to lose control deep
divers I’ve got news for you
relax nothing is under control we don’t
control anything outside there we can
only control and change how we respond
to it so what’s freed me along my
journey is to allow myself to have a
meltdown allow yourself to cry allow
yourself to get mad allow yourself to
express how you’re really feeling if
everything is falling apart
no deep divers this is not the time to
start faking a smile mmm my life is
great no it’s not
admit it allow yourself to fall apart
and then remind yourself that wait a
minute wait a minute
I’m still here that’s right you are
still here you might have lost your job
you might have gone through a breakup
Oh tuck yourself baby oh yeah you’re
still here that means you have another
chance at life
hmm slow motion this side so I realize
along my early journey when you change
one area of your life all the other
areas change when you change your focus
you get a new perspective and that’s
what I’m asking you to do deep divers
today change your focus if everything is
falling apart now it’s up to you to
start changing your focus because
whatever you focus on grows you see when
many many years ago deep divers my life
was falling apart I thought you see it’s
all a perspective I thought it was
falling apart because I didn’t have the
job I wanted I saw my friends like
traveling around the world and I’m like
I’m still stuck in this crappy job right
and I’m like it’s never gonna happen for
me you see you got two things to say
deep divers when everything is falling
apart it’s never gonna happen for me or
it totally is gonna happen for me and
each one of them is gonna start creating
a wave of change in your entire life
just because it took you longer and it’s
taking you longer than other people to
get where you need to be it doesn’t mean
you have failed that’s how to stay
positive that’s how to keep your
vibration high when everything is
falling apart everybody is gonna fall
apart it’s all about how you put
yourself back together though and that
means you have to change how you respond
to everything happening to you never
feel like a victim life is not something
happening to you life is responding to
you to your words your thoughts your
actions your attitudes therefore you
have supreme power of how you respond to
a situation which literally has the
power to change a situation itself
you see how I keep my vibration high
because deep divers like let’s face it
we all go through stuff but I’m proud of
how far I’ve come and every challenge I
overcome I put it in my challenge
journal and I’m like Ralph be proud of
you overcame that experience you
overcame that circumstance right you’ve
got to be proud of yourself even though
things may not be perfect now they don’t
have to be and you don’t have to be
positive either you got to keep it real
it’s great to be positive it’s more
important to be real and express
yourself with how you’re feeling but
then ask yourself is this really helping
me become my greatest version this
attitude I have if everything is falling
apart if I feel like a victim if I stay
if I stop if I stop turning in on myself
is that really productive no it’s not so
what I love to do is to start rooting
for myself is to start praising myself
to say actually I know a better day is
coming right now all I got to do is just
find peace in the present moment if you
take care of the present moment the
future will take care of itself
slow motion this site ego says when
everything is perfect I will be at peace
Spirit says be at peace right now and
then everything will be perfect mm what
slow motion this side how to stay
positive and keep your vibration high
when everything is falling apart deep
divers you have to stay focused at all
times because many times when everything
is falling apart it may throw your focus
so you have to say every single day as
soon as I wake up what kind of activity
am i doing to keep in balance for me I’m
playing the guitar when I’m playing the
guitar I’m tuning myself too I play at
432 Hertz okay so ask yourself with your
daily routine even though everything may
be falling apart around you what is the
one thing deep divers you can do that
brings you a sense of balance go and do
it that’s what the cat down road is
telling you right now if he’s walking if
he’s going to the beach if he’s hiking
allow yourself to do that right now deep
divers you see I know what it’s like for
me when everything was falling apart I
was getting a bit desperate baby I was
looking a bit shaky baby and what I
realized is that when everything is
falling apart we’re really desperate and
sometimes desperate times can make us do
desperate things
and I learned that to stay positive and
keep your vibration high when everything
is falling apart don’t allow desperate
times to make you do desperate things
have some damn respect for yourself huh
right so for me it was all about
realizing that this too shall pass if
everything is falling apart it doesn’t
mean that it will continue to fall apart
no storm can last forever baby you need
to now collect yourself gather yourself
and then find your balance find your
your inner peace okay and then start and
stop coating your inner peace okay and
then call a friend call on me call
somebody who you can talk with who you
can express yourself to like the cat
down the road
a good friend get it off your chest and
then seven day vegan challenge to keep
your vibration high and stay positive
when everything is falling apart like I
always say if you’ve got 99 problems
don’t be the hundredth one allow
plant-based food seven day vegan
challenge to help you take away some of
your problems so when you’re drinking a
beautiful cold-pressed mango juice full
of vitamin A it kind of like makes your
problems seem kind of small because this
mango juice is so delicious right now
you can’t think of anything else allow
yourself to be pampered allow yourself
more self-care especially when it comes
to food and diet allow yourself to have
a beautiful nutritious kale salad
arugula leafy greens so you’re gonna
feel amazing about yourself once again
now you’re bringing yourself back
together because you are creating more
inner wellness within yourself okay so
take responsibility for what you’re
eating right now eat better to feel
better you see many times when
everything is falling apart what do we
do we’re like oh oh well who cares let
me just start eating junk food no deep
divers take this time out to eat the
best what I love to do when everything
is falling apart is to come to nature
recharge allow myself to rest without
guilt and say I’m gonna come back even
stronger and then just say feel so it’s
be life baby can I get a hello beautiful
deep divers you are truly amazing wit
just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby
allow yourself to breathe in the good
ass prana when everything is falling
apart shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the good ass prana much
Ralph smart calm slash clothes wonderful
deep divers if this video inspires you
get more inspiration on Instagram
infinite waters big divers have a
beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you allow
everything to fall apart and then allow everything to come back together

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