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How to Spot Someone’s Hidden Motives and Real Intentions (4k)

deep divers when people talk to you like
this what goes through your mind hi
so you’re like okay what is it you want
from me that happens to me like all the
time like what is your hidden motive
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
beautiful day we’re just whoa breathing
in that good ass prana baby
I’m sending you tons of sunny energy
right now take that take that take that
how to spot someone’s hidden motives do
you have someone in your life and you’re
still not sure their true intentions
what do they want from me Ralph
are you asking yourself that today well
after this video you are going to be
able to spot someone’s hidden motives
with the help of the cat down the road –
and when even had breakfast yet can I
now wonderful deep divers let me share
with you what’s helped me along my
journey spots someone’s hidden motives
right so a lot of the times their voice
changes so hi Ralph
that usually means they’re asking me for
fifty thousand dollars for ten thousand
dollars they want something from me
right deep divers to spot someone’s
hidden motives it’s all about the way
they make you feel right and many times
if you feel negative emotions that is
your gut talking to you our gut is
actually a mini brain it has hundreds of
of neurons just like our brain mmm slow
motion this side so if you feel a
certain way when you’re around someone
that’s how to spot someone’s hidden
motives pay attention to your emotions
which is the energy in motion you see
deep divers was help me as well along my
journey is when someone comes out of the
blue into my life and they’re like Ralph
I know you I’m like I don’t know you
though we don’t know each other like who
the is that guy shout-out to Conor
McGregor right he said that someone was
asking him a question about which
opponent do you fear the most right now
and someone from the back on set it’s me
I will knock him out and Conor McGregor
was like who the is that guy right
and the hidden motive here is be wary of
people who come out of the blue who come
from nowhere and they’re acting like
they know you acting like they’re an
authority figure in your life and you’re
like who the are you
right I’ve seen this deep divers many
people who are just around when you are
famous or have money that’s how to spot
someone’s hidden motives like when did
you come into my life oh you came into
my life when I had a Rolls Royce
oh-ho I get it now right oh did you come
into my life when I had nothing because
now you know that’s the real person but
to spot someone’s
hidden motives always realize that how
you feel in your gut is a clue to what
they really want from you every single
day deep divers I say to myself
intuition thank you
intuition trust your vibes they do not
trust your vibes they do not lie the
first thing that you feel about a
situation or about a person is real for
you that’s how to spot someone’s hidden
motives many times as well a lot of
people have sweet-talked right they’re
like hi Ralph hi Ralph
so right there voice changes once again
the tone of their voice changes like we
do it as children right when we want
something we change our voice mom and
she automatically knows that you want a
whole bunch of great seven day vegan
challenge full of resveratrol yeah right
sweet talk okay a lot of the times
people say really nice they say really
nice stuff to you so they can get what
they want okay
that’s how to spot someone’s hidden
motives is someone nice to you all of a
sudden they’re kind to you all of a
sudden that usually means that they want
something if that’s very unusual
behavior for them
so notice how they change towards you if
they’re changing suddenly and then
they’re asking you for something it’s
just fake it’s just temporary right how
to spot someone’s hidden motives many
times we come across people who are
never satisfied right and many times
people are always asking for stuff then
you get it to them you’re like okay I’m
gonna be kind to them cuz I’m a I’m a
kind person right you give it to them
deep divers then guess what they asked
for more MORE yes more can I have more
sir yes more they want more more more
more MORE so that’s how to spot
someone’s hidden motives if people are
never satisfied by what you’re giving
them they always want more because you
haven’t actually given them what they
actually truly want then you realize
you’re dealing with someone who doesn’t
have your best interests at hand and the
exit is that way deep divers that way
that way right how to spot someone’s
hidden motives this is why I call this
is what I call one foot in the door so
many times over the years people have
asked me for favors Ralph like someone
just asked me well can you let me like
seriously like can you lend me like
thirty thousand dollars I don’t even
know this person I’m like I can’t with a
cat down the road can right
but before that they were like Oh Ralph
I’ve got a free ebook for you right
so the they’re like Ralph I’m doing you
a favor but can you lend me $30,000
right that’s what I call small favor
and now they want a big favor mmm what
slow motion this side
that’s one foot in the door that’s how
to spot someone’s hidden motives just
like people who are really friendly
because they want something it’s not
real right so beware of that deep divers
beware of that now talking of the 7 day
vegan challenge fellas ladies shout out
to everybody who is going plant-based
this year you look fabulous I’ve been a
vegan for over 14 years ok now a lot of
women write to me they’re like Ralph I
was dating a guy and he went vegan for
me but then we broke up now he’s back to
eating he’s back to eating meat Ralph
right that’s how to spot someone’s
hidden motives because sweetie
he wasn’t vegan in the first place he
was just vegan to get some us slow
motion this side right so what I call
pretend vegans
they’re just vegan because they want to
date you right that’s how to spot
someone’s hidden motives when it comes
to food right shout out to everybody who
is going plant-based the cat down the
road is so proud of you everyone who is
eating delicious pineapples and acai
bowls right how despot
someone’s hidden motives they are not
happy for your success like if you are
going places in life things are taking
off for you you’re starting your
business you’re in a new relationship
but they’re like they turn their head
like that deep divers cuz they’re not
really happy for you
they’re like so what right if they’re
not happy for your success that’s how to
spot someone’s hidden motives because
they want you to do well but not better
than them hmm
what slow motion this side hmm
you see genuine people are happy for
your success because your success
doesn’t take away from Nass okay how to
spot someone’s hidden motives trolls if
someone is trolling you you never see
their face though is what I call no
trace and no history but they’re trying
to interact with you that’s how to spot
someone’s hidden motives because this
person can’t even show their real
identity okay so once again you know you
know you’re dealing with someone who is
not really sincere but if you have
someone in your life who is always
showing you who they are showing their
face their authenticity now you know
okay this is someone that’s real right
if people keep changing the story of who
they are okay one of the four agreements
is to be impeccable with your word be
impeccable with your word but if someone
keeps changing the story about who they
are oh I work here I work for Bill Gates
I work for this I work but they don’t or
I have like 50 million dollars I can
give you but they don’t I’m a model for
Versace but they aren’t right that’s how
to spot someone’s hidden motives they’re
lying to you and we know they’re lying
because of body language clues okay a
lot of times when people are lying they
can’t look you in the eyes that’s how to
spot someone’s hidden motives are they
making eye contact or aren’t they right
is their voice kind of breaking up it
means that they’re lying to you right Oh
does that voice make you feel wrong and
now you know this is the real person so
there you have it deep divers that is
how to spot someone’s hidden motives
surround yourself with people who remind
you who you are
surround yourself with inspiring beings
and once you do deep divers well you’ll
just say feel so good to be alive baby
can I get a hello my intentions for you
is just a woof breathing in that good oz
prana baby just to breathe in that good
oz prana baby
right shout out to everybody diving deep
gorgeous day shout out to everybody
who’s been checking out the amazing good
oz prana shirts a Ralph smart dog come
slash clothes check out the amazing new
book on Amazon deep divers feel alive by
Ralph smart
if you found this inspiring add me on
instagram at infinite waters deep divers
you are truly appreciate it and I don’t
want anything I don’t want anything from
you okay because true love is the act of
giving have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you true
love is the art of giving it is the act
of giving not receiving
[Applause] you

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