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How to Spot and Stop An Energy Vampire

deep divers have you ever been around
someone who just makes you feel tired
exasperated exhausted you leave a
conversation with them and you’re like
hey hey hey where did my energy go yeah
you were just in the presence of an
energy vampire and I’m awfully sorry
they don’t give refunds
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here in the amazing art gallery another
beautiful day
I’m sending you tons of good energy take
that take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
oz prana baby how to spot an energy
vampire deep divers we got a whole lot
to talk about
do you know someone who is an energy
vampire and you’re like Ralph what am I
going to do about it
is someone stealing all of your energy
right now and you feel totally helpless
well after this video you are gonna feel
so empowered because we are gonna go
through all the ways to deal with an
energy vampire so when you see an energy
vampire you’re gonna be like no no
energy vampire not today ain’t nobody
got time for that especially when when
even had breakfast yet can I get a hello
so wonderful deep divers let me share
with you what’s helped me along my
journey deal with energy vampires now
what is an energy vampire what is an
energy vampire an energy vampire is a
being another human who steals the
energy of other humans and we all know
one of those people
it could even be us okay the cat down
the road can be an energy vampire at
times but it’s learn to snap out of that
okay so do you know someone right now
deep divers who is in your life and
whenever you are around them you feel
tired just even the thought of them
makes you feel tired yes you are dealing
with an energy vampire
so along my journey I started to spot
energy vampires key things that energy
vampires do an energy vampire lives off
the energy of other people and they do
this by stealing your time your time is
the most valuable asset you have it’s
what I call drunk talk ever been around
someone deep divers who’s always just
talking your era and you can’t get a
word in there like so this happened here
and that happened there and this
happened here and that happened there in
two hours later and they’re still
talking and you haven’t spoken you
haven’t said anything and afterwards
you’re like Ralph I feel so tired right
now yes you have been in the presence of
an energy vampire but I’ve got news for
you can’t just blame the energy vampire
because nobody can steal your energy
without your permission hmm what slow
motion this side you have the power and
it’s time to be more confident it’s time
to assert yourself it’s time to say a
big fat no or stop right there energy
vampire I know my rights right that’s
how to deal with an energy vampire and
really become your greatest version
energy vampires want one thing and that
is your attention look at me they want
all of your attention deep divers do you
know someone who as soon as you wake up
they just want to argue with you for no
you’re like it’s too early for this and
they want to get in they want to get in
with you they want to get in and get off
with you verbally of course they want to
go back and forth with you verbally of
course they want to piss you off
verbally of course you see energy
vampires work in a very subtle way many
times they don’t use physical forces
they play mentor mind games with you and
emotional games with you
that’s what energy vampires do they get
in your head they manipulate you then
they steal your energy and I’m awfully
they don’t give refunds hey where did my
energy go they took it that’s where it
now over the years I found amazing ways
to deal with energy vampires don’t give
them your time and don’t give them your
attention let go of anyone deep divers
who is not serving you today cut them
out of your life now many times energy
vampires they oh yes they can spot you
empath there you could no no you can’t
hide from them they know you’re an
empath and they go to you because you
have a lot of blood inside of you that
they want right so a lot of the times if
you are an empath very compassionate you
want to help people like I do right I’m
a Pisces so energy vampires know me from
like a mile away
but they forget I’m a wizard duh right
so anytime an energy vampire is around
they don’t get too close why because I
set up healthy energetic boundaries
reduce your contact with energy vampires
limit the time you spend with them no
more than five minutes that’s too long I
beg your pardon
no more than 60 seconds that’s more like
it okay so you can still help them but
just for a limited amount of time cuz we
got other things to do right deep divers
right that’s how to deal with energy
vampires okay how to spot energy
vampires distractions is someone
distracting you from your true life
purpose today that is an energy vampire
you see energy vampires don’t have any
energy of their own they need your
energy to survive they are parasites and
they get your energy by you focusing on
them through distractions mindless
entertainment drama gossip this is
energy vampirism at its finest now what
you do the solution here is to stay
focused you see you got to occupy your
game you got to be so focused that no
energy vampire they can’t even come
close to you
right you gotta shine so bright that
their negativity can’t affect you you
got to vibrate higher now energy
vampires don’t know what to do and they
definitely can’t feast on you how to
spot an energy vampire seven day vegan
challenge now energy vampires also come
in the forms of food right different
kinds of foods junk food that’s energy
vampirism processed meats right
processed meats which cause cancer
that’s energy vampirism that’s energy
vampirism because it rubs your whole
body of all its nutrients that’s energy
vampirism it makes you feel crappy
that’s energy vampirism so what I did
the solution was
eat healthier every 35 days our body
makes new cells from the foods we are
eating we are literally what we eat
so what once once we are eating to live
deep divers more leafy greens fresh
salads kale arugula now we’re getting
our antioxidants up we’re feeling great
now awfully awfully sorry to say but
energy vampires cannot survive inside of
your body anymore why because you’re
just too alkaline
to many live enzymes are in there for
them they got to go they got to go out
of here how to spot an energy vampire
and what to do about it many times
energy vampires what happens they try to
bring you down
they tried to trash-talk you they say
you are no good because this makes them
feel better many times energy vampirism
can take shape in narcissistic people as
well they come in the form of
narcissistic people so you have to
really realize this deep divers every
single day don’t put up with people who
try to put you down and only surround
yourself with people who are good for
your mental health
once again all relationships we should
have they have to be reciprocal 5050 at
least 60 40 but not 90 10 where you’re
doing all the work and then someone’s
just taking all your energy okay energy
vampires how to spot one is that they
steal our happiness
and what we have to do about this is to
realize that once again nobody can steal
your happiness without your permission
choose not to allow yourself to be
around these kinds of people who steal
your joy and your happiness you deserve
so much more and every single day I say
no I don’t have time for energy vampires
subtle tricks energy vampires play is
that they Gaslight you okay this is
where they are like you’re making stuff
up you’re making stuff up in your head
and this is what narcissistic people
also do right so you’ve got to really
say no I’m not going to entertain these
kinds of people I’m also gonna find my
voice I’m gonna say no to people realize
deep divers it’s okay it’s okay
believe it or not the same no to people
it’s okay to cancel commitments it’s
okay to turn down invitations all in the
name of protecting your inner peace why
because that is so much more valuable
than everything else so there you have
it deep divers that’s how to spot an
energy vampire and what to do about it
realize Smila energy vampires they can
no longer affect you shine brighter they
can no longer affect you but more so
realized that nobody can steal your
energy without your permission
so therefore protect your energy space
and then deep divers well you’ll just
say well so get to be a live baby can I
get a hello beautiful deep divers choose
your environment wisely as well there
are no energy vampires in here last time
I checked have a beautiful daily divers
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
oz prana baby oh you like the show shout
out to everybody
who’s been getting the amazing good
asrani shirts Ralph smart dog
come slash clothes check out the new
book on Amazon deep divers feel alive by
Ralph smart get more daily inspiration
like this on instagram at infinite
waters deep divers you are appreciated
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you nobody
can steal your energy without your
permission protect your space

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