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How to Send Someone Mental Telepathic Messages

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again magnificent deep divers we
are out here in the heart of nature baby
absolutely gorgeous day we got the Sun
out we got blue skies and clouds
we got the wind like singing a really
beautiful song with leaves swaying in
the background okay it’s all happening
right now we are about to dive deep into
telepathy today have you ever wanted to
send the cat down the road a mental
message well now is your chance how to
send someone a telepathic message deep
divers let’s just whoa breathing in that
good ass piranha baby it is all about
telepathy do you want to know more about
the power of telepathy do you want to
communicate with someone who isn’t even
in your presence they could be like a
thousand miles away do you want to send
someone a mental message well now is
your chance we are about to dive deep
into this ancient science of telepathy
and we an even had breakfast yeah can I
get a hello
now wonderful deep divers let me share
with you was help me along my journey
how I send people mental messages all
the time
telepathic messages all the time now
first of all we have to understand
that’s right we have to Ennis tan that’s
we have to over stand that’s right that
we are all energy in human form and our
mind is powerful beyond measure our mind
is a transmitter and receiver of
information which is energy everything
is energy slow motion this side so
telepathy is a Greek word meaning
meaning feeling so with telepathy
you can now communicate with someone who
is like six thousand miles away and you
can send them a mental message because
you’ve lost your phone again for the
20th time
okay so telepathy is so cool and I’ve
been practicing telepathy for many years
and I’m gonna show you how it works
and anybody can do this you see it all
goes back to ancient Egypt in the
mystery schools they realize that
everything is connected and because
everything is connected it means we can
always be in communication with
everything and everyone around us
slow motion this side now let’s go
quantum space is the construct that
creates the illusion that there are
separate objects the ancients have
always known that everything is
let’s go quantum for you to really
understand in a stand and over stand
about telepathy you have to know about
quantum entanglement
check out the Harvard studies the
stanford studies quantum entanglement
describes the state that one sub atomic
particle can instantly influence another
one no matter how far they are apart so
the science is showing us that
everything is connected
so of course telepathy is 100% possible
so how do we do it how do I do it now
for this to work deep divers to send
someone a mental message because you’ve
lost your phone and it’s a lot faster it
has to be someone that you have a good
chemistry with your best friend your mum
if it’s her your dad if it’s him it
could even be the cat down the road your
boyfriend your girlfriend your wife your
husband someone that you really really
like or love okay now one of you has to
be the sender and one of you has to be
the receiver okay
so who’s it going to be which one of you
is going to be the sender and which one
of you
is gonna be the receiver choose quickly
okay you’re gonna be the sender great
okay now once you’ve got that figured
out both of you have to believe it is
possible you see whatever we believe
creates our reality a lot of people are
like that’s mumbo jumbo Ralph telepathy
doesn’t work well it won’t work for you
that’s the self-fulfilling prophecy you
are creating our belief creates our
that’s why telepathy works for people
who believe in it so both of you have to
really believe that this telepathy can
work and you can send each other mental
messages with your mind and once both of
you have once both of you have enough
belief in that you both have to be open
to it open to the possibility that even
if you are seven thousand miles away
from each other you can still
communicate with each other okay and
that’s what it’s all about
so be open to the idea that this is
possible and then you have to relax your
you see our body is the subconscious
mind tension makes telepathy harder
relaxation makes telepathy a lot easier
and that’s how to send someone a mental
message that’s how to send someone a
mental message with your mind relax
relax and then seven day vegan challenge
it’s all about eye health okay and to
really improve your eye health to really
start creating these visuals right in
your mind start really eating more foods
with vitamin C avocados also fantastic
they have a lot of lutein which is which
is really going to prevent macular
degeneration also it maintains the
connective tissue including collagen in
the cornea of the eye so you want to
start eating food with more vitamin C
your oranges
your limes all of that stuff also get
the antioxidants going a lot of leafy
greens okay and then you have to stop
thinking in words our subconscious mind
which is 1 million times more powerful
than our conscious mind doesn’t
understand anything that you’re saying
to it it only understands images
pictures symbols and that’s why in
ancient Egypt they have the hieroglyphs
which actually means sacred carving okay
so both of you have to always visualize
what you want to send to each other
in a picture format not words okay
because our subconscious mind responds
to imagery not words okay and then you
have to go to somewhere peaceful the
more peaceful your environment the
better signal you have the more chaotic
your environment the weaker signal you
have okay so I love to come to nature to
really send someone a mental message
it’s all about getting the brainwave
state to the Alpha brainwave frequency
so you’re really relaxed really
meditative and you’re somewhere in a
beautiful environment like this good
Fung Shui anytime there is a lot of
interference a lot of noise it’s a lot
harder to send someone a mental message
okay and once you’ve done that one of
you has to actually create an energetic
tunnel to receive the transmission okay
so visualize an energetic tunnel that
you’re actually receiving this
transmission of the picture message
they’re sending you okay and then you
have to actually write down your results
okay have a journal telepathy journal
okay what did I see okay what did I
receive and then once you’re writing it
down also at that same time be staying
mentally charged up mentally energized
okay a lot of times we are draining our
energy we are being distracted we are
really taking care of ourselves practice
self-care the more relaxed you are the
more at peace you are with yourself the
more telepathy is going to be possible
okay and then keep practicing it takes
I’ve been practicing telepathy and
sending someone mental messages for a
long time you have to practice that’s
how you improve if at first you don’t
succeed keep on doing it and once again
it’s all about the chemistry you have
with that person and then deep divers
that’s how to send someone a mental
message and then you’ll just say feel so
it’s me a live baby can I get a Hello
all is mental and our mind is powerful
beyond measure deep divers let’s just
whoo breathing in that good ass prana
have a beautiful day and let me give a
huge shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the good ass prana shirts
looking so super fly head to Ralph smart
calm slash clothes take yourself out and
deep divers if you’ve got a question you
want me to dive into add me on Instagram
right now at infinite waters have a
beautiful day deep divers infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace you we are
multi-dimensional beings having a human experience well connected exactly

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