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How to REMOVE Someone’s BAD Energy INSTANTLY!!!

he sent Finnick waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby just
whoa breathing in that good ass piranha
baby beautiful day now deep divers I’ve
got a story for you I’m with a great
friend from Brazil and we’re with
another friend and my other friend says
something to my friend from Brazil which
is kind of rude like really really rude
like what are those kind of rude he said
oh that’s really silly and my Brazilian
friend she’s like the most beautiful
person in the world she kind of just
like loved like I’m like pow
she acted like she didn’t even hear his
comment so this is a classic a classic
example of how to deal with negative
vibes or negative energy you see I’ve
learned along my journey
whoever angers you controls you she knew
that wisdom that
powerful wisdom that’s why she was so
cool she was just like laughing it off
like whatever next she didn’t allow his
comment to affect her mood so deep
divers always remind yourself whoever
angers you controls you don’t give them
that power it’s time to take back your
power and then well you just say fail so
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart of nature haven’t met have a
have a magnificent day from the cat down
the road and I let’s just well breathing
in that good ass piranha baby infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace you shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the much
Ralph smart calm slash clothes breathing
that good ass piranha baby and don’t let
anybody have the power to affect how you
you [Music]

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