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How to Recognize If Your Karma’s Catching Up With You

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
beautiful day I hope your day is going
well we got the bird surrounding us but
have you done something and is karma
catching up with yours yes yes Ralph it
is how to recognize if karma is catching
up with you let’s just wolf breathing in
that good ass prana baby that’s the
question that came in if you’ve got a
question don’t email me I get thousands
of emails every single day head over to
Instagram and add me at infinite waters
I just might pick your question someone
asks Ralph yes how can I know if karma
is catching up with me or not because
I’ve done a lot of bad things in the
past Ralph deep divers do you sometimes
feel that calmer is catching up with you
finally because you’ve done so much
stuff we even had breakfast yet can I
get a Hello so let me share with you
what’s helped me along my journey know
if karma is catching up with me or not
you see karma is absolute actions of
absolute results absolutely
slow motion this side karma what goes
around comes around
listen to that na song right now and
I’ve seen it along my journey whatever
we do now echoes on into eternity life
is like a boomerang whatever you put out
is gonna come right back at you
karma has no menu you get what you
slow motion this side okay so to
recognize if karma is catching up with
you or not many times you know let’s
just say you leave a heated argument and
this is how to know karma is catching up
with you you leave a heated argument and
then you meet someone else and then you
carry that same energy into that
relationship or friendship
immediately after okay that’s how you
know karma is catching up with you and
that’s why anytime I’m with someone I’ve
got to choose my attitude even if
they’re annoying me I’m getting furious
I’ve gotta neutralize myself before I
meet someone else or I’m gonna start
carrying that same toxic energy to
someone else and guess what you’re not
gonna have any friends okay and that’s
the classic example of how palmer is
catching up with people let’s just say
you’re arguing with someone you are
arguing with someone and then you meet
someone else and you still haven’t found
that inner peace within yourself and now
you are giving someone else the bad
vibes from that argument you have okay
so find the peace within first before
you talk to the cat down the road thank
you very much how to recognize if karma
is catching up with you or not you know
comma is catching up with you if you are
gossiping to someone else
about someone not realizing they are
their best friend oh no yes that’s how
you know karma is catching up with your
ass because they’re gonna tell that
person you were gossiping about them
whatever goes around comes around okay
and that’s how you know and that’s why I
always say don’t gossip tip don’t gossip
about anybody if you got a problem with
someone go and meet them in the park or
at the beach and you can settle your
dispute okay because what you’re telling
someone they could actually know that
person really well and word will get
around okay how to recognize if karma is
catching up with you or not 7 day vegan
challenge you know come is catching up
with you if you are eating a comma free
diet shout out to everybody stuffing a
beautiful mango in their mouth a
beautiful mango in their mouth right now
a beautiful avocado in their mouth right
now okay if you love animals you’re
living a comma free diet
okay now you’re reaping the benefits you
know negative karma because there’s
positive karma and negative Karma
negative karma is catching up with you
if you are butchering animals consuming
them for pleasure and now you’re getting
a disease of pain related to those foods
the World Health Organization has showed
how meat causes cancer okay so whatever
goes around comes around you can’t
expect to kill animals in humanely and
then expect to sleep well at night it’s
just not going to happen
peace begins on your plate yikes I
Caramba slow motion this side
say it again Ralph peace begins on your
plate shout-out to everybody who is
juicing up getting your vitamins your
minerals alkaline water going okay the
bananas fix walnuts great you’re living
a comma free diet if you’re embracing
the vegan lifestyle
well done how to recognize if karma is
catching up with you you can run but you
can’t hide forever okay let’s just say
you’re laughing at someone’s disability
and then you end up getting the same
disability you’ll offer an injured
person and then you get an accident
yourself that’s how you know karma is
catching up with you or it happens to
someone close you know and that’s why I
always say walk in peace and love every
single day don’t laugh at people with an
injury it could happen to you
right how to recognize commas catching
up with you or not you promote a
lifestyle okay and a lot of artists do
this they promote a lifestyle they’re
not actually living but they want you to
believe they are living okay just just
say for example you are promoting a very
negative lifestyle okay lift fast die
young and then you have a child and they
start copying your philosophy that’s how
you know Karma’s catching up with you
you see we’ve got to be very mindful of
the kind of message we’re putting out
there cuz my children the cat down the
road is my child as well they’ll copy me
definitely if I’m promoting a lifestyle
if I said if I said in every single
video live fast die young and they start
copying it
that’s my Karma Instant Karma okay so
you got to be very mindful of the kind
of messages the kind of energy you’re
putting out because your children will
copy you and emulate you okay so
how to recognize karma is catching up
with you you can run but you can’t hide
forever you mistreat other people’s
children their family members even
strangers badly and the same thing
happens to you or someone you know and I
see this time and time again of how
karma works that’s why I always say
treat everybody with respect because if
you don’t
someone will disrespect you what goes
around comes around
I’m always treating with I’m always
treating people with respect so the cat
down the road respects me right right
sleeping right now okay
how to know karma is catching up with
you or not you are burying your talents
you see I say do something today your
future self will thank you for positive
karma my positive karma or my Dharma
right is me inspiring millions of people
getting a YouTube Gold Award changing my
life ever being able to travel to any
single country I want being financially
stable helping my family out having a
beautiful loving relationship beautiful
friends going to any vegan restaurant I
want and ordering a bunch of grapes
that’s my positive karma because I did
something many years ago that’s a cured
my future and my present right now if
karma is gonna catch up with you if you
aren’t planting the seeds right now you
will not enjoy the fruits of tomorrow
what slow motion this side
say it again Ralph if you are not
planting the seeds today you will not
enjoy the fruits of tomorrow
say it again Ralph if you are not
planting the seeds today you will not
enjoy the fruits of tomorrow you got to
do something right now that your future
self will thank you for okay
how to recognize karma is catching up
with you or not you are in your ego the
three-letter word that can destroy a
12-letter word called a relationship and
it happens in relationships that’s how
you know karma is catching up with you
you think your ego can help your
relationship no it can’t it will only
create separation in the relationship
you are in your ego as a defense
mechanism and guess what you start
meeting other people in their ego
because like attracts like your vibe
attracts your tribe okay that’s how you
know karma is catching up with you you
know positive karma the Dharma is really
the way of living your life that’s the
Dharma the positive side of that is that
if you are very giving generous
compassionate you start meeting similar
people to yourself your vibe attracts
your tribe okay how to know karma is
catching up with you or not you wish bad
on people oh I wish that person falls
off I wish that person bad luck I’m
gonna put a spell on that person I hope
they don’t get successful I hope their
car breaks down do you send that kind of
vibes to people well I got news for you
karma is gonna catch up with you because
whatever you wish for somebody else
you’re actually wishing you actually
wishing for yourself
slow motion this side whatever you wish
for someone else you are actually
wishing for yourself my mentor taught me
that you see the energy before it passes
to someone else it has to go through you
you have to embody that energy first
that’s why you’ve got to become mindful
of what you wish for people because it’s
actually what you wish for yourself I
only want to see people happy and
succeeding because that’s what I want
for myself can I get a hello there there
you have it how to recognize Karma is
catching up with you or not you’ve
screwed people over in the past you’ve
screwed people over in the past you’ve
cheated them out of money and now the
same thing is happening to you and
people you know okay I remember like
song was trying to sell me a laptop okay
and I actually looked inside and it was
like bricks and I’m like gosh people are
scamming people all over the place well
if you are trying to scam people that
same thing is gonna happen to you in a
different way if you are screwing people
over in a relationship mistreating
people not appreciating people the same
thing will happen to you so I’ve learned
to create more positive karma to have a
healthier Dharma a way of life stop
screwing people over stop thinking that
you can cheat people because you can’t
what is hidden will come to light and
then we will just say well so get to be
a live baby can I get a hello beautiful
deep divers have an amazing day we just
wolf breathing in that good ass prana
baby we’re out here in nature infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace
you too be careful of how you treat
people on the way up because you might meet them on the way down

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