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How to Overcome Your Hurt Feelings By Inconsiderate People

peas and Finnick waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby in
Jurassic Park
I’m sending you tons of beautiful energy
take that take that take that
now on this beautiful day are you
finding it hard to enjoy it because
someone has hurt your feelings
someone has treated you in a poor manner
do you know someone right now who is
making your life miserable they are
making you upset by how they treat you
well it is time to put a stop to that
how to overcome your hurt feelings and
poor treatment by inconsiderate people
deep divers let’s just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby now have you
ever experienced a negative person who
is going out of their way to make your
I have and it’s very frustrating it’s
very annoying because you just want to
be in peace right but over the years
I’ve learned how to deal with it I’ve
learned how to deal with inconsiderate
people negative people mean people I’ve
learned how not to let it get to me now
I’m a Pisces so I feel everything but
I’m also an alchemist and we even had
breakfast yet can I get a hell of a and
as an alchemist I’ve learned how to
transmute the energy from negative into
positive I’ve learned how to never allow
external events to govern my internal
condition you are gonna meet people deep
divers who want to make your life hell
they go out of their way to upset you
but after this video they are no longer
going to affect you now as a counselor
as someone who’s been inspiring millions
of people for years I know this that to
overcome your hurt feelings and your
poor treatment by inconsiderate people
remember this deep divers how people
treat you has got nothing to do with you
it’s got everything to do with how they
feel about themselves hmm
slow motion this side let me repeat that
how someone treats you has nothing to do
with you it’s got everything to do with
how they feel about themselves so for
example deep divers if I don’t feel good
about myself if I hate myself it’s gonna
be impossible for me to love you if I
see myself in a poor way I’m gonna see
you in a poor way however if I love
myself if I see myself with
unconditional positive self-regard I’m
gonna start seeing you in that same way
if I’m happy about Who I am I’m gonna
see you in a favorable way if I’m kind
to myself I will be kind to you if I
mean to myself I will be mean to you so
if you are dealing right now with an
inconsiderate person who is upsetting
who is making your life a living
nightmare I’m here to tell you that you
have to stop taking everything so
personally it’s not that personal and
over time I’ve learned that it’s not
that personal a lot of people just need
a hug a lot of people a lot of people
are dealing with so much you have
nothing you have you have no clue okay
how people were raised what they’re
going through a lot of people weren’t
raised in love they weren’t shown
compassion there weren’t they weren’t
given any care growing up and therefore
what happens they want to take it out on
you but I’m here to tell you that you
don’t have to be the one who they take
it out on because today you are gonna
stand up for your right you are gonna
put a stop to this today and say
actually I don’t care how bad your
childhood was cuz everybody has had it
rough I am NOT going to stand here and
allow you to insult me to allow you to
treat me poorly to allow you to hurt my
feelings because there are a lot of
people who have had a hard childhood but
they don’t make other people feel bad
they don’t belittle other people they
don’t hurt other people’s feelings so
that’s no excuse right not everyone okay
this is how we overcome it not everyone
has received love and therefore if you
are dealing with someone who is hurting
your feelings who is mean to you for no
apparent reason have empathy put
yourself in their shoes and say actually
okay I get it
this person has hasn’t even experienced
what love is so they can’t even give it
out right so instead of saying oh this
person is is so bad and this and that no
realize that this person is only acting
according to how they were programmed
according to how they were raised
so it’s got nothing to do with you and
once you know that you can breathe easy
to say actually their problem existed
way before me
slow motion this side you see how to
overcome your hurt feelings and poor
treatment by inconsiderate people every
single day I say this deep divers hurt
people hurt people hurt people hurt
people and therefore how I transform
people if someone is hurting my feelings
first of all I don’t allow them to
because nobody can hurt your feelings
without your permission it’s a choice
but I say I get it hurt people hurt
people so instead of me copying them I
show them love because this is my nature
hmm slow motion aside to overcome your
hurt feelings and poor treatment by
inconsiderate people we have to learn
not to be copycats if someone is mean to
you don’t react and be mean to them
because once again the cycle now
continues we have to break the cycle and
show someone love if they are showing
you hate it’s not about turning the
other cheek you can still speak your
heart and mind is just that show them
something else people get confused when
you’re kind to them after they’ve been
mean to you they don’t know what to do
because they’ve never experienced that
so start to realize that hurt people
hurt people
and don’t allow people to change who you
are don’t allow people to change who you
are don’t fall into their trap don’t
fall into their chaos still keep your in
still deep divers still keep your
integrity you have to still keep your
integrity if someone is treating you in
a poem
how to overcome your hurt feelings and
poor treatment by inconsiderate people
you see I’ve realized this deep divers
how people treat you if someone treats
you in a poor manner that is not your
responsibility it is not your fault if
someone is rude to you if someone is
hurting your feelings it’s not your
but it is your responsibility how you
respond to it that is your
responsibility because now it’s all on
you can’t control what someone says to
you but you can control what you say to
them you can control how you respond to
them you can control your behavior
towards them so you have to learn how to
keep your composure train yourself to be
peaceful and calm have a peaceful mind
and be calm in all circumstances that’s
what I do so let’s just say someone is
very rude impolite to you instead of
just lashing out that is the reaction
learn how to respond what I do is whoa
take a good-ass inhalation of that good
ass prana baby that will give you
clarity of mind to respond in a peaceful
to resolve the situation okay how to
overcome your hurt feelings and poor
treatment because of inconsiderate
people 7 day vegan challenge I’ve
learned this not everyone is eating love
not everyone is eating lovely Sunkist
food a lot of people are eating pain
right energy can never be destroyed only
transferred a lot of people are eating
animals who were tortured and butchered
and therefore that pain is now
transferred into their DNA and therefore
they take it out on you so I realized
when I was a meat-eater
I was kind of very aggressive right and
then being on the plant-based diet for
over a decade now it’s made me more
okay so I’ve realized that I get it not
everyone he’s waking up with a whole
bunch of grapes in their mouth not
everyone is waking up with papaya in
their mouth
some people are eating pain therefore
they only give out pain we are what we
right so once again have a new
perspective and say actually not
everyone is eating in a loving way okay
how to overcome your heart feelings and
poor treatment by inconsiderate people
I’ve learned this deep divers every
single day you’ve got to know your worth
know your worth to say actually I’m no
longer gonna tolerate this and that’s
why you’ve got to find your voice and
look people in the eyes who are hurting
your feelings say actually no today
today today they stops today I’m no
longer than I put up with you bullying
me because that’s what it is it’s a
subtle form of bullying right people who
go out of their way to make your life a
living misery you’ve got to stand up for
your rights and don’t give up the fight
and say actually look I’m not afraid of
you because what they want is you to
back down what they want is to silence
you and that’s the time you’ve got to
start speaking your heart and mind say
actually I’m gonna express myself how I
really feel about the situation get it
off your chest
even scream sometimes have that
catharsis that release and that’s what
will help you deal with people who are
treating you poorly if you can realize
that you don’t have to tolerate this
that you don’t have to put up with this
you have to be brave we have to prepare
for these days right we have to prepare
for these days when we meet
inconsiderate people when we meet mean
people learn how to be brave to face
this head-on and say actually today this
stops today this stops and then keep it
don’t allow someone to take up space in
your mind we spend so much time thinking
of people who do so little for us mm-hmm
what slow motion this side say it again
Ralph we spend so much time thinking
about people who do so little for us and
it’s time to start spending so much time
thinking about people who do so much for
us that’s how to overcome your hurt
feelings and poor treatment by
inconsiderate people start thinking
about all the people who love you all
the people who care for you and realize
that there are a lot of people who just
need a hug on planet Earth there are a
lot of hurt people who are going out of
their way to hurt other people but guess
what you don’t have to be the one that
takes all of that hurt return it back to
the sender return back to sender
so there you have it deep divers that’s
how to overcome your hurt feelings
poor treatment by inconsiderate people
you came here to be in peace not to be
bullied not to be in the mists of
someone who is going out of their way to
make your life a living misery so know
your true Worth and then you’ll just say
Phil don’t get to be a live baby can I
get a Hello hey beautiful deep divers we
are out here chillaxing
in the heart of nature baby just whoa
breathing in that good-ass prana baby
check out the beautiful good-ass prana
shuts ralph’s Montcalm / clothes check
out the amazing new book feel alive by
Ralph smart check out the Instagram
infinite waters deep divers have a
beautiful day infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you hurt people hurt people ain’t got nothing to do with me exactly

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