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How to Overcome Any Distraction (in 60 seconds)

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again we are out here in nature
breathing in that beautiful problem how
to deal with a massive massive
distraction in 60 seconds can I get a
now many times I am recording a video
and a massive helicopter goes over my
head and it’s really annoying
really annoying it’s a massive
distraction because I can deal with
planes but a helicopter now you’re
really gonna piss me off what happens
when you’re studying and then someone
keeps ringing your phone and you’ve
switched the phone off but somehow your
phone is still ringing you should go and
check your phone out I’m gonna share
with you one of the most powerful ways
imagine you have a helicopter going
above your head when you are making a
video at first you are gonna get really
angry that’s an understatement
you’re gonna get so furious you’re gonna
start swearing at the helicopter and
then you realize they can’t hear I want
you to observe the helicopter take a
good look at the helicopter absorb
yourself into the present moment and
release resistance for that which you
are perceiving say this is life life is
full of possibilities then I want you to
breathe in deep from the base of your
spine saying to yourself in your mind
life is filled with possibility say it
once more time once more time life is
filled with possibilities then I want
you to change your environment and then
go to somewhere quiet that could work if
you are studying if you are watching a
lot of videos which are disturbing you
distracting you realize and say to
yourself life is filled with
possibilities and guess what you won’t
be distracted again and then you just
get on doing whatever you were doing
have a beautiful day we are here
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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