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How to Manifest Your Purpose And Trust The Universe

one of the most common questions people
ask me deep divers is Ralph how do you
find your purpose I feel like people are
gonna ask me this in the next 10 years
peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
I hope your day is going good
I’m sending you tons of good energy take
that take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby how to find your purpose
and Trust the universe I got a fantastic
question that came to me if you’ve got a
question don’t email me I get thousands
every single day follow me on instagram
at infinite waters so let me read the
question word for word hi my name is
Maria and I came upon your YouTube
channel a few days ago
and I saw that you really do take
questions from people absolutely I do
this is not about love or if I’m going
to be somebody rich I just want to know
what my purpose is and I’m a lost soul
and I struggle with who and what I
should be am i in nobody or do I have a
purpose I’m sure you get this a lot from
thousands of people every day I really
just want to know if I have a purpose
Wow fantastic question well alas after
this video you are going to find your
purpose and we ain’t even had breakfast
yet can I get a hello how to know your
purpose and trust the universe deep
divers let me share with you what helped
me along my journey many many years ago
I was in university studying psychology
and criminology then I graduated
and I still wasn’t really sure what I
was supposed to be doing with my life
I’m like let me just get a job just
because it’s good to have a job but I
didn’t really know my true passion what
it was I was supposed to be doing on
planet earth a lot of us we are
searching for a purpose we are searching
for a meaning and I realize this deep
divers we don’t have to search any
we already we are already living our
purpose by just being alive mmm
what slow motion this side mmm
we are already living our purpose by
just being alive and once we pay homage
to that it all becomes crystal clear if
you can realize this every single day no
two people are born the same no two
people have the same journey no two
people are walking the same path to find
and know your purpose you have to drown
out all other voices except your own and
then trust your intuition you have to
start listening to your needs and your
wants each one of us has different needs
and once what is it I really need what
sets my soul on fire what makes me happy
what puts a smile on my face if you can
realize this you were born with gifts
you came into Planet Earth with talents
I’m not good at anything Ralph oh yes
you are you can do things I can’t do I
can do things you can’t do but how much
value are you putting on the things that
you can do mmm
slow motion this side mm someone became
a millionaire someone became a
millionaire of a paperclip because they
put value on their invention think about
that how to know your purpose and trust
the universe what am I good at ask
yourself this every single day what am I
good at what are my talents and what are
my hobbies now what you have to do is
build a lifestyle around your talents
and hobbies deep divers my purpose is
skating because skating really makes me
my purpose is also to inspire millions
of people because that also makes me
happy but also I’ve got a natural gift
of speaking oration this comes naturally
to me so I said okay let me build a
lifestyle around it and every single day
just say can I get a Hello and that
brings a lot of joy to a lot of people
and the cat down the road deep divers to
know your purpose and trust the universe
many times you’re gonna have to stop
what you’re doing that is not serving
you the reason why you haven’t found
your purpose yet is because you are
doing something which is so far away
from your purpose which is keeping your
prisoner defining it we got to learn how
to start over
we gotta learn how to be born again we
gotta learn how to surrender key words
surrender that’s how to know your
purpose and trust the universe deep
divers close your eyes from close your
eyes for one second
keep them closed okay picture the
you’ve only got 24 hours to live what
are you gonna do what’s the first thing
that pops into your mind you go and make
it close your eyes you’re gonna climb
the Empire State Building right you see
deep divers if you only had 24 hours to
live a lot of us would do what we really
wanna do keyword really okay emphasis on
the really want to do what is it that
you really want to do what if money was
no object like the great Alan Watts said
what if money was no object would you
still be doing them will I still be
doing this absolutely because because
it’s a calling it’s something that I
feel compelled to do you don’t have to
pay me to do this I’m still gonna do it
why because this is what I was sent here
to do okay deep dive is how to know your
purpose and trust the universe seven day
vegan challenge a lot of people are
going plant-based this year and a lot of
people their skin is glowing this year a
lot of people are healthier than ever
however some people on and I realize how
I actually knew my purpose was by asking
myself what is most healthy for me I
remember working in jobs where I would
only have a very short lunch break
and I had to really eat all of those
grapes really quickly it wasn’t fun now
I can really take my time when I eat
that chia seed porridge and chia seeds
are a complete source of protein by the
way chia means strength in the Aztec
language so deep divers if you can
realize that always realize your purpose
is linked to self-preservation it’s
linked to your evolution and therefore
your purpose will always be in alignment
to your health so ask yourself what is
healthy for me physically emotionally
and mentally if you have a lot of health
right now chances are you are living
your purpose congratulations
deep divers how to know your purpose and
trust the universe let go of society’s
expectations what society wants you to
do because you came to Planet Earth for
a very specific reason we all know it
deep down when you have to take time out
of your day to go into nature to really
hear yourself to really meditate and say
actually what is it I really want to do
with my life right now what am I willing
to be committed to key word commitment a
lot of us we’re not committed to
anything we’re doing a million things at
once but all of them badly to know your
purpose and Trust the universe what
activity can I be committed to without
complaining that is your purpose I never
ever complain making videos why because
it’s a privilege why because it’s an
honor I don’t take this for granted it
didn’t have to have
but it did date divers
how to know your purpose and trust the
universe what can I build a lifestyle
around you see deep divers I haven’t
been working since 2011 I don’t have a
job this is a lifestyle to know your
purpose have a theme of your life my
theme is always become your greatest
version then I built a lifestyle around
them I’m living my purpose right now
because of this lifestyle so as soon as
you wake up you’re doing something then
you’re doing something else that makes
you smile then you’re doing something
else that makes you bored find the sweet
the bittersweet spot right which makes
you proud to be alive deep divers how to
know your purpose and trust the universe
now right now deep dive is let’s face it
many times
we’re on social media you’re on the gram
and you see someone’s profile and you’re
like oh my gosh look at her butt got
curves Ralph or look at his car Ralph
and sometimes we get like oh my gosh
FOMO fear of missing out and we’re like
I need to get a job just so I can make a
million dollars and then stomp on the
gram but that’s not your purpose though
and even if you get a million dollars
you will still be unhappy so realize
deep divers the quick road is not always
the best road many times we have to we
have to run our own race to know our
purpose and trust the universe everybody
is not on planet earth for the same
reason so don’t get caught up in
comparing your life to someone else’s
deep divers
how to know your purpose and trust the
universe deep divers has it been easy
for Ralph smart making videos absolutely
I have had entire hard drives wiped out
all the data all the data lost the data
lost right it’s all gone I’ve been in
situations where I’m like can i still
continue making videos but I heard a
voice inside of me saying Ralph this is
what you came here to do you can’t give
up right now choices you have give up
give in or give it all you’ve got and
every single day I give it all I’ve got
why because this is a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity I’m not gonna blow it
deep diamonds to know your purpose and
trust the universe or yourself this what
is worth the pain what is worth the
tears because easy even if you find your
purpose deep divers you are still gonna
go through sleepless nights hard times
challenges roadblocks and obstacles but
because it’s your purpose you’re gonna
be smiling through the pain through the
rain and then you are gonna become an
alchemist and turn all of that into a
handful of diamonds there you go right
so for me there are no obstacles there
are no challenges because for me this is
a learning experience it’s worth
everything deep divers how to know your
purpose and trust the universe ask
yourself this what can I grow what can I
grow in what can I evolve in will this
help me grow will this help me evolve
will this impact me in a positive way
will this give me
energy or will it drain my energy what
I’m doing right now gives me energy your
purpose will always give you more energy
it will always give you more energy than
it takes from you so deep divers to know
your purpose and trust the universe
spend time alone listen to yourself lose
the crowd know your needs know your
wants know your talents know your
hobbies forget about money focus on your
true calling focus on the future
can I see myself doing this in the next
10 years what I call the 10 year plan if
the answer is yes that is your true
purpose and once you realize that deep
dive as well you’ll just say so get to
be a live baby can I get a hello there
there is no rush to finding your purpose
but you are already living your purpose
all you have to do is surrender to it
deep dive is less just whoa breathing in
that good oz prana baby shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the
wonderful good oz prana shirts
Ralph smart doc calm slash clothes get
the new book deep divers feel alive by
Ralph smart on Ralph smart calm / the
book it’s going down there got a
question follow me on Instagram right
now at infinite waters deep divers you
are already living your purpose all you
have to do is surrender to it have a
beautiful day infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
you you found your purpose yeah that’s good

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