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How to Manifest the TWIN FLAME Connection

Pisan finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in nature baby in Jurassic Park
I’m sending you tons of great energy
take that take that take that now it’s
time to talk about Twin Flames have you
found your twin flame through my videos
yes a lot of people have and the cat
down the road is very happy about that
are you trying to manifest your twin
flame right now deep divers how to
manifest a twin flame connection let’s
just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby we got a whole lot to talk
this is sexology deep divers water fire
hot cold yin yang daddy’s home I’m back
so I get thousands of messages every
single day a lot of these messages
include ralph i love your videos please
talk more about Twin Flames now someone
beautiful young lady was like Ralph I
loved your video on the signs your twin
flame is coming please please talk about
how to actually manifest a twin flame
connection this is all I’ve ever wanted
hold your horses deep divers wonderful
young lady we are about to dive deep how
to manifest
the twin flame connection and Wayne even
had breakfast yeah
can I get a hello
so let’s dive straight into it a lot of
us we are in coca-cola relationships
toxic relationships the twin flame
relationship and the soulmate
relationship they are part of the water
relationship the relationship which
nourishes your soul body and mind and
feels so good to be alive baby but it is
rare and the twin flame relationship is
like the Holy Grail some people don’t
even find it in this lifetime but let me
share with you what’s helped me along my
journey so we’ve established that our
soul mates do not have to be our lovers
they can be our best friend our dad our
mom our auntie are drunk uncle yes we’ve
established that and we’re your soul
your twin flame is a perfect mirror hmm
slow motion this side mmm
now to manifest a twin flame connection
it’s all about what I call the great
alignment 11:11 I keep seeing it
everywhere anywhere I go yes they’re
actually made in 1111 song go and check
it out right so the 1111 which is the
Twin Flame connection in numbers is all
about a greater alignment it’s not 11 10
11 12 its
11 11 so to manifest the Twin Flame
Union a twin flame love a twin flame
connection it’s about both people being
on the same frequency the same
vibrational frequency in other words
they are in the great alignment
it’s the Cinderella effect the
stepsisters so badly wanted the shoe to
fit but their heel was sticking out the
other end it’s like not happening today
the Cinderella effect which is linked to
the Twin Flame connection is that when
the shoe is supposed to fit when the
shoe is ready to fit it will fit there
is nothing you can do to make the shoe
fit it’s a perfect fit because of the
great alignment and the great alignment
is all about when two people share the
same vision when two people become
actually one and it’s one love it’s one
heartbeat it’s one vision it’s the same
values they’re both working on the same
mission together this is the twin flame
connection how to manifest the twin
flame connection so with the greater
alignment we have to realize that if you
are with someone who is not your twin
flame you’re gonna see that both of you
are in alignment many times even
soulmates may not be in a hundred
percent alignment but it’s a okay match
the twin flame is gonna be your mirror
it’s gonna be a great alignment but for
you to make that happen you have to
establish the great alignment within
yourself first
Mao motion this side that’s why I say
the greatest relationship we can have is
with ourselves so ask yourself every
single day if you are so desperately
seeking the twin flame connection how am
i creating the great alignment within
myself you see
twin flames often cross paths however
many times something is happening in
this person’s life or that person’s life
and these twin flames can no longer stay
together many times twin flames can meet
each other when they’re like teenagers
right but once again both of them have
them but they’re shared together so it’s
just not gonna happen however you know
that this connection with that wonderful
being is like the best feeling ever
it’s like the best feeling ever
everything feels right that is because
that is your twin flame
however just because they’re your twin
flame just because they’re your twin
flame it does not mean both of you are
gonna be together the twin flame being
the Holy Grail means that for it to be
established there has to be a greater
alignment the great alignment and to
really manifest the twin flame
connection what I’ve seen along my
journey is that you have to make sure
your timelines are in sync together okay
and many times what happens people’s
are not in sync there is not a greater
synchronicity between both people and
therefore people drift apart to manifest
the twin flame connection it’s about
making sure that both of your timelines
are in sync and that’s why the twin
flame connection is so rare because many
times someone is working on this over
someone is working on that over there
and they just miss each other even
though they know this is like the best
feeling ever so it’s all about when two
people realize that we have to really
get our timelines in sync so they can
start working together so we can gel
together because we are perfect mirrors
your twin flame is your best friend your
twin flame is your therapist with your
twin flame it is unconditional love you
don’t leave them because of an argument
because they are your divine reflection
in another body how to manifest the twin
flame connection now deep divers that
time when you are both apart from each
other okay because many times you may
meet your twin flame but then you may
drift apart from them you may meet
someone else in that process and then
when you actually meet your twin flame
again the feeling is there is just that
now you’ve picked up a massive ego ego
is that three letter word
that the ego is that three-letter word
that can destroy a 12-letter word called
a relationship the ego has got to go
your ego is not your amigo when it comes
to the Twin Flame connection hmm slow
motion this side so many times once
again for us to really manifest the Twin
Flame connection we have to lose our ego
it it is it is only by losing our ego
that we can actually see ourselves
clearly let me repeat that it is only by
losing our ego dissolving our ego
freeing ourselves from our ego that we
can actually see ourselves clearly
because if you have a massive ego when
you are with your twin flame the image
that you see them in is going to be
distorted so we have to allow our egos
to subside and really dissolve and now
we are in our greatest self we are in
our authentic self we can now establish
your greater transparency there’s a
reason why the divers is called the
water relationship because both people
can see each other so clearly mm-hmm
what slow motion this side mmm that is
how to manifest the twin flame
connection lose your ego for a day and
the more you practice dissolving your
ego when you are around your twin flame
only love will be Kotov ated until both
of you actually realize that you are
perfect mirrors and now both of you
place value on that and now you make it
because once again many times people
know who their twin flame is but they’re
not together many times people know they
know who their twin flame is but they
aren’t together because of the ego
and a lot of us we pick up a massive ego
being in this 3d matrix and that
prevents us from being with our twin
flame the only way our twin flame can
actually manifest is when we begin to
lose the ego we begin to really move
more into a hot space when we allow
ourselves to be vulnerable and we’re not
always so defensive because that’s what
the ego loves to do it loves to fight it
loves to argue it loves to defend itself
when we can learn to be raw transparent
that’s how to manifest a twin flame
connection whoa you’re running but
you’re not exercising you’re running but
you’re not exercising what happens with
many Twin Flames they start running away
from each other because they know that
wow this is like another me in a
different time in space and many times
that is overwhelming many times one
person is not truly ready because maybe
they haven’t really found their true
life purpose they haven’t established
themselves and therefore they have other
priorities to manifest the Twin Flame
connection both people have to stop
running away from each other and that
can only happen when both people are
living their true purpose every single
date let me repeat that for the twin
flame connection to manifest both people
have to stop running away from each
other because one person is always the
runner and they have to now
be with each other sit with each other
feel each other in the deepest way but
that can only happen when they found
their true purpose
a lot of women writes me Ralph
I met my twin flame but he is
preoccupied he hasn’t found his purpose
same thing women write to me men write
to me Ralph she hasn’t found our purpose
yet so it’s not really gonna happen
because once again you can still be Twin
Flames and feel this amazing love for
each other but if both of you haven’t
really found your purpose really living
it really seeing the results you always
gonna be preoccupied with other stuff so
to manifest the Twin Flame connection
both of you have to stop running and
face each other but that can only come
when you are both becoming your greatest
version how to manifest the Twin Flame
connection the twin flame is your
perfect mirror they know you better than
anybody else they can read your mind
they feel you from like 3 miles away
7 day vegan challenge both of you have
to share a similar diet both of you have
to be interested in health in the same
way or not health in the same way
because once again your twin flame is
another you in a different time in space
to manifest the twin flame connection
it’s about syncing your diet with this
because once again before your twin
flame you are in other different
relationships and many times we pick up
other eating habits okay I used to
before I was before I was a vegan over
13 years ago I was eating meat processed
meats however I always knew my twin
flame would be a vegan and that is the
truth so I realized I had to let go of
all of that junk and prepare myself for
– inflamed mmm slow motion this side hmm
and that meant eating more broccoli more
cauliflower more leafy greens more fresh
juice acai juice acerola juice pineapple
juice full of vitamin C I had to get my
body right to prepare myself for the
Twin Flame connection so to manifest the
Twin Flame connection make sure you are
preparing yourself every single day
through your health so when you see your
twin flame you’ve got so much more to
offer your twin flame to manifest the
Twin Flame connection it’s about getting
your diet in alignment with S and a lot
of us we know that we can all eat better
and feel better and live better and
that’s how to manifest the Twin Flame
connection many times I see people all
the time Ralph I just want them right
whenever you say I want you won’t get
them the moment you realize doing
nothing brings you everything mmm slow
motion this side deep divers I realize
this the moment I let go it all came to
me before you are lovers with your twin
flame you are best friends before you
are best friends you are each other’s
therapists okay
a twin flame connection is more than
just romance let me repeat that a twin
flame connection is more than just
romance it is friendship
first and foremost and therefore to
manifest the twin flame connection both
people have to realize that we are
friends before anything else
unconditional friends are that therefore
there is no pressure with a twin flame
as there are with other relationships
and that’s why twin flame relationships
are very rare because there is no
pressure both of you know who each other
are and therefore you are allowing this
connection to take place you are not
forcing it mmm what slow motion this
side you are allowing the twin flame
connection to take place you are not
forcing it so if you are as soon as you
are waking up and you know who your twin
flame is but it’s more offered gentle
both of you are floating towards each
other every single day that’s how to
manifest a twin flame connection if you
are every single day forcing it trying
to get your foot in to the shoe you’re
like the stepsisters and that’s how to
not manifest the twin flame connection
because that’s not the real one the real
one is about the flow not about the
force it is about the allowing it is not
about the control which is the ego so to
manifest a twin flame connection say and
realize the twin flame connection should
never ever be about force which is ego
or control which is ego it should always
be about allowing
realizing once the great alignment has
come there is nothing that you that you
can do or say that will bring your twin
flame close to you it has already been
written therefore you don’t force any
more you allow the flow how to manifest
a twin flame connection we have to
become whole within ourselves where as
where with the coca-cola relationship
fragmented relationships broken down
relationships where people are like
Ralph I’m only with this person because
of the money I’m only with this person
because I don’t want to be alone the
twin flame relationship is when you
really realize this
I’m already whole I already have a great
relationship with myself Ralph I’m so
complete within myself my twin flame
will only enhance that we will only now
become the greater whole that’s how to
manifest a twin flame connection you are
whole within yourself and now you meet
another whole and now you create the
greater alignment the greater whole you
now experience the greater truth of who
you are
slow motion this side it’s about being
whole I meet a lot of people who are
huff and they’re looking for that other
half their half and they’re looking for
their other half the twin flame
connection for it to manifest you have
to be complete you have to be whole and
then you will see your perfect whole in
other words your perfect mirror how to
manifest the twin flame connection deep
dive is less just whoa breathing in that
good ass prana baby before a twin flame
connection can manifest you’re gonna
have to go through many different other
people many different people who are not
your twin flame sometimes these are
karmic relationships many times these
are coca-cola relationships toxic
however by you going through these
different relationships and many times
they also includes soul mates where you
got people who you can talk to but it’s
not your twin flame and you know that
however they are preparing you for the
twin flame connection your soulmates
prepare you for the real connection the
twin flame connection so allow yourself
to go through experiences with different
people your soul mates and we have many
soul mates I got tons of soul mates that
will prepare you for the twin flame
how to manifest the twin flame
connection a lot of us through these
other relationships sometimes coca-cola
relationships week we pick up habits
which don’t serve us addictions which
don’t serve us and that’s why we have to
really cleanse ourselves we have to
prepare ourselves for the Twin Flame
connection this can only happen when we
begin to heal our past trauma it can
only happen when we begin to work on
ourselves when we begin to heal
ourselves and that’s how to manifest the
Twin Flame connection how to manifest
the Twin Flame connection the Twin Flame
connection is all about the journey to
the heart the Twin Flame connection is
all about the journey of surrender so if
you are learning if you are taking the
journey to the heart every single day
that’s how to manifest the Twin Flame
connection the twin flame can only
manifest through the heart connection it
will not manifest through the ego
connection which is all about control
and convenience II so every single day
take that journey of surrender to the
heart space and then your twin flame
will manifest and then well you just say
feel so good to be alive baby can I get
a hello there beautiful deep divers we
are out here life is great I’m grateful
we’re just wolf breathing in that good
oz prana baby shout out to everybody
who’s been getting the amazing good oz
prana shirts I won one Ralph Ralph smart
calm slash clothes check out the amazing
new book on Amazon feel alive by Ralph
had to Instagram get inspired their
Instagram at infinite waters deep divers
have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you with a
twin flame you will never walk alone
[Laughter] [Music]

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