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How to Make Someone Quit Smoking

p s– infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re here in nature hey man you
killing yourself really yeah
uh who cares can I get a hello there how
to make someone quit smoking I received
a question in from someone who has been
smoking for many years and now they have
transitioned to e-cigarettes and they
love it they are proud of themselves at
the same time they are now seeing
they’re using it as a nicotine injection
unit they’re happy because now they’re
not having the harmful toxins that
tobacco carries at the same time they’re
doing this vaping more than they would
smoke cigarettes so I can share with you
some insight I don’t smoke but I’ve
helped a lot of people to stop smoking
and giving them a perspective go back
into when you first started maybe you
were a teenager or maybe you were a baby
were you smoking when oh don’t smoke
don’t do that so we were in the process
of forming our identity what does that
mean it means that we associate smoking
of any kind with our personal identity
that is why it is so hard to let go of
smoking they tell you on the packet
smoking kills nicotine is addictive
even in e-cigarettes but
do we care we might do but at the same
time our habits away stronger if they
told you that you would lose friends now
maybe we might change if they told you
you’re going to be by yourself on a
Friday night what but be proud of
yourself that you’ve transitioned to
vaping because now you are putting those
around you at less risk more so yourself
at less risk I always say you have to be
compassionate I don’t judge what anybody
else does that is your personal choice
but remind yourself that whenever we
smoke or if you are vaping a lot of
people do it because it’s pure enjoyment
they do it for pleasure but if they go
back wait a minute
the first time they ever started to
smoke was when they felt really nervous
so you smoke because you’re nervous when
you’re nervous you smoke you smoke
because you’re fearful when you’re
fearful you smoke and you see that
vicious cycle going on so now we are
justifying our emotions through smoking
anytime we get stuck we feel under
pressure we smoke I used to work with a
good friend every break time he is to
smoke and what if I told you we are not
addicted to the nicotine half as much as
we are addicted to the hand to mouth
movement going like that even vaping
whatever you’re doing we are addicted
that’s drilled into our muscle memory so
in changing that behavior that was a
learned behavior we have to find an
alternative do something else with your
hands start juggling or start going like
that having fun with your hands more so
when we are starting to smoke because if
you are vaping we still have a deep
desire to fill that void
from smoking but we don’t address the
root cause many people smoke because
they are confusing there once with their
needs now smoking or vaping has become a
need that’s why you said you feel like
you’re using it as a nicotine injection
unit it’s a need because this is
survival remind yourself it is linked
into your personal identity but wait a
minute wait a minute in letting go of
this you have to ask yourself do I want
to let go or do I want to keep doing
what I’m doing how is affecting me and
those around me because if you are
determined you can change any
circumstance in your life if you have
the will to change you can nobody can
help you quit smoking they can inspire
you but you have to do it and it starts
with stages so you’ve gone from smoking
two cigarettes and now it’s about
placing yourself in an environment that
doesn’t make you so stressed a lot of us
when we’re really stressed that’s the
time you want to smoke or you’re vaping
but let’s go back because you said when
you are vaping now you can do it in the
comfort of anywhere in your home in a
restaurant so it’s become very
where smoking was rather a hassle but
once again deep down if you know that
this is not serving you be hard on
yourself they say wait a minute
no I’m not going to get comfortable just
doing it anywhere because once again we
are justifying why we are doing here so
there you have it I say enjoy whatever
you are doing but most of all ask
yourself how is this serving me and pick
up a sport go into nature de-stress
detox most of all enjoy your life and
try new things once you break that
routine you will say ok this is
something I’m choosing out of choice
rather than necessity we’re here in
nature breathing in that good prana
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy one more thing
connect with people that inspire you to let go of addictive habits where were we

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