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How to Make Everything Come Together And Trust The Universe

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in nature baby beautiful day
we got the Boca behind us we got birds
everywhere how’s your day going deep
divers how to allow everything to come
together and trust the universe are you
at a stage in your life where things
just seem like they’re falling into
little tiny pieces and you’re like Ralph
the future looks so uncertain well this
video is all about allowing everything
to come together and trust the universe
deep dive is less just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
sending you tons of positive energy
after this video it’s all gonna come
together and when even had breakfast
can I get a Hello they’re so wonderful
deep divers let me share with you was
helped me along my journey make
everything in my life come together in
such a beautiful way and trust the
universe let’s dive straight into it you
see big things come from small
beginnings big things come from small
beginnings and a lot of us always
focusing on the big things and we forget
about the small things and it’s the
small things that make up the big things
I’ll give you an example a lot of us
we’re trying to do a million and one
things all at the same time multitasking
and guess what we’re not doing any of
them in a decent way so every single day
to make everything come together and
trust the universe I focus on the
smallest things
that means as soon as I wake up I go for
a walk I look at a tree I look at the
cat down the road I’m in awe of nature
these small things that’s what makes
everything come together you don’t have
to have your whole life to get out right
now you don’t have to do everything
right now you can just immerse yourself
in the present moment and just whoa
breathing in that good Oz prana baby
focus on the small things did you brush
your teeth today
you didn’t nevermind
deep divers is the smallest things that
can give us the biggest joy in life mmm
slow motion this side mmm how to make
everything come together and trust the
universe do you sometimes wake up and
say do you sometimes wake up and say
deep divers why me why is this all
happening to me Ralph hard time struggle
stress chaos why me why did the universe
pick me you see I learn along my early
journey when I was really going through
trials and tribulations that the
universe gives the strongest tests to
the strongest people you are sharpening
your sword right now you are going to
become stronger after all of those
experiences which you feel like oh I’m
never ever gonna be able to overcome
them Ralph I’m never ever gonna be out
I’m never ever gonna be able to overcome
them Ralph
yes you are right because the universe
gives the strongest tests to the
strongest people when you feel like you
are being torn to pieces you are
going through the rebirth and that’s
what I saw all on my Jenny I was being
reborn I was going through the
metamorphosis from the caterpillar to
the butterfly after the storm comes to
come deep divers how to make everything
come together and trust the universe
growth takes place in the dirt hmmm what
slow motion this side mmm
say it again Ralph growth takes place in
the dirt growth takes place in the dirt
now I’ve made a lot of videos in the
heart of nature baby and I’m learning
from nature okay to make everything come
together and trust the universe learn
from nature realize that growth takes
place in the dirt a seed is buried
underground and then it blossoms up into
a beautiful rose tree and who are
beautiful lavender Bush into a beautiful
apple tree but growth initially begins
in the dirt in the darkness that’s where
the magic takes place so when you feel
like hey we’re out this experiences like
unbearable I’m never ever gonna get
through it realize you are that seed and
if you can hold on that little bit
longer if you can trust the universe
that actually you are in the process of
becoming a mango tree seven day vegan
challenge had to throw that in there
full of vitamin A okay you are gonna
you’re gonna start to glow afterwards
right and that was me along my journey I
realized that I had to go through those
experiences because that is what really
made me even stronger that’s what makes
you all of those hard times that’s what
shapes you all of those trials and
tribulations that’s what gives you
character in now
shows you who you really are you see we
have to go through all of that to really
discover who we truly are to make
everything come together and trust the
universe realize the universe has a plan
for you sometimes we think we know it
all and we have to allow the universe to
do its thing and we are the universe yes
I know yes I know we are the universe
but allow the universe to work its magic
sometimes when you let go of control
everything falls into place
sometimes when you stop trying to wonder
how everything is gonna work out it just
works out in such a beautiful way
because now you are releasing resistance
deep divers how to make everything come
together and trust the universe we never
and this is what I learn along my early
journey deep divers deep typhus we never
get the experiences we want right but we
always get the experiences we need the
universe never gives you the experiences
you want I want to meet the perfect
person Ralph I want happiness and joy no
no no the universe always gives you the
experiences you need that can help you
in your evolution of consciousness
meaning awareness I realize I have to go
through all of that muck to really come
out like a shining diamond and that’s
what you’re going through too you are
being molded into something so beautiful
but right now it feels like I know I
know exactly like I know exactly how you
feel but realize the universe doesn’t
give you the experiences you want it
gives you the experiences you need so
allow these experiences realize
everything happens for a reason there’s
a reason why you are going through this
right now there are no accidents or
coincidences in this universe everything
is happening in divine order
so deep divers how to make everything
come together and trust the universe
through the best you can with the best
you have do the best you can with the
best you have you see a lot of us we’re
waiting for everything to be perfect
before we start not realizing all we
have to do is find our own inner peace
and then everything will be perfect like
I always say ego says when everything is
perfect then I will be at peace
spirit says be at peace right now be at
peace in the here and now and then
everything will be perfect
and once you realize that deep divers
well you’ll just say fill so get to be a
live baby can I get a hello there
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart of nature baby have a
beautiful day such a gorgeous day and I
go to the beach
deep divers get the good asperatus
Ralph smart comb slash clothes get the
new book feel alive by Ralph smart
follow me on instagram at infinite
waters deep divers have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you allow
[Applause] [Music]

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