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How to Make 2015 A Better Year

he’s infinite waters diving deep once
again how to make 2015 a better year
2015 will be dot dot dot you fill in the
blank can I get a hello 2014 went by
pretty quick and anyone that dives deep
knows that I don’t prescribe to this
concept of time for me time is an
illusion every day’s new year every
day’s a celebration in fact new year in
the early Roman calendar was on March
first but then they moved it to January
the first so this whole concept of time
is man-made at the same time we
celebrate collectively this cycle of
movement because there is no time there
is only movement and I just want to say
thank you to everyone who is diving deep
you know who you are because without you
there would be no infinite waters 2012
that was the year of awakening
resistance we were going against the
system 2013 for me was the year of
transformation where you are practicing
more self-love more acceptance for
yourself 2014 was the year of courage
and bravery I was talking about things I
thought I never would and for me 2015 is
all about moving more into the heart
space the year of flight we are going to
be so
high up all of us because whatever you
did in 2014 is gonna be what you will
experience in 2015 so you have to ask
yourself what seeds are you planting
today that’s a secret and I don’t set
goals no no no I set themes so for me
the theme of 2015 is the theme of the
hospice I talked off become your
greatest version and I love that that is
the core theme but for 2015 for me it’s
more about the power of vulnerability
now all of us we want to be seen as
perfect enlightened awakened like we
have our whole stuff together but behind
the scenes I am gonna show you behind
the scenes I am gonna show you in the
dressing room and being vulnerable for
me is about taking risks it’s about
living in your truth stepping into your
authenticity doing new things for me
that’s what 2015 is all about look I’m
here in California living the dream
what happened it started a long time ago
when I was tired of living the same
routine waking up eating breakfast
coming home and the same cycle no way
you have to change
because if you don’t change your routine
you get stuck and you know what that’s
like so where I saw 2013 and 14 as the
year of the alchemist within that
transformation 2015 is all about flow it
is the wizard where you become the
architect of time because time is an
it’s just movement so you have to make
time for whatever you want whatever you
desire create time for it the things
that are most important I had a good
friend who wrote in one of his songs
I’ve got a real good talent
I won’t misuse it how many of us place
value on the gift we have how many and
that’s a secret I tapped into a lot of
us we want to make an elaborate show but
I’ve seen 2015 is all about simplicity
it’s about loving what you do but at the
same time getting more out of it it’s
not about stressing yourself out
it’s about relaxing it’s about reaching
out for me get ready for more
I’ve already had so many people dive
into infinite waters there’s gonna be
even more people why because we’re
expanding we’re stepping out of the box
out of them out of the mire the mire of
separation 2015 is gonna be a very
powerful year why because the veil is
being lifted we are beginning to see
behind the scenes can you see it so tied
into the theme of vulnerability many
people are getting the wake-up call that
their whole life has been a lie the
educational system the monetary system
the government so what are we going to
do about it I’ve seen you have to be
kind to yourself don’t get mad at
yourself now but reawaken the inner
for me it’s not about taking everything
so seriously that’s why I do what I do
because I see that underneath it all we
came here to play we came here to be
free we came here to experiment and see
what we could potentially be the
limitations we place in our mind the
limitations we place in our body is all
coming from a belief system but what
happens when you change that that’s a
secret I thought a long time ago I could
never do it I could never live the life
I had envisioned for myself what
I let love guide me not fear because as
long as you are caught up in fear you’re
always gonna be stuck so today ask
yourself what seeds are you planting
because the seeds you plant in 2015 you
are gonna experience them in 2016 it’s a
whole continuation I’ve seen right now
on the planet we are living in the most
incredible times ever the internet we
created the Internet
to share to communicate to realize that
we are never alone ever separation is
the greatest illusion so 2015 is all
about being healthier for me eating even
more plant-based foods but more so how
many of us are really eating because
when you’re eating you are thinking of
other things therefore allowing yourself
to be disturbed for me it’s not just
about the foods our meeting is the
attitude it’s not just about being in a
relationship it’s the attitude I have
towards the relationship a lot of people
say I want this partner but to have it
all you have to be at all and that’s
what I’ve seen I’m just attracting
everything I need I’m surrendering to
the universe and in turn I am receiving
abundance so I just want you to have a
happy new year
enjoy it and realize every day can be a
new year when you are doing what you
love you have that same sensation I am
so thankful to the people who have given
me support and in return that is why I
do what I do I am living in abundance
that’s what I can share so freely but it
only happens when you have confidence it
only happens when you have trust it only
happens when you lose doubt and to do
that you have to be vulnerable you have
to place yourself in the Lions Den and
hope they don’t need you now you start
to roar you get this
you say goodness gracious where’s it
coming from
it’s your gift that you’ve buried right
now we dusting it off and it’s time to
shine all of this sounds very good on
2015 is where we start building the new
infrastructure on planet Earth
the Indigo’s the crystals let’s keep it
even more simple than their highly
evolved beings are here right now and we
are the pioneers of the new world we are
going to take this thing to the next
level and it’s already happening
we are gonna step even more into that
radical action by having institutions
that show us how great we are how
powerful we are and it’s already in
motion so 2015 will be dot dot what’s it
gonna be
let go off whatever is no longer serving
you and connect with those who remind
you who you are we are here infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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