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How to Find Your Soul Tribe | Heal Loneliness

meaning your soul tribe is like meeting
one best friend after another best
friend after another best friend all in
peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby another
beautiful day in Jurassic Park little
windy but my microphone is so good
you’re not gonna hear a damn thing of
now deep divers are you on the quest to
find other like minds do you sometimes
find yourself feeling lonely along your
where are the Ralph’s where did they go
why do I always feel so alone well it is
time to reconnect with your soul tribe
deep divers how to find your soul tribe
and never feel alone again deep dive is
less just wolf breathing in that good
ass piranha baby so I’m on the Instagram
live and shout out to everybody who’s
always on the lives ok and they’re like
Ralph thank you your videos have touched
me touched my soul and whenever I watch
around smart video it’s like family and
that resonated with me because that’s
what a so tribe is it’s family and if
you feel lonely if you feel like you are
alone this will be no more because it’s
time deep divers to find your so tribe
and we even had breakfast yet can I get
a hello so wonderful deep divers let me
share with you what helped me along my
journey find my soul tribe now your soul
tribe is like meeting one best friend
after another best friend after another
best friend
another best friend all in the same day
you’re so tribe is your different
soulmates all around planet Earth how
cool is that and your soulmate
is a perfect match so how do we find our
so tribe or extended family because we
were born into a family but we also have
an extended family called are so tribe
hmm slow motion this type and our so
tribe are beings just like us who think
like us who dress like us with Amber and
stuff like that
who have the same values as we do our
hearts all beat for the same thing seven
day vegan challenge that’s like waking
up with a whole bunch of grapes in your
mouth so how do we find our so tribe how
did I find my so tribe I have a
wonderful extended family including the
cat down the road we have to learn how
to be raw that’s right every single day
I’m raw and I am uncut no filter here no
filter that’s me in a nutshell and
because I’m so wrong with it like I
really do speak my heart and mind about
how I’m feeling by me being authentic
it’s a lot easier for other people to
see me it’s a lot easier for other
people to hear me because they are
hearing my true self and if you can
allow your true self to be seen the
right people will find you
how to find your soul tribe if we are
always wearing a mosque being in this
persona we will never ever find our
extended family are so tribe because a
persona is a mosque if we can learn how
to take off the mosque every single day
now we will find our so tribe the mosque
once that disappears once we lose this
person who society says we are and
actually move into our true essence we
allow ourselves to be vulnerable we
allow ourselves to be seen I’m on the
Instagram live there like Ralph I love
your videos you’ve changed my life
please don’t go Hollywood please stay
the way you are and that’s what I’m
doing that’s what I’m always gonna do
that’s how you find your so tribe when I
talk about speaking your truth even if
your voice shakes that is how to find
your so tribe never hold your tongue
never bite your tongue hmm no let it all
out let the whole world know how you
really think once you do that once you
are brave enough to stand in your truth
you will find your divine reflections
slow motion this side how to find your
so tribe deep divers was help me along
my journey is to realize this so tribes
we don’t recognize each other by the way
we look no we don’t we don’t recognize
each other from the words that are
coming out of our mouths no we don’t we
recognize each other by the way we
each other feel you see it’s not what
I’m saying it’s the energy behind that
matters is how I’m making you feel right
now can I get a hello have you
identified me as a member of your so
fantastic right it’s all about feeling
and that’s how to find your so tribe
instead of just seeing how someone looks
because anyone can wear some amber some
it’s about feeling that person feeling
their energy how to find your soul tribe
how to never feel lonely again you see
deep divers I realize this we are never
the universe always sends someone I
actually like being alone but it’s even
better when you meet your reflection mmm
slow motion this side mmm or shall I say
reflections or should I say other
soulmates right many many many many
okay we have many soulmates they are our
collective so tribe whenever I’m
traveling which is a lot every single
month are meaning my soul tribe deep
divers have you ever traveled to a
country known no one and then get
talking to someone and you’re like I I
know you before from a past life you
just click that is your so tribe right
so we actually find our soul tribe by
traveling by being social by putting
ourselves out there going out there
being social and moving our but going
into airports and checking in and
hopping on a plane and flying across the
globe and finally finally finally we
so tribe now to find your so tribe to
never feel lonely again how I did it was
to realize this it’s not how many people
you are connecting with it is the
quality of your interactions that matter
slow motion this side
say it again Ralph it’s not how many
people you connect with it is the
quality of the interactions that matter
if you can be around someone and you can
talk about anything that’s how you find
your so tribe if you always have to
force conversations that’s how to not
find your soul try because you’re so
tribe will accept you for who you are
you’re so tribe will love you for who
you are but we can only find our true so
tribe when we love ourselves when we
accept ourselves when we are living our
true message every single day I haven’t
changed it’s all about being free
because we are multi-dimensional beings
having a human experience Indigo stand
up you are my so tribe we know each
other yes we do right I’m living my
message I’m putting myself on the front
lines every single day hey I’m over here
that’s how to find your so tribe every
single day deep diamonds I get thousands
of messages from my so tribe they’re
like Ralph I saw you from like 3,000
miles away I love you I love you too
right that’s how to fly in your so tribe
okay how to find your so tribe as you
can tell sometimes I’m just like so fun
most of the time I’m laughing I’m joking
at the same time I can be serious I’m
showing you so many different sides of
Ralph smart and that’s how defined
you’re so tribe be versatile in how you
carry yourself don’t always be serious
allow yourself to loosen up and relax
into your true authentic self how to
find your so tribe deep divers and never
feel you will never walk alone again
seven day vegan challenge we recognize
our so tribe by the kinds of foods we
are putting inside of our mouth what are
you eating right now for the seven day
vegan challenge isn’t it so wonderful
that we are sparing the lives of other
animals sentient beings who actually
want to live you see deep divers I’ve
gone to a lot of vegan festivals and I
remember going to the veg fest one year
out in the valley in California and it
was pretty cool I like met my entire
soul tribe they’re like infinite waters
is that you oh let’s company some grapes
let’s see some pomegranate right let’s
eat some Brazil nuts there was some
beautiful vegan food okay acai bowls
chia seed porridges brown rice and vegan
burgers kale everywhere what else Ralph
III live everywhere what else Ralph so
much good stuff vegan ice cream
everywhere that’s right almond milk
everywhere on my shed as well right I
found my so tribe by going to a lot of
vegan festivals shoutout to everybody
who is going vegan next year if you
haven’t started already that’s how you
find your soul tribe so tribes recognize
each other by the kinds of
foods they are eating if you think the
same way about food as I do you are a
member of my soul tribe like I
absolutely love animals in fact I’m
gonna open up an animal sanctuary and
the cat down the road is gonna help me
do it and we are gonna protect the lives
of animals because over 64 billion
animals are killed every single year we
have to do something about it if you’re
with me you’re part of my soul tribe
okay now how to find your soul tribe and
never feel lonely again it’s so tribal
right tribes everywhere okay that is
because that’s how the energy works
that’s how the energy field works
everything is aligning to the vibration
to the exact frequency of it right
things that are in resonance aligned to
each other things are not things that
are not resonating things that hunt
resonating at the same frequency are not
in alignment so we recognize our so
tribe when we are vibrating at the same
frequency as someone else okay
nikola tesla said if you want to
understand the universe think in terms
of energy frequency and vibration it’s
all energy baby how to find your so
tribe and never feel lonely again deep
divers if you can lose your prejudice if
you can lose your harsh judgments of
other people you will find your soul
tribe you see you have been programmed
by this matrix to start judging other
people based on the country they were
born in their nationality what else the
color of their skin right don’t you know
that we are not the only advanced life
forms on the planet you got dolphins too
we got even aliens as well okay we’re
worried about what each other’s colors
are No
realizing another you another planets
you got all kinds of colors right we got
to get past this little glitch prejudice
the only reason why you judge someone
else is because of your programming and
once you can lose your prejudice once
you can lose your judgement of someone
else you actually find they’re pretty
awesome ever watch that film called
crash where sometimes who you are
prejudiced against who you are judging
you actually end up crashing into them
and you might need their help so I’ve
learned over time to lose my judgment we
are all energy we are all
multi-dimensional beings who are having
a human experience I’ve got people of a
different skin color than me who are
riding harder for me than even people of
my own skin color it’s not about color
here it’s about energy it’s not about
where you were born
people are like Ralph what country were
you born in I’m like I’m a planetarium
planet Earth I don’t see any borders
here do you mmm slow motion this side
mmm how to find your so tribe and never
feel lonely again who were you before
the world told you who you were we have
to go back to that state to that
authentic state and live it every single
day in the open field and that’s how to
find your so tribe if all of us did that
we would recognize each other more
easily how to find your soul tribe deep
divers was help me is to be a good
listener like actually listen to what
people are saying and then tune into
their energy at the same time and now
you can really identify your true so
tribe people people whose hearts beat
for the same thing as you do how to find
your so tribe deep diamonds what’s
helped me along my journey plain and
simple is to keep being me that’s all I
can do you can’t be the cat down the
road but you can be the best you only
strive to be the best you stop comparing
yourself to other people
spreading awareness every single day
spreading my tentacles out and that’s
how I’m finding my wonderful soulmates
all around the globe deep divers we’re
living in such a powerful time I just
want to give you a hug right now and
then just say Phil so get to be a live
baby can I get a hello beautiful deep
divers we are out here in the heart of
nature baby just whoa breathing in that
good oz piranha baby shout out to
everybody diving deep getting the
amazing good oz prana shirts
Ralph smart don’t come slash clothes
giving up your way only on instagram at
infinite waters check out the new
amazing book on Amazon feel alive by
Ralph smart deep divers you are
appreciated have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you looks like we found our so tribe

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