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How to Deal With People that Judge You—Stop Worrying: Start Living…Letting Go!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again judgment why do we judge other
people why do other people judge us
what’s wrong with you what’s wrong with
me you look at someone and you don’t
like the hair color you don’t like their
skin color you don’t like their car you
don’t like their boyfriend you don’t
like their girlfriend you for some
reason or whatever you just don’t like
people when you see them what’s
happening here and for me I realized
even on my journey whenever I’m judging
people it’s coming from fear that’s the
main cause of judgement fear and
separation whenever you feel separated
from everything around you then you
judge it because there’s a separation
when you’ll connect something there’s no
need to judge it intimidation as well is
also another cause of judgement but a
lot of the times I’m realizing one way
I’ve found helpful on my journey for not
worrying – stop worrying start living
not worrying about if other people judge
you that’s their job the only question
is what are you doing you can’t control
how other people think of you you can
only control how you respond to other
people’s actions so therefore on my
journey I realized the best way to deal
with a lot of people who want to judge
you who want to label you is to be
silent the more you are debating with
them even some people they want to have
debates and all of these things if
you’re silent then you don’t give them
food you don’t give them energy to feed
them the more that you feed people’s
energies then you give them a great
and therefore silence sometimes is the
best remedy because then they have to
actually look at themselves in the
mirror to say okay what kind of a person
am i many of us we haven’t had a reality
check yet
and for me when we talk of we’re living
in a multi-dimensional universe
multi-dimensional world of many
different life forms many people are
seeing this world in different ways and
everyone here is incarnated for
different reasons at different times
there is no time actually but in
different spaces and therefore everyone
is on their own evolutionary journey and
we have to accept that that not everyone
is gonna be like you and that’s needed
because friction is needed for things to
move around in the cosmos but at the
same time when you realize that don’t
what are you inviting this is the big
thing I realize on my journey someone
can only enter your own Dominion your
own inner Kingdom through an invitation
you have a lot of haters out there and I
always say love your haters because your
greatest adversary is your greatest
friend they’ll teach you more about
yourself and you can imagine but at the
same time you have to realize that when
you someone is annoying you don’t give
them that power of hater because then
you’re placing them as an enemy they
have no power so therefore how we define
other people if you are coming into
contact with someone who doesn’t like
you don’t say okay that’s my enemy
because when you do you actually give
them power instead you could say and
this is what I’m saying to myself even
what I do on my journey I just say okay
this person has their
own issues many times we are not other
people’s problems we think we are but
actually if we go back we realize that
their problems existed long before we
even got here long before we came on the
scene many people especially now in this
3d density many people are going through
a hell of a lot it’s not easy and a lot
of people just need someone to take it
out on by that same time a lot of people
who can stay balanced and neutral
children live in the state of non
judgment and that’s the only way they
can be free that’s why they’re so free
because they live in the state of non
judgment as children we’re not judging
there’s no separation because we are
everything in existence we are part of
the fabric it’s only because many of us
we’ve sold ourselves we’ve actually
disconnected from the source and that’s
how it is here in Babylon many of us
we’re fighting for dreams and on the
road to the riches that’s what the
Wizard of Oz was all about but at the
same time you didn’t check who was
behind the curtain didn’t realize that
it’s like a loop we’re going around in a
circle it’s all a test it’s all part of
Earth School where we’re realizing that
okay you’re gonna end up where you first
started there’s no matter what direction
you take because essentially when you
realize that once you have lost your
soul then you become something else and
that’s what’s happened through universal
mind control many people through
religions through the dead food that
they are eating killing other animals
and and all of these things keeping us
in a low vibration that’s why a lot of
people are in fear because animals have
been killed in fear also
the animals are part of our lower nature
they’re symbols of lower nature
so therefore when you’re eating
something which is dead and has been
killed in agony you are also going to
reflect that lower nature so that’s why
a lot of people who are judging you look
at their life cells what kind of food
that they’re eating what are their
principles where where is their heart
spacer at the same time it’s not just
about what food you eat but at the same
time it’s about your heart space
vibration the heart is sending out more
electrical impulses than your brain so
therefore a lot of people they’ve shut
down their hearts they’ve become cold
they’ve become frosty icy and when
something is freezing it can’t move so
many people they judge us because
they’re all so stiff when your fluid and
you’re moving all around you don’t have
time to start judging people because
analysis is paralysis so essentially for
me I always look at it like this you
even might have family members who say
okay why are you becoming like this why
are you eating all this healthy food who
you’re gonna die anyway and all of these
things and you might even have family
members who you might be in a religion
and then you’re stepping away from
outside of it you begin to question
reality and then they say okay what’s
happening to you are you going crazy hmm
maybe you need to see a doctor and this
is what it is everyone is seeing the
so therefore we have to realize and
understand that we are only going to see
the world according to our own vibration
when you change your vibration the
environment changes so a lot of people
are stuck in a certain vibration right
here in in the underworld and and
therefore a lot of people are in their
lower nature all the time so therefore
they will always judge because they’re
separate they have been separated from
their authentic self which is also their
higher nature so a lot of the times I
always say just brush it off and breathe
easy because the more you pay attention
to something then it’s going to cost you
that’s why they call it pay attention
because you’re going to be an expense so
for me I always say liberate yourself of
holding onto other people’s energies
other people’s grudges and realize that
that’s how it happens sometimes people
love you they hate you then they love
you again because a lot of the times
it’s got nothing to do with you you are
just a mirror we’re mirroring back to
each other all the time someone sees you
and you’re mirroring back something to
them they don’t like but they haven’t
actually taken time to see it so you’re
there conveniently showing to them what
they don’t want to see in themselves
we’ve got to let that go and for me
that’s how it is right now in front of
the beautiful Sun about the Sun gaze and
get some fresh air breathe infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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