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How to Deal With Big Life Changes & Become Unstoppable I POWERFUL STUFF!

Pisan senate waters diving deep once
again we are out here in the heart of
nature beautiful day we got the birds as
our DJ how to deal with big life changes
let’s just whoa breathing in that
good-ass prana baby
now there are a lot of deep divers on
this channel are you studying right now
no it’s the holidays oh you’re still
studying are you in a job right now and
it’s completely different from where you
used to work have you moved house what
happens when life throws the sudden
changes into our life are you in a new
relationship are you still stuck lost in
your life purpose what happens when we
have these big life changes and we even
at breakfast yeah can I get a Hello okay
let me share with you what helped me
along my journey now I’m all about
change because I’m always doing new
things trying different things
experimenting okay and it’s not easy to
deal with change I’m here to tell you no
matter what you are going through you
will pull through you see so many times
we forget that it’s not about reacting
to situations
slow motion aside sometimes life can
seem uncertain when you are in the abyss
when you’re lost it’s not easy because
sometimes even the cat down the road is
not by your side singing your beautiful
song you all by yourself and sometimes
what makes it hard to deal with these
sudden life changes is not the actual
situation but it’s because of our
reaction to the situation so there’s a
massive difference between responding
and reacting okay check this out
let’s just say I’m completely lost
I’ve got no way to make my bread and
I don’t need but I’m a vegan look what
would I do now I can get really mad
that’s reacting and that’s beautiful to
do then but then it won’t change the
situation responding is where you’re
calm and collected you collect yourself
you’re like okay what’s the best way to
approach this situation let me get
greater clarity a better perspective you
see how you respond to a situation
literally has the power to change the
slow motion aside this is life and it’s
the good the bad and the ugly oh don’t
worry about it if you can change how you
respond how I do this anytime anytime I
get a sudden change in my life which I
wasn’t prepared for I used to just react
and say no no stop it stop it but it’s
already happening so when I’m responding
I’m taking 60 seconds to myself just a
whoa breathing in that good ah sprouter
baby okay what are we gonna do now you
gotta say like that what are we going to
do now after you’ve taken that deep
inhalation of that good ah spread and
say what are we gonna do now okay and
then the solution will just pop into
your head we’re going to do this right
you see what helped me along my journey
to deal with these big life changes
sometimes your past is catching up with
you Oh sometimes people from your past
come back into your life sometimes we’re
just doing things differently you might
have gone to a new country you’ve got no
friends you’ve moved somewhere okay I
realized this that change is inevitable
you can’t prevent it the great Greek
writer of it in these famous works
metamorphosis life is the metamorphosis
change is inevitable so that means we
all got to deal with it and the universe
is putting on his glasses like pill with
so what do I do I prepare for change I
remember when I was leaving my job I’d
been there for years helping people with
ADHD autism it was scary because I’m
like what am I going to do right now but
in my heart I realized that I’ve got to
help people become their greatest
version and I’m still here so it paid
off you see you got to prepare for
change you have to prepare for change
it’s what I call the triad of change
what is the triad of change prepare for
change prepare for a rainy day
it’s a beautiful day to day prepare for
change accept change you see the second
in the Triads acts
change the second in the triad accept
changes where a lot of people trip up
you see many of us we are in resistance
to change I don’t want to change I don’t
want to change resistance make stronger
so I have to learn I had to learn you
have to accept change once you can
accept change then you got a hug change
like can we have a hug change gotta
embrace change the triad of change
let me repeat it prepare for change
accept change
embrace change because change is
inevitable it’s going to come like I’m
changing all the time so it’s a cat down
the road you’ve got to prepare for
whatever life sends you away good bad or
downright ugly because it’s going to
come either one of them is it good is it
bad is it ugly was ugly don’t worry
about it
you see what’s helped me along my
journey is to realize this I can’t
control anything I can’t control if this
person is going to be this way to me if
the world something is going to happen
in the world to someone I can’t control
what happens out there but I can control
inside here you see to deal with big
changes big life changes you’ve got to
remind yourself of your secret weapon
you can always control how you feel
inside not outside you can’t control the
outside control everything so stop
trying to control everything let go let
things flow naturally start realizing I
realize this once you change your
energetic vibration everything aligns to
that same frequency slow motion this
side let me repeat that once you change
your energetic vibration everything
aligns to that same frequency but what
happens so often we are confronted with
a crisis
we feel like oh my gosh the world is
coming to an end so we start absorbing
that frequency of chaos uncertainty and
then we go into panic mode and then the
situation becomes worse you see when you
are dealing with a testing life
challenge or situation or a big change
you got to do the total opposite you got
to pull that situation into your vortex
of peace harmony and serenity so now
that situation is no longer a problem
because so long as you are in balance
that situation is now in balance it’s
under control
that’s the secret I’ve learned this as
slow motion inside oh there have been
days when I was ready to quit pack up
pack my bags I’m finished I’m out of
it’s too hard you see there are physical
battles and sometimes you got to tap out
okay mix martial arts you got to tap out
that’s understandable
but you see many of us we have a mental
battle and you never have to tap out if
you don’t want to you are powerful
beyond measure there have been times
when I wanted to tap out because the
universe had me in a chokehold a
submission but then I realized actually
this is all a mindset as long as you
never quit it’s never over you see big
changes often show us who we really are
they make us or they break us but they
always show us something so you have to
remind yourself that what is the
universe revealing to me about myself I
would have never have known this if I
didn’t have this big
a change you see when I was going
through so many changes and I’m and I
still AM and I still AM and I still am
right I realize I’m learning so much
about who I really am
what makes me happy what gets me
frustrated and also my power of alchemy
you see the secret of alchemy is making
the best out of the worst and never
allowing external events to govern your
internal condition so I repeat it the
secret of alchemy is making the best out
of the worst and never allowing external
events to govern your internal condition
that’s how to deal with big life changes
you have to become an alchemist and you
have to realize that as long as you
never quit it is never over keep making
mistakes keep falling on your ass and
failing just don’t quit because if it’s
a physical battle yes Tapout but a
mental battle you can do this you’re
stronger than them now seven day vegan
challenge okay it’s food talk time you
see what happens a lot of people are
emotional wrecks sometimes life can make
us all that and therefore if we feel
really down we end up binge eating junk
food processed garbage full of GMO okay
GMOs and everything so we’re not really
taking care of ourselves when we have
really big life changes sometimes when
we have these obstacles in our way we
end up submitting and therefore it
affects our diet we we let go okay I let
go when I was going through big changes
I’m like where am I right now I feel
really lost and I was just letting
myself go I’m like okay pass me those
biscuits toss me those fries pass me
that coke right and then it makes the
situation even worse now I realize food
alchemy okay what is food alchemy if you
are feeling really down
have an acai juice on me full of vitamin
C antioxidants have an e3 live juice on
me the most powerful superfood in the
complete source of protein now when I’m
really taking care of myself by eating a
plant-based diet those big those big
life changes which I’m going through now
like off whatever because this juice
tastes so good right now okay so
sometimes it’s as simple as really just
changing what you are eating to feel
better you see every 35 days our body
makes new cells from the foods we eat so
just as just imagine just imagine how
you can even change you’re in your inner
environment by just changing your food
and that in turn will change your outer
environment okay but if you are putting
garbage in and garbage is out in this
situation imagine what imagine what that
is going to do but if you are do you
think green juice you got the chia seeds
okay you’re going to be fine I’ve
learned this that so many times big life
change your scare us because we are
afraid to move out of our comfort zone
now I love being in my comfort zone
that’s what I used to say now I don’t
because I realize your comfort zone is
your greatest prison slow motion this
side okay check this out it’s what I
call controlled environments and
uncontrolled environments so for example
when I’m making videos inside in my
studio in the art gallery right what
happens it’s beautiful but it’s a
controlled environment it’s safe when
I’m making videos in nature I’ve got
people looking past me right now dogs
barking over there okay this is an
uncontrolled environment so I’m already
out of my comfort zone which is why
I go to the next level which is why I am
which is why I am inspiring millions of
people and this channel has over 1
million subscribers because when you are
in an organic environment as much as
possible of course it’s cool to be in
the studio but you got to be once again
this is life get used to the real
organic life this is nature whoa it’s
not a green screen should we get married
right so the more you move out of your
comfort zone the more you are now
empowered to deal with big life changes
you see we don’t get stronger we don’t
get stronger in our comfort zone we get
more frightened to leave it let me
repeat that we don’t get stronger in our
comfort zone we become more frightened
to leave it I remind myself when I was
just so in my own bubble in my comfort
take the same route every single day to
work I was afraid to change it up to
switch it up because I’m like oh it’s so
frightening now every single day I’m
already in the wild I’m in nature right
now how real can you get I’m ready for
any big life challenge because this
shows me life is all about metamorphosis
so reconnect back to nature and nature
will show you about metamorphosis right
you don’t learn that in the house all
day you learn it by going into the wild
that’s how to deal with big life changes
throw yourself in the deep end and hope
you swim oh you’re swimming oh my gosh
now if you don’t want to move out of
your comfort zone what help me along my
journey was to extend extend the combat
zone and that will really help you deal
with big life changes so keep your
comfort zone but just extend it broaden
it and face what you are most afraid of
you see every single day I
doing one thing differently I’m going
this way today the next day I’m going
that way okay because if you keep on
doing the same thing if you keep on
having the same routine your neuro
Network stays the same so
neuroplasticity is how our brain changes
based on our experience so we can
actually grow a whole new brain by just
having different experiences
okay and I’m always realizing that that
if I just go to a new country my brain
is going to grow right if I just stay in
the same place my whole life
it can grow but then once again I’m not
really pushing myself to the next level
so I’ve learned that you got to switch
it up you’ve got to change your routine
and that will help you once again
incorporate the triad of change which is
prepare for change accept change
embrace change right always remind the
triad of change prepare for change
accept change
embrace change it’s going to come anyway
right and doing something differently
you are already switching it up you’re
already getting into the change mindset
that’s what will help you deal with big
changes never be too comfortable where
you are switch it up check this out okay
now what’s helped me along my journey is
this now I know every single day that we
are alone we are not alone on this
planet and a lot of us when we are going
through big life changes remind yourself
you want alone you are not alone phone a
friend this is not who wants to be a
millionaire but it can be if you want
you’re going through a big life change
what’s helped me along my journey is the
phone a friend don’t think that you have
to deal with all of this yourself like
I’m not afraid to ask for help if I need
help I’m going to ask for it say I’m in
a big life change right now
I don’t know what to do and the cat down
the road will help me out right the cat
down the road will help me out see many
of us we think we can do it all by
ourselves because we have this massive
independent mindset which is great but
at the same time nobody is an island so
I realized when I’m going through big
life changes sometimes I get it I get
advice from friends family okay don’t
think that you’re here by yourself reach
out to people and you might they might
have the answer for you they just might
have the answer they didn’t don’t worry
about it right now I’ve learned this
when you are dealing with big life
changes this is not something you should
allow to define you this is just a tiny
part of who you are and no matter how
intense it seems how hard it seems how
bad it seems realize you’ll move through
it all the time when I thought it’s
never getting it’s never ever gonna get
any better okay but you move through it
you live to see another day
but if you think oh my gosh this whole
life situation defines me you’ll be
stuck you see diamonds were large pieces
of charcoal which managed to handle
pressure exceptionally well slow motion
this side swords can only become
stronger through sharpening you are
sharpening that sword when you wash when
you are sharpening that sword you become
more powerful let me repeat that because
we had a dog barking over there when you
are sharpening your sword you become
more powerful
you got to sharpen the sword every
single day you got to be focused that’s
how to deal with big changes you see
that person over there was like shouting
a minute ago at his dogs right but I had
to stay focus I’m doing the video right
now that’s how to deal with big life
changes you don’t submit so it’s a
you can always choose you are a victim
of circumstance life is not something
happening to you life is responding to
you at every second every minute every
hour once you realize that well then you
just say feel so good to be a live baby
can I get a Hello we are out here in
nature just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby have a beautiful day deep
divers infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace you

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