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How to Beat 9-5 Wage Slavery And Fly

deep divers if you ended up in a job you
absolutely hate because your mom said
hey go and work there if you ended up in
a job you absolutely hate because your
friend said hey you would look so cool
working there if you listened to them
instead of listening to yourself well
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here in the wonderful art gallery
I’m sending you tons of great energy
take that take that and take that deep
dive is less just whoa breathing in that
good ass prana baby how to be nine to
five wage slavery and fly like a bird in
the sky are you working somewhere and
you’re like Ralph I am totally not
satisfied with this it’s not making me
happy I want to do something else Ralph
but for some strange reason I’m still
I’m still here elf I’m still in wage
slavery is that you today well after
this video you will beat nine-to-five
wage slavery and fly like a bird in the
sky and win even had breakfast yeah can
I get a Hello so wonderful deep divers
let’s dive straight into him let me
share with you what helped me along my
journey to beat 9 to 5 wage slavery and
fly create financial create financial
freedom baby what happened to me I
started to realize if you love your job
that’s great if you don’t love your job
there’s something you can do about it
and by the way job stands for just over
broke I don’t have a job I have a
lifestyle mmm
what slow motion this side mmm
I had to become brutally honest with
myself I’ve worked in so many different
jobs right and the more honest you are
with yourself say is this really helping
me evolve as a person me being here or
is it stealing my happiness is it
stealing my lifeforce energy and the
more honest you are with yourself now
you know your true Worth and that’s how
to beat nine-to-five wait slavery and
fly know your true Worth did I come to
Planet Earth to do this yes or no be
honest with yourself and a lot of people
write to me they’re like Ralph I’m so
sick and tired of being here but I’ve
got no choice I’ve got to pay the bills
Ralph how got kids to feed a kid is a
baby goat children to feed that’s better
look I know what it’s like I’ve been
there I’ve been in the grind but I got
sick and tired of being sick and tired I
said my health is more important and
that’s how to beat nine-to-five
wait slavery and fly what is your
biggest priority right now making money
and being unhappy or taking a chance
working on a business and being happy
how to be nine-to-five wait slavery and
fly know what you want be clear about
what you want have a vision board say
this is where I want to be that’s what I
did along my journey I said I want to be
in nature every single day beautiful art
galleries I want to inspire people so by
me just having a clear vision it started
to put things into motion
and that’s how to beat nine-to-five wait
slavery and fly if you don’t have a
vision you will be living in someone
else’s dream mmm
what slow motion this side mmm so know
what you want and then start doing what
is needed to get there to make it happen
so I said to myself okay I need to
create therefore I need to invest in
tools to help me create by cameras
microphones so stop stepping into
radical action do what is needed for you
to make your vision a reality and many
times when we talk of when we talk of
leaving the nine-to-five wage slavery
and flying we have to be prepared to put
in the time 10,000 hours you got to work
on your dream for more than that
and it still won’t blossom immediately
you’re gonna have to do the work you see
everybody wants to hang out at the
finish line nobody wants to run the race
well you have to start seeing life as a
marathon to say actually are going to be
prepared to work those long hours in the
beginning because just because you leave
the nine-to-five wage slavery now you
have to start working for yourself and
in the beginning is gonna be hard but
nobody said it would be easy but it’s
possible and therefore you have to you
have to feel good you got to feel good
about what you’re doing
so right now you said you’re not happy
where you are at that job so now you
have to know what it is you won what are
you good at what are your talents what
are your gifts
and then feel good about doing them
Talyn emanates from the Latin Talentum
which means a sum of money our talent
should bring us financial prosperity but
talents on enough we need passion
passion is the catalyst for manifesting
all of your desires so have the passion
with a talent and then place value on
the talent and then offer your service
offer your service ok that’s how to beat
the 9 to 5 wage slavery and fly
everything in this universe works in a
symbiotic relationship with everything
bees nectar ok so we have to enter the
law of exchange what can you offer other
people of value that’s how to beat 9 to
5 wage slavery and fly its business the
whole universe is a business any time I
do this whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby I got to breathe it right
back out the universe is a business what
is business business is any activity
which is engaged in the supply of goods
and services to satisfy human wants so
it’s give and take here so if you can
realize this that instead of thinking
about how I can make a million dollars
think of how you can serve 1 million
people through your service by placing
value on your talent we all have a
talent now we all have a talent ok we’ve
all got a talent now we’ve got to find
it and then say actually this talent
really matters this is my winning
lottery ticket Oh
okay how to be nine-to-five wage slavery
and fly stop being distracted the reason
why a lot of people end up in shitty
jobs is because they allowed themselves
to be distracted you want to have
razor-sharp focus no way you need to be
right now in life and disregard any
distractions around you because if you
want focus once again you are gonna fall
into someone else’s dream you see rich
people don’t work they supervise mm-hmm
what slow motion inside seven day vegan
challenge how to beat nine-to-five wage
slavery and fly I’ve been a vegan for
over fourteen years the plant-based diet
has changed and transformed my life eat
the top performance okay because it’s
all about what we are eating the fuel we
are putting into our body every single
day will determine what we will become
trash in trash out goodness and
wholeness in wholeness out right so
eating more Whole Foods more leafy
greens fruit veg
okay antioxidants all of that the right
vitamins and minerals now you can think
properly to know what it is you want
what it is you came here to do so I’ll
buy you that green smoothie today don’t
don’t mention it don’t mention it how to
beat nine-to-five wage slavery and fly
focus deep divers focus on creating your
own personal brand we are living in the
greatest times on the planet all of
these platforms YouTube Instagram
Facebook you can actually share your
gift on these platforms this is the new
CNN YouTube is the new CNN because it is
literally what everybody is watching
right now this is the future so
Lunn to stop focusing on creating your
own personal brand every single day
because a corporation COPO is bodies a
dead body so you are a life stop working
on your own brand right every single day
your own personal brand you see
celebrities really rich people they
don’t have to buy anything they get
given everything for free how to be nine
to five wage slavery and fly now what’s
helped me is to always learn more the
more you learn the more you earn
yes knowledge is power
wisdom is even more powerful okay wisdom
is even more powerful because wisdom is
knowledge applied so if you can learn a
new skill that nobody else has figured
out yet how to do now you are a novelty
you will be highly sought after
so like nobody can do this can I get a
except the cat down the road right so
learn something a lot of people can do
be in demand that’s how to be
nine-to-five wage slavery and fly
because if you don’t work on a specific
skill you’ll be like just another brick
in the wall right so learn how to stand
out and that’s why artists can on these
big salaries because once again they are
one in a million be one in a million
every single day that’s how to be nine
to five wage slavery and fly okay deep
divers we need people get investors get
people to believe in your dream get a
support network going realize that
you’re gonna need support because
everything once again is about loss
exchange so learn how to network
the real social networking right long to
go to different events take an online
course go to a seminar increase your
knowledge that’s how to be nine to five
wage slavery and fly deep divers a lot
of people say Ralph I have to be here my
bus is full no no wait wait wait a
nobody’s forcing you to be there you are
choosing to be there so every single day
say this I chose to be here I’m choosing
to be here you see I realize I’ve got a
choice every single day so instead of
saying I have to be here say I choose to
be here
instead of saying instead of saying this
if you are at a job you don’t like I
must be here because I must pay my bill
say I’m choosing to be hit now you take
back a hundred percent power in other
words you now take full responsibility
for your life deep divers your time is
precious don’t waste it
don’t waste your life helping build
someone else’s dream and that other
person isn’t giving you anything back
but grief start working with people who
share the same vision as you that’s how
to beat ninety five weight slavery and
fly I realized it was possible the
moment I started to believe in myself
but it’s gonna take time don’t expect
overnight success but it will come is
just that you have to learn how to be
patient if you are working on that
business on that new app it’s gonna take
some time before it starts to get going
but it will get going the more you are
enjoying what you are doing the more you
feel good about what you are doing
sometimes even myself I love what I’m
our challenges difficulties just because
it’s your life purpose it doesn’t mean
it’s always gonna be smooth sailing but
because it is your life purpose you’ve
got the passion to overcome any obstacle
what slow motion this side so there you
have it deep divers that’s how to beat
nine-to-five wage slavery and fly into
financial freedom and once that happens
deep divers well you’ll just say feel so
you only have one life yes we are
immortal but in this incarnation it’s
you right now one life don’t waste it
living a life that you know you didn’t
come here to live start allowing
yourself give yourself permission to be
as happy as you know you deserve to be
deep divers let’s just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the
wonderful good ass prana shirts a
Ralph’s Montcalm slash clothes check out
the amazing new book on Amazon for
information like this feel alive by
Ralph smart get more daily inspiration
like this on instagram at infinite
waters deep divers you are appreciate it
from the cat down the road and I have a
beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you well it
looks like everyone is running out of
their nine-to-five and the beach is that way

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