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How to Attract a Miracle Now (POWERFUL STUFF!)

peace and finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby we got
the wind swing beautiful day we just
breathing in that good oz piranha baby
that’s right
we’re deep divers do you ever sometimes
feel that you don’t want to be on planet
Earth it’s just terrible Ralph look what
they’re doing to animals look what
they’re doing to the rainforest like
humans are so terrible Ralph I know what
it’s like I went through that phase like
thinking the whole world is just a mess
and sometimes I still feel it is however
deep divers I’m here to share with you
another perspective you see if the
universe didn’t need you you wouldn’t be
here you were born for a specific reason
and your life is meaningful once you
learn how to give it meaning you see
it’s a miracle I’m alive and it feels so
good to be alive baby four hundred
trillion to one that’s the odds of you
becoming a human
congratulations deep divers you won the
lotto you are a living miracle and it’s
time to start acting like it and then
you’ll just say feels so good to be a
the universe doesn’t make mistakes and
there are no accidents or coincidences
in this 3d dimension if the universe
didn’t need you you wouldn’t be here
deep dive is less just whoa breathing in
that good ass piranha baby
shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the good ass prana shirts
looking so amazing Ralph’s Montcalm
slash clothes get more inspiration head
to instagram at infinite waters follow
me there have a beautiful day deep
divers infinite waters diving deep once
again stay well stay healthy peace you
if the universe didn’t need these leaves they would not be here

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