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How to Accept What You Can’t Change (Law of Attraction!) Powerful!

cheese and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby it’s beautiful
weather always it just seems like we’re
just in a tropical paradise but wait
wait a minute wait a minute
is there something bothering you from
your past that you did you wish you
could change how to accept something you
did in the past
you can’t change how do I accept what
you can’t control
let’s just know breathing in that
good-ass prana baby
now that’s the question that came in a
great question if you’ve got a question
please don’t email me I have thousands
Google are charging me even more now if
you’ve got a question add me on
instagram at infinite waters
I only respond to those questions now
someone asked Ralph yes how can I accept
I can’t control something I did in the
past which I can’t change how to accept
something you can’t change or control
Ralph what’s happening right that’s a
fantastic question we got a whole lot to
talk about and we even had breakfast yet
can I get a hello how to accept what you
can’t control what you can’t change
whoops it’s too late crying over spilt
almond milk I do that sometimes
look I know what it’s like deep divers
my life’s not perfect I’ve screwed up in
the past the cat down the road has
definitely screwed up yeah Ralph smart
has done a lot of things in the past
where I’m like oh if I could turn back
the hands of time and change everything
everything would be just fine but I
can’t do that so how can I help how can
I accept that what I did oh my gosh I’m
having flashbacks right now now many
times we often confuse accepting
something you can’t change for allowing
it to define you we confuse accepting we
we confuse accepting for defining so we
confuse accepting for defining whatever
you did in the past does not have to
slow motion inside I can’t change it
though Ralph today is a new day it’s a
new beginning how to accept something
that’s out of your control because it’s
already happened what’s through late now
look I’m a skater since 13 I used to
skateboard a lot okay
and I would injure myself sometimes and
I’m like I’m okay I got to be positive
right oh it’s nothing I just twisted my
ankle how do you feel around oh I’m
great life is perfect
I’ve just got a twisted ankle okay
sometimes people ask us how are we how
are you oh I’m fine yet you know you’re
not fine because you’re going through
stuff it’s okay to be honest okay that’s
how you accept something you can’t
change it’s okay
to be honest suppression is depression
what slow motion this side suppression
is depression if you’ve done something
even in the past which you can’t change
and it really is bothering you let it
express yourself tell the world how you
feel by screaming about how furious you
are that something has just happened
which you can’t change now and it’s
really upsetting you don’t suppress your
emotions you see positive people also
have negative emotions they just don’t
allow them to grow and control them okay
so anytime I am wanting to accept
something I can’t change I’ve done like
I wish I could change I can’t do it now
right I’m not suppressing I’m not
suppressing how I feel
let the world know let yourself know
that actually this is making me really
mad I feel upset I feel hurt I feel
disgusted okay allow your emotions which
are the energy in motion the energy in
motion emotion to have free rein okay
give it freedom sit with your emotions
are yourself how do I feel right now
I feel pretty annoyed that I already got
like five patan tickets this month I
can’t change that right but I’m not
gonna act like it’s perfect either I’m
gonna like say I’m really upset I’m
really angry what you’re looking a bit
shaky baby yes Ralph I am looking a bit
shaky because I’m annoyed it happened
okay now that’s off your chest how do
you feel a lot better out a lot better
than saying oh it’s so good it’s so good
no it’s not to accept something you
can’t change allow your self free
expression of how you are feeling in the
present moment don’t you look it don’t
don’t sugarcoat it
please don’t sugarcoat it have the raw
emotions in the present moment you owe
it to yourself okay now you have to
realize okay
did that help did it really help when I
got really angry about something I can’t
change right now because it’s already
happened could have been from the past I
screwed up you have to realize this is
an opportunity to become an alchemist
which is making the best out of the
worst and not allowing external events
to govern your internal condition
what’s the next best move I grew up
playing chess okay I played a chess
master when I was like really young her
name was Harriet hunt and she would go
around she was that good at chess right
she would it was like 20 of us in the
room and she would play all of us at the
same time play one move move on to the
next one and she would be at all of us
right she was a world champion okay I
was learning from her to say okay she’s
always so good at chess because she’s
always thinking one step ahead my chess
teacher used to say life is like a game
of chess Ralph always think one step
ahead one move ahead it’s the same thing
to accept something that’s already
happened in the past something you can’t
change realize that is this helping me
hurting me okay now I’ve spoken about
how it is beautiful to express your raw
emotions now what I love to do any time
I’m faced with accepting something I
can’t change um doing what I call what I
call I coined exaggerated disbelief so
this is what I told my people I counsel
the thousands of people exaggerated
disbelief right exaggerate to disbelief
so let’s just say something you’ve done
you can’t go back and change now a lot
of the times we’re so shocked okay we’re
like huh no you want to be like oh my
gosh oh my gosh okay and now you’re
gonna start to find a little laugh in
there right and that will help you to
become an alchemist okay so exaggerated
disbelief oh my gosh I can’t believe it
I can’t afford my retinas oh my gosh
I can’t believe it something happened I
can’t change it’s too late I was really
rude to that person I’m and I’m and I’m
you see you’re starting to become an
alchemist slow motion in this side how
what’s the next best move as yourself is
this energy generating or is it energy
depleting if I keep complaining is it
really gonna help me out or is it gonna
keep me in a state of Arrested
Development you see how I accept
something I can’t change is to realize
that I gotta be looking for the best
next move it’s already bad don’t make it
worse say it again Ralph it’s already
bad whatever you did that you can’t
change right don’t make it worse okay so
sometimes I’m holding very expensive
camera equipment what just fell on the
floor you idiot Ralph you complete idiot
is that really helping me no it’s not
I’m only gonna feel worse there’s
already a bad problem you got 99
don’t be the hundredth one
slow motion inside to accept things you
can’t change things which have already
happened what you out of your control
realized don’t add fuel to the fire
don’t be another problem so once
sometimes when I drop expensive camera
equipment I’m like oh my gosh my babies
then I’m like okay it’s only camera
equipment okay actually I’m really
annoyed and that’s okay okay but then
I’m like okay what’s the best next move
it’s for me to pick it up and realize I
can always replace those things that
have just falling down okay it’s okay
Ralph don’t worry about it okay and
that’s how to accept something you can’t
change you find the most energy
generating response let me repeat that
you find the most energy generating
response there’s a difference between
reacting and responding reacting is like
once again it’s also a part of healing
because it’s that raw emotion but
responding is taking time taking a few
minutes to collect yourself gather your
energy and then say okay what’s the best
next move okay
what’s really gonna help me in this
situation now to do that you have to
become an alchemist how to accept
something you can’t change that’s
already happened out of your control
whoops this already happened Ralph
continue as normal now this is a
powerful practice especially when it
comes to becoming your greatest version
okay I’m making videos all the time okay
I’ve been making videos for a long time
you obviously know I don’t edit these
videos it’s just one take okay and
sometimes I mess up a word but I don’t
stop I keep it going right and me
actually appears to be more natural that
way so it actually works in my favor
however a lot of the times I see a lot
of people who are content creators
they’re like they mess up a word and
they’re like oh my gosh I got to redo
the whole video how to accept something
you can’t change you continue as normal
you don’t stop you keep on going okay
because if you mess up if you mess up a
word it’s no big deal like the cat down
the road still loves you right so you
continue as normal this is actually a
powerful way to reprogram your
subconscious mind to deal with
unpleasant circumstances and situations
to propel you to the next level many
times what happens let’s just say you’re
going about your day and then you do
something very silly let’s just say
you’re rude to someone let’s just say
that you cut yourself you could break a
leg okay you could mess up on an exam
okay you could screw up a relationship
you could not take the opportunity okay
you could not meet the cat down the road
okay you can’t change it but you’re
thinking about it okay so many times
when we can’t accept something we’ve
done in the past
we often overthink about it we ruminate
about it right we ruminate about it okay
so what’s helped me to deal with this is
to realize this
you have to continue as normal you have
to do that because once again that’s
your only hope that’s the only hope left
because so long as you continue to
overthink and ruminate on what’s already
happened that you wish you could change
but you can’t change
you’re only reliving out the experiences
neuroplasticity neuro plasticity neuro
plasticity okay it states that our brain
changes based on our experiences what
happens if we are continually reliving
the same experiences we are basically
reprogramming our brain to feel the same
emotions we did when the experience
happened what slow motion this side
you better rewind that okay epigenetics
states that our perception alters our
DNA so to change to accept something
you’ve done in the past you you wish you
could change realize the power of
epigenetics that hey okay I I admit I
screwed up in the past how am I gonna
accept that you realize that it’s all
about right now and that if I have a
good perception of myself if I love
myself I can accept something I can’t
change I can move forward in glory and
abundance how to accept what you can’t
control what you can’t change
I don’t want to accept it or else 7 day
vegan challenge ok many times we all do
stuff we wish we could change we will do
stuff we wish we could rewrite and this
is part of life life is not a fairytale
and life is not perfect
life is not perfect the great Egyptian
proverb a beautiful thing is never
perfect now 7 day vegan challenge I see
a lot of people who are sending me snaps
sending me messages that hey Ralph look
because of your videos I’m eating a
healthier plant-based diet that’s
fantastic ok how do I accept something
you can’t change how did I accept that I
was eating a lot of processed foods junk
food before I became a vegan of over 13
years you have to learn how to forgive
yourself to realize hey I didn’t know
any better back then but now I know
better ok so once again you can actually
stop realising once you take care of the
present moment the future will take care
of itself all there is is the present
moment so what I did was bought like a
hundred smoothies to make up for it
ok ok ok great look to accept something
you can’t control something that’s out
of your control because it’s already
happened you can’t change it
if you are eating the best during this
period that’s how you heal yourself you
have to take the best care of yourself
when it comes to food many times when
the house is on fire
meaning the situation we are in is in a
crisis State what happens many times we
lose all hope we lose all hope and we’re
like hey I might as well eat a hotdog I
might as well drink some soda because my
life’s already crapped I might as well
make it worse once again it’s already
bad don’t make it worse by eating junk
food make it better by becoming an
alchemist by saying okay even though the
world outside I can’t control I can
control what I put into my mouth what
slow motion in this side and that’s why
every single day deep dive is what do I
I wake up with a bunch of grapes in my
mouth full of resveratrol gonna improve
your cardiovascular health full of
anthocyanins anti-cancer full of
antioxidants okay so that helps me
accept something I can’t change I part
control because it’s out of my control
hello eat better you feel better now
I’ve realized this when it comes to
accepting something you can’t change
once again you can accept something
that’s how you actually move on but
realize it doesn’t have to define you
there’s a difference between accepting
and allowing an experience in the past
to define who you are as a person now if
you can realize that everything heals
okay I’ve been through some testing
situations trials and tribulations
that’s the road of the wizard I’m a
wizard right now if you can learn
that everything heals and time is the
greatest healer
give it time okay you can keep blaming
yourself for what ever happened in the
past but will it change it Ralph stop it
slow motion this type
you can you can blame yourself you can
trash-talk yourself you can be unkind to
yourself but will it change what has
happened no it won’t no amount of self
blame will change what’s happened no
amount of being mean to yourself will
change what’s happened to accept
something you can’t change realize
everything heals once you stop coat
evading self-love self-love goes hand in
hand with self acceptance which will
help you to deal with things you can’t
change you did in the past like screwing
up really bad like really bad ok
everything kills your body heals ok
every organ heals so realize every
situation it may not look pretty right
now but over time it will heal time is
the greatest healer to accept something
you can’t change to accept something you
can’t change to accept something out of
your control because it’s already
happened realize give it time
you have to give it time and that’s
where you realize at this present time
patience is your greatest superpower is
your greatest weapon you need to be
ok I’ve realized this along my journey
the present moment is where the magic
happens if you can realize hey the past
can’t be changed the future has not
happened however in the present moment
it is full of infinite possibilities so
once again you have to say ok
what’s the best thing to do what’s the
smartest thing for me to do to accept
something I can’t change I wish I could
change your health but it’s out of my
you realize that there are infinite
possibilities in this present moment
it’s time for you to create a new
beginning for yourself now deep divers
what did you really lose to accept
something you can’t change what did you
really lose once again I’ve given you
the example I had a very I had a very
expensive piece of camera equipment in
my hand a while ago it’s happened all
throughout my life actually and I
dropped it okay I’m like oh my gosh
you remember that hard drive with a lot
of information I lost it okay but then I
learned what my old chess master teacher
told me mr. Bhatia always think one step
ahead Ralph always think
the next move I did that I said I can
recreate it what did I really lose
I’m infinite waters Ralph smart I’ve
been inspiring millions of people for
years just by saying can I get a hello
bad and that’s what I did that’s what
helped me to accept something I couldn’t
change I realized actually by me
recreating it in the present moment
already I already went back in time to
change it mm-hmm and make it better
slow motion this side oh we ain’t over
right so realize what did I really lose
what did I really lose Oh Ralph I was I
was in a relationship with someone and I
kind of messed up and we used to argue a
lot and I wish I could go back and
change it that’s cool I wish but I wish
won’t help you right now
because you can’t change it it’s already
out of your control what will help you
is realizing it’s not over for you there
is someone who is gonna honor you every
person you meet is either a lesson is
either a lesson or a blessing so every
person is preparing you for the next one
slow motion this side so what did you
really lose okay once again it seems bad
oh it looks ugly
but what did you really lose wait a
minute I’m actually still alive that
means I’ve got options that means I’ve
got possibilities that means I realize
this life can be anything anything
anything for for you right anything you
want so what did you really lose if you
have energy you can recreate it and make
it even better how to accept something
you can’t change realize you can
recreate it you haven’t lost anything
because you still are alive you’re still
you woke up today did you say thank you
how to accept something out of your
control something you can’t change it’s
already happened oh it’s so bad it’s so
okay look forward I don’t look back
unless there’s a tree behind me you got
to look forward that’s your only hope
once again is energy-generating to look
forward its energy-generating
to say okay this is the best next move I
want to look forward because I got to
stay focused
once again many times when we finally
get hard to accept something we can’t
change I’ll give you an example many
times I would
mess up I would make a mistake and I’m
like okay he’s already bad let me make
it worse okay oh it’s already bad let me
just think about how bad it is whatever
you focus on gross therefore if you are
looking forward you are now focusing on
creating a new reality for yourself slow
motion this side you don’t have to get
over the past’s you don’t have to forget
about what you can’t change the screw up
that you made the massive error that you
made the exams that you failed the
relationships that you screwed up always
letting people down never being a good
friend to someone okay you don’t have to
forget about it but you can learn from
it and realize there is hope for you
because the universe is generous and
therefore you don’t have to forget about
the past if you learn from it you can
use the past as a valuable learning tool
that’s how that’s how to accept
something you can’t change now you wish
you could okay
learn from it so it doesn’t have to
happen again and then realize this deep
divers that you can offer your advice to
someone else life is not perfect that’s
how you accept something you can’t
change what you think this is Cinderella
you think this is a Disney fairy tale
this is real life accidents happen
mistakes happen errors happen and
they’re always gonna continue to happen
because once again life is not perfect
it’s incredibly real you didn’t come
here to be perfect baby you came here to
be real so any mistake you’ve made
allow it don’t be so hard on yourself
look it’s not like as if you’re gonna
get out of here alive and nobody has a
clean slate we’ve all made mistakes we
wish we could change but once again it’s
not about wishing it’s about realizing
it happens to everybody even the best of
us okay but I’m not gonna hold it
against myself for where I am right now
I’m not gonna hold it against myself for
where I am right now because I realized
once again tomorrow is a new day full of
new possibilities in this present moment
I can become anything I want a beautiful
thing is never perfect I didn’t commit
to be perfect I came here to be real if
you’ve gone through an experience you
wish you could change it was traumatic
it was exasperated it was frustrating
you screwed up you made mistakes
you’re blaming yourself you’re
trash-talking yourself it’s time to it’s
time it’s time deep divers to use of
your valuable lessons from your mistakes
to offer it to someone else and that’s
how you actually heal yourself you go
back in time okay by healing someone in
the present moment you are now healing
your inner child who was wounded so
badly slow motionless I’d like these
days I’m like because I’m sharing so
much I’m helping myself the younger
version of myself because I’m giving
people advice from the valuable lessons
I learned
to accept something you can’t change I
wish I could change it Ralph realize no
amount of crying will change it what
will change it is by realizing you can
change the present but you can’t change
the puss you learn from the past it’s
not over yet just because things aren’t
happening right now for you it doesn’t
mean that they won’t you got to trust
yourself that it is possible that’s how
to accept something you can’t change
realize it is still possible a bird
sitting on a tree does not put her trust
in the brunch it puts its trust on its
own wings always believe and trust in
whatever you’ve done even if it was ugly
today is a new day meaning there are
infinite possibilities to create a new
reality for yourself once you realize
that deep divers well you just say Phil
so get to be a live baby can I get a
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
nature baby just whoa breathing in that
good ah spur on a baby if you’ve got a
question once again I get thousands
every single day don’t email me
Instagram out infinite waters I only
take questions I only take questions
from people who have added me on the
Instagram infinite waters have a
beautiful day it’s going to 90 degrees
out here
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you I wish
I could change it Ralph it’s already
what you can change is creating a new reality for yourself

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