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peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
chillaxing in the wonderful art gallery
just well breathing in that good oz
Prada baby so deep divers have you ever
been in a situation where you just feel
overwhelmed because everyone’s asking
you for help like can you help me with
this and can you help me with that and
it’s even going on at home parents
asking you to do favors making you carry
out errands go and drop this to that
auntie and go and take this to that
drunk uncle and now you’re like I’m so
overwhelmed Ralph I don’t know what to
do chill just stop one one second I know
exactly how you feel because I’ve been
there as a Pisces as an intuitive empath
I’ve been there I absorb other people’s
energies all the time but I’ve also
learned that it is more important to
learn how to protect yourself from
absorbing people’s energies which aren’t
serving you and how do I do this by
recharging every single day I just take
one hour for myself that’s right what am
i doing I’m skating going for a walk
playing the guitar I’m having time for
me to recharge to rejuvenate and I feel
fantastic doing it no guilt whatsoever
why because for the first time I’m
helping myself and now I can actually
help you so many times I see people who
are like Ralph I want to I want to save
the world I want to help people like
you’re helping people but then they tell
me then they’re like Ralph actually I’ve
got to help myself first yeah you do
it’s not wise to help other people if
you can’t help yourself us so deep
divers what I’m asking you to do today
is help yourself us get your life
straight first meditate daily recharge
yourself so you have something to give
to other people or otherwise you’re just
gonna be exasperated tired and ain’t
nobody got time for that
so recharge fill your own cup first
that’s what self-love is all about and
once you do that once you do that deep
divers well you’ll just say fill so get
to be a live baby can I get a hello pair
the reason why I can give to you is
because I give to myself mmm
what slow motion this side mmm
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
Oz prana baby shout out to everybody
who’s been rocking the amazing good Oz
prana shots a Ralph smart calm slash
clothes check out the new book on Amazon
deep divers feel alive by Ralph smart
get more daily inspiration like this on
instagram at infinite waters deep divers
take that take that take that great
energy I’m sending you you are
appreciated infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay healthy
you help you first so you can help me
[Music] you

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