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Do I Have The Courage To Break Free?

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re out here in nature the Sun
is magnificent how to break free do I
have the courage to break free do you
have the courage to break free break
free of what anything holding you back
it may be an unhealthy relationship a
job a guru a religion fear of failure
self-imposed limitations fixed and rigid
belief systems fixed ways of thinking
and feeling can we let all of that go do
I have the courage to break free I’ve
had to question myself on this every
single day and it’s helped me because if
I hadn’t have had the courage I would
not be where I am today I had to leave
the matrix to create a new world to
realize that we are sovereign beings we
are co-creators because the old world
which is disintegrating every single
second the reason why is because it is
not built on love in essence it is built
on fear and the more you free yourself
the more you expand within your heart
you begin to think outside of the box
until you see the secret that there is
no box do I have the courage to break
free to let go of society’s expectations
of what I see on the television which
tells lies to your vision do I have the
courage to be unique to be original to
surrender to myself the more we can
really question ourself about this it
frees us because we have to ask
ourselves how come there are so few who
make that leap how come there are so few
people who have the courage to break
free at first these people are called
crazy only to be later called geniuses
why because they are followed their
heart they have in essence not just gone
with a crowd right now this 3d dimension
the energy is rising in essence we are
breaking the limitations and we are
seeing that we are living in a sea of
infinite potentialities we are truly in
a brilliant time it’s time to smile
again do you have the courage to even do
that don’t let the world take away your
smile whenever you allow someone to give
you value you lose confidence do I have
the courage that’s the big question
would you like to be like me no thanks I
would like to be like me
and the more we can be comfortable in
our own skin the more we have the
courage to break free and that can be of
anything breaking free is all about
expansion there is so much noise and
pollution inside this matrix that’s why
so wonderful to see people creating a
whole new world creating the world they
imagined and dreamed but do you have the
courage to do that do I have the courage
to break free from the poverty mindset
from the survival program to see that
abundance is on natural stain we don’t
have to fight for a slice of cake
the universe gives us everything we need
do I have the courage to break free from
money this is something I’m working on I
realize money is energy it is a form of
exchange there is nothing good or bad
about it nothing right or wrong about it
it’s a collective belief system it
exists because we believe in it however
as I see the new paradigm how things are
evolving on planet Earth we are moving
into the age of exchange where paper
money which is fiat currency does not
need to be exchanged yes we need it
right now many of us of course because
we have collectively created this
illusion therefore we are under its
jurisdiction but it is all changing as
people realize the infinite
possibilities that lie in existence
fantastic some people say you can’t
leave the matrix you’re still part of
the matrix
I tell them my body may be in the matrix
but my heart
is not in the matrix but I’m in the
matrix but I’m not off the matrix and as
more people realize that we are living
in a programmed reality the more we can
take back our power and create our own
reality that’s what I’m doing on my
journey and the more I create the more I
leave the old and move towards the new
it all starts with letting go of fear it
all starts with seeing that most of what
we’ve been told has been a lie it starts
by taking a hundred percent
responsibility to see that we hold the
key to our own salvation do you have the
courage to break free that is the
we’re out here in nature enjoying
ourselves infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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