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Changing Your Diet/Lifestyle May Change Your Life Forever—Naturally Free…Make the Change Now!

piers infinite waters diving deep once
again changing your diet may change your
life forever and I’ve just seen this on
my journey it’s been a journey through
food through nutrition essentially
seeing how eating junk foods processed
foods how does it make you feel and on
my journey I just have noticed a huge
difference huge change it makes in your
whole overall well-being and even when I
move to a plant-based diet you begin to
feel the instant effects of how we are
what we eat so a lot of us when we
realize what we’re essentially putting
into our bodies is what we’re getting
you don’t put milk inside a Lamborghini
and expect it to go fast it’s not gonna
happen and I’ve just seen how a lot of
us we overlook nutrition we overlook
food and diet and the role it plays in
our emotions more so in helping elevate
our consciousness to the next level and
I’ve just seen how it’s changed my life
forever when I moved to a plant-based
diet when essentially I let go of all of
this heavy processed food which was
really in hindsight it was making me
feel terrible but at the same time it
was addictive and that’s how so many of
the foods in the supermarkets are set up
they’re set up for you to become addicts
nature does not make addicts you can’t
really eat a hundred apples where you
can is gonna be tough though but at the
same time you can eat hundreds of
packets of crisps chocolates raspberry
cakes cheesecakes fried food burgers
sausages all of these things which are
heavily processed and heavily
have so many impurities even within the
food because it’s not natural it’s not
actually coming from the Sun it’s
man-made process cook enzymes have been
taken out and when we actually see this
correlation between our well-being and
the foods were eating instantly you just
smile because you realize something as
simple as just changing your
relationship to food it may it may it
may not it may change your life forever
and a lot of us for me I don’t just see
food as the only component of creating
wellness and elevation in your own life
there’s so many other factors but at the
same time food plays an instrumental
role and I’ve seen this within my own
journey to finding your own empowerment
you have to use food as medicine the
ancients knew this they say let food be
your medicine we should have to use food
as a source of healing and that’s what I
always do when I whenever I wake up I am
eating fresh greens purifying the blood
you’re eating food when you feel a
certain weight also herbs are out there
so many herbs Nature has created ginger
is a natural aspirin and foods make us
feel a certain way they make us they
give us a boost of confidence certain
foods and nature that’s I have noticed
even in my own journey when I’m eating a
lot of fruits you become softer your
energy becomes lighter and that’s what
it’s all about
my journey I’ve seen becoming lighter is
the only way to fly so essentially the
more foods that you eat which elevate
your consciousness then you’ll be able
in turn to receive more information
because that’s essentially what food is
food is information from the cosmos
so when you look at it like you can
actually use food to boost your
self-esteem many people are eating food
because they have a low self-esteem and
in turn what’s the food doing the food
is even making them feel worse so it’s a
vicious cycle which actually perpetuates
itself to a greater extent and please
people to break that cycle they have to
really look at their relationship to
what they’re consuming and that’s what I
had to do on my journey and I haven’t
looked back since
so when you actually realize that it may
change your life forever I’ve seen so
many people go through an amazing
transformation just by changing their
relationship to what they’re consuming
what they’re putting into their bodies
because essentially your body is a
temple it may not be a temple for some
people it may be a rubbish bin but
that’s your issue but it’s just amazing
when we actually realized if you put
light into you life will come out of you
if you put death into you death will
come out of you I’m food is energy
everything is being transferred I’m also
on the planet many people are not even
emotionally ready to kill their own food
so when you have documentaries like
Earthlings many people are not real meat
eaters because they have to cook their
food when you’re cooking the food you’re
killing the enzymes
so essentially many people are eating
death the meats are putrifying in the
intestines in the gut therefore many
people are drunk during the day because
it’s fermenting and for me I’ve just
seen there is no perfect
diet you have to eat what with what
resonates with you and you also have to
realize that there’s no need to judge
anybody on what they consume you have to
stick in your own lane and essentially
realize that you’re creating your own
reality but when you are eating the
right foods foods from nature then that
allows you to almost reach your maximum
potential that’s what it’s been doing on
my journey more so you have more
appreciation for what nature is creating
it helps you become more organic the
more artificial food you’re putting into
your body it’s actually I saw it even on
my journey when I used to binge when I
used to go and eat a lot of junk foods
you become almost an alien in your own
body you freeze up so essentially it’s
just amazing just when you change
certain things and that’s how it is it’s
just the small things lead to degree
effects the great changes just by
changing something so miniscule so
sorrow can have phenomenal ripple effect
and for me that’s how I’ve seen it many
people we’re not emotionally ready to
kill our own food but more so many of us
were not actually eating foods which
have a high vibrational energy they
always say that
many people especially in this day and
age I this in my diary before we’re
living in a fast food culture so that
also it’s not just about the food it’s
how we live we’re living in a 24/7 grind
many of us so therefore you need a quick
food we need food in the microwave
microwave it’s in and then it’s out and
that’s how it happens many people don’t
when you take the time to prepare
prepare something you find a greater joy
because you’re actually seeing the
process you’re mixing the ingredients
and it’s beautiful when you actually
prepare something with someone and many
is being used as a weapon against the
population and as how food has always
been a lethal weapon to control people
energetically so therefore once you
actually take control of the food that’s
entering you then you essentially become
more free you elevate yourself you
become your own physician because food
is the number one medicine many people
are going to the doctors or I’ve got a
all of these pharmaceutical drugs are
inorganic so you can’t put something
inorganic inside an organic body you
have to use foods and herbs to heal
yourself but for me it’s more for
lifestyle and I share it because I just
feel a lot of us it’s beautiful when
I’ve seen people and sharing their own
experiences and it’s just I can just see
the shine in their face that yes they
are a living testimony of what a great
nutrition can do a great diet in terms
of working the land eating from the land
instead of eating from a box which is a
car skip man that’s why so much of the
food is dead because the life force have
been drained out of it and when you eat
foods they call it raw foods but raw
foods is just natural foods which grow
on the tree this is how we’re supposed
to be eating you just feel this surge of
energy passed through because it’s
activating yourselves on a molecular
level it’s going straight to the
mitochondria and for me I’m just seeing
it like that that a lot of the times
people today today’s young generation is
so hyper and that’s also because a lot
of the meats are eating the cows the
pigs they have been given sex hormones
through artificial insemination so then
you realize okay when you’re eating
naturally you even find your owner
Genet and adrenaline levels decreasing
so therefore it puts you in a
homeostasis you feel calm you feel more
satisfied and more happy with life and
that’s how I felt on my journey and his
beautiful it’s changed my life forever
and I wouldn’t change it for the world
because I’m realizing when I even
stopped eating meats I just changed my
my way of seeing animals completely
changed I didn’t see a goat and say okay
that would be a nice meal I saw a goat
say okay it’s living its own purpose
animals were created for their own
reasons they were not created solely for
our consumption and when I realized that
I just see okay we’ve become arrogant on
the planet we feel every other life form
that we see was created for our dinner
plate and that’s how it is you go to a
restaurant and what happens you have a
start of course you’ve got a main course
and you have a dessert so it’s like we
were eating and eating and eating
because the sign of status is a sign of
success not realizing that we’re
clogging up our arteries that’s why many
people are dropping dead of a heart
attack a lot of natural foods promote
wellness within the body they decrease
the stress levels more so they make us
sensitive to everything around us and
that’s what I’ve seen on my journey and
how so much of the food we’re consuming
now as a collective is actually making
us insensitive it’s turning us into
automatons mindless drones and it
actually helps us fit into this hive
mind where everyone is thinking the same
talking about the same thing
feeling the same because many people are
out of tune with their true essence and
for me that’s the biggest secret and joy
I’ve had by exploring natural foods is
just phenomenal
water is fantastic as a detox er also a
blood cleanser and seven on the PA
to scale and it’s fantastic drink in
nourishes yourselves and I’ve just seen
how the more water you drink it’s just
you also feel like yourselves are
fulfilled your whole body begins to glow
your skin becomes smoother your
digestion also improves so water is
essential in terms of creating an
equilibrium throughout the body and it
also is one of the cheapest drinks that
you could buy don’t drink tap water
though you can if you want but
especially a lot of water which hasn’t
been filled with a lot of fluoride
because a lot of the tap water contains
a lot of impurities but when you just
boil water when you buy or drink fresh
spring water you just feel the energy
surge through your body
drink up food contains a message and
it’s information from the universe so
therefore the fresher the food we are
eating and we eat then the more
information the more we can begin to see
more clearly and I’ve seen even within
my own journey if you’re eating food
which has been there for like two weeks
you almost feel like you’re losing the
plot when you’re eating foods which are
just fresh and ripe you just feel this
burst of energy and even when the sun is
shining right now it’s hitting my face
and I’m just taking in absorbing that
energy and that’s why people just Sun
gaze because we’re eating through not
only our mouths but through our skin
because the skin is the largest organ in
the body also through our eyes and
through our ears so what we’re seeing
we’re also eating also what we’re
listening to and also not just food what
we’re drinking a lot of us on the planet
right now we want to have high energy
drinks whether it’s a Red Bull caffeine
Starbucks on every corner
but what’s that doing to the body well
it’s actually speeding up the heart rate
the more you’re stimulating the heart
rate you actually making the body work
harder so that’s why a lot of people are
having all kinds of problems
cardiovascular problems because we are
almost on steroids
we should all be banned for doping and
that’s how I see it we really have done
get back to eating foods which elevate
us but at the same time do whatever you
resonate with you because there is no
right or wrong it’s only where you are
at a particular time and we’ve all been
on a very draining unhealthy diet I’ve
been there and I’ve just seen the
metamorphosis and that’s why it’s
changed my life forever it’s beautiful
and to also see more people sharing
their own recipes and how their
relationship the food is changing it’s
just a wonderful thing that’s how it is
in front of the the sunshine got the
wind blowing no complaining infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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