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Black Panther – Movie Review

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers
chillaxing out here in the heart of
nature so yes I went to see the Black
Panther film what do I think of it a
great film really beautiful
cinematography beautiful acting a great
message is beautiful to see more
diversity in films the sisters were
badass in that film their sisters were
bad ass in that film ok I love films
like the Black Panther because they talk
about the hero they show you that we are
all heroes every single person on planet
earth is a hero you just don’t know it
and you have a villain which is also
your shadow aspect kill manga right so
what I always get from films like the
Black Panther all of these Marvel comics
is that you have to become your own hero
and the villain is actually inside you
as your shadow self so the Black Panther
do I recommend it absolutely you’ll have
a great time and then you’ll just say
fail so get to be alive baby can I get a
Hello yeah have a beautiful day deep
divers infinite waters diving deep once
again stay well stay healthy peace you
I’m a hero
you [Music]

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