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Being Your Own Boss – The Empowered Human: 360 Senses!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again modern-day slavery be your own
boss and for me this is something which
I’ve always been striving to be in the
position I really work for myself
because working in rubbish jobs jobs
which really drain your energy there
comes a time where you say there has to
be something better than this and for me
that’s what it’s all about and I’ve met
other like minds who are really all
about working with other like minds and
really essentially being your own boss
being your own entrepreneur
essentially working for something which
is worthwhile instead of just being an
automaton working for a corporation and
for me the work which I feel we all have
to do and on my journey I found that if
I’m not working to raise the vibration
of humanity then what the hell am i
doing and the more and more as I see it
when we look at when we talk of slaves
with smiles on their faces I remember
when I used to work something like 45
hours a week and I was happy I thought I
was happy I was in the illusion I was
happy because I didn’t know any better
and everyone is on a different path is
on a different journey this is earth
school after all but for me I’m just
realizing how we’ve come to love our
slavery and accept it and when I realize
how I don’t blame these so-called people
who we feel are in power are only in
power because we’ve given our own power
away because essentially there’s
hierarchy all throughout the cosmos it’s
not something which human beings have
nothing is equal in nature the alligator
has a certain particular quality just as
the snake has just as the behalf just as
the lion has all has their
characteristics which give them their
uniqueness and for me I’m just realizing
more and more how we have choice in this
3d reality we have choice and we
couldn’t will a lot of us we have
already chosen that’s the paradox we’ve
already chosen a long time ago and every
single thing has led us up to this
moment where people are in jobs that
they complain about well you obviously
you obviously love your job that’s why
you’re there if you didn’t love it
there’ll be nothing to complain about
obviously people have to eat people have
babies to feed and what-have-you but
essentially there are so many ways of
playing this game
this cosmic game and for me I’m just
realizing that it’s all about working to
raise the vibration but at the same time
it’s about seeing the limitless
possibilities that we have I’m not just
going with the status quo
there’s a saying that wealthy people
don’t work they supervise and that’s the
thing for me I’m just realizing that
it’s not just about being a wrap chasing
that cheese in the rat race I’ve been
there and I’ve done that and now it’s
about really finding a way to work which
is gonna uplift
and bring balance within our own
internal cells but at the same time it’s
also about giving back to everything
around us be your own boss in front of
the Sun no work today no work never infinite waters diving deep peace

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