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Being Resourceful—The Empowered Human: 360 Senses!

peace infinite waters dive in deep once
again transformers we are transformers
not the film but the action and when we
talk of alchemy The Alchemist popular
book by paulo coelho it’s inspired a lot
of people and for me when i say
transformers i look at nature and
realize that it’s always transforming
everything the pollution that we send to
it even the negative energy that so many
people harbor in their hearts at the
same time nature is just laughing
because what is doing is transforming
constantly and for me that’s just really
what it’s a symbol of what we should all
become which is transformers I think I
feel a lot of times it’s like this if we
look back in our lives a lot of us we
realize that we’ve it’s been in stages
constantly because nobody is perfect and
that’s the whole thing we have to
realize that we are all evolving
continuously and therefore we’ve done
things in the past that we’re not proud
of we’ve done things in the past that we
are proud of and it’s always like that
and for me a lot of people we like to
ruminate on the negative things that we
do or that we’ve done but in essence is
about moving pasta is about moving
forward beyond that and realizing that
we have to become Alchemist again we
have to step into alchemy and what is
alchemy well if you look at a writer for
example or musician they’re taking lead
and they’re writing the lyrics down this
song this romantic love songs they’re
riding away and just by putting pencil
on paper once that song comes out here
it achieves
and it touches so many millions of
people’s lives that’s alchemy because
they’ve turned lead into gold and that’s
what transformers are essentially
they’re not about looking on what
they’ve done in the past they’re about
living in the present moment and moving
forward and essentially being
resourceful we have to be resourceful
and for me that’s what I always tell
myself on this journey you can’t waste
if you’re wasting then really and truly
we’re not being resourceful and I just
love that about nature that everything
is always used again it’s always
constantly being used it doesn’t waste
anything in everything in nature will be
used for something it’s that whole thing
of we are we are immortal because our we
are energy no one ever really dies even
our bodies will be used and transformed
into something else because nature is a
great transformer so changing of states
becoming transformers being transformers
and we are already transformers is just
about opening up to this great
realization infinite waters the Sun has just gone down but it’s okay peace

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