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do you sometimes feel the whole of
planet earth is like a giant lunatic
asylum and the whole walls gone crazy
Ralph a lot of people write to me and I
like there are so many problems Ralph I
don’t know what to do I turn on the news
and it seems like the whole world is
coming to an end I can relate because
sometimes I’m like there are so many
problems in the world is frightening
then I realize this the universe will
only give you more of what you focus on
you focus on problems well you’ll get
more problems you focus on solutions
you’ll get more solutions life gives you
whatever you focus on there is a great
Cherokee story a Cherokee grandfather is
telling his grandson there is a battle
within every single human being on the
planet the Battle of two wolves one is
good full of love compassion humility
the other one is bad it is full of greed
ego and the grandson asks the
grandfather well which wolf wins and the
grandfather calmly replies the one you
feed the most so I’m asking you today
you can create a whole new world if you
feel you don’t belong in this world it
is because you are here to create a new
one stop feeding the love inside of you
and that’s how you magically transform
everything around you feed fear no more
it’s time to raise the frequency the low
frequency the highest vibration and then
deep divers we are out here in the heart
of nature baby beautiful day have a
beautiful day with just whoa breathing
in that good ah sprung baby infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy
you which wolf wins the one you feed a
bunch of grapes [Music]

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