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peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby just whoa
breathing in that good ass piranha baby
do you love yourself I’ve seen deep
divers the secret to becoming your
greatest version is loving yourself 100%
and along my journey I found out what
loving yourself really means a lot of us
feel that loving ourselves means that we
love everything good about ourselves we
love the highlights of our life know
deep divers I’ve seen that loving
yourself a hundred percent means loving
your perfect imperfections it means
loving the good the bad and the ugly it
means when you have come
to accept
your floors it means when you have come
to love the so-called undesirable
aspects of yourself loving yourself is
not about having a million dollars in
your bank account loving yourself is
when you have nothing and you’re like I
still love myself loving yourself is not
when you have an expensive suit on
loving yourself is when you can wear a
bin bag and still be happy as your
self-expression increases so does your
self-love a lot of people say Ralph how
come you can make a video in one take
because many years ago I’m like I’m
tired of editing my life showing you a
censored version of Who I am it’s time
for you to see the real me and guess
all of a sudden deep divers started to
love it
why because I was being vulnerable
deep divers there are parts of you that
you hide that people would absolutely
love your so-called flaws which aren’t
good enough the cat down the road loves
them and it’s time you do too
that’s what self-love is it’s when you
love yourself 100% and then deep divers
well you’ll just say so gets me a live
baby can I get a hello beautiful deep
divers another beautiful day in the
heart of nature baby we’re just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
love yourself 100% sending you tons of
great energy take that take that take
shout out to everybody who’s been rockin
the amazing good ass prana Shutts
Ralph smart calm slash clothes check out
the new book on Amazon deep divers feel
alive by Ralph smart get more daily
inspiration like this on instagram at
infinite waters deep divers you are
appreciate it have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy
you I love myself all of myself that’s good

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