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Almost Famous – The Age of Celebrity!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again almost famous let’s get famous
let’s be a celebrity let’s be on TV
celebrity culture there was a time where
I wanted to be famous I wanted to be
this actor I wanted to be this musician
actually when I was producing a lot but
for some reason I just had this urge to
be on the big screen and for me I look
at it like this that when we talk of
famous almost famous I feel that a lot
of us why is Fame so appealing to so
many of us why do we view celebrities as
having this almost godlike status and
for me a lot of the times I realized
because so above as below and these
celebrity stars are really only
mimicking the stars in the universe and
what does a star do it gives off light
it gives off energy and that’s why a lot
of us we are living through these stars
vicariously and for me I just realized
that a lot of especially this modern-day
culture a lot of people just want to be
famous for doing something silly and a
lot of people are famous for doing
something silly it seems that there’s
not really a lot of real talent out
there anymore because a lot of us we’re
not actually creating art to inspire a
lot of people just say okay I want to be
known but what they’re known for is not
really of any significance to them they
just want to be famous and get to go to
all of these VIP parties and all of
these things but one thing about fame is
that even a lot of people who are famous
up from depression because fame is a
very powerful addiction and when you
have millions of fans screaming your
name and then the next day you wake up
and nobody screaming your name how do
you deal with that
and that’s why a lot of people have to
be careful for what they wish for
because I always feel that people should
always do things from the heart once you
do things from the heart if Fame if
people are gonna resonate with you
that’s beautiful but just to say okay I
want the center of attention you may not
want that when it comes because a lot of
people can crack under pressure a lot of
people also live outside of their
element they begin to change what money
and fame can do to people can take them
out of their authenticity and for me
it’s amazing because a lot of times
people with the real talent they always
get brushed aside especially in today’s
culture but for me I always say that
these are the people that I I look up to
these people who are just doing it
because it’s coming from an organic
place they’re not doing it to be noticed
they’re doing it as part of their art
form as part of who they are and for me
this is the beautiful thing so i always
say almost famous be careful but
continue just to create your art because
we’re all here to shine essentially and
and that’s the whole thing if enough
people if everyone was becoming more
creative than imagine what this world
would do i had a great friend we were
discussing said what do you feel an
advanced technological society would be
like and i would i was saying that it
would be a society where everyone is
really just creative and tapping into
their natural gifts and talents and for
me that’s what i feel is so necessary
because we all need to inspire each
other and the world is in need of some
serious inspiration right about now infinite waters diving deep peace

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