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All LIGHTWORKERS, WATCH THIS! (Important Message!)

Pisan finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in nature baby we got the birds up
there we got dogs over there
we got crows over there we got
butterflies over there it’s a beautiful
but deep divers have you ever strolled
out of bed one day just wanting to help
every single person you meet just
wanting to see them win wanting to see
them shine wanting them to see the truth
yeah that’s because you’re a light
worker basically things only light
workers will understand in a stand and
over stand less just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby deep divers
this is an important message to every
single light worker on planet Earth and
also a message for someone who’s not
sure if they’re a light worker or not my
light worker that’s what the cat down
the road saying well I am a light worker
and a light worker is a being who has
specifically chosen keyword chosen to
help humanity awaken to the truth we nee
v’n had breakfast yet Chanakya hello so
wonderful deep divers yes I grew up
knowing I was a light worker because I
just wanted to help people heal people I
always wanted to make people feel good
my mom used to say Ralph just once
entertain people entertaining my guests
right I’m a Pisces born on March 3rd 3:3
so I always knew my life would be a
little bit strange I could always smell
something fishy about
lady that our entire life has been a lie
and therefore I was on a big quest to
seek the truth and then I found the
truth that I am a multi-dimensional
being having a human experience slow
motion this side and I just wanted to
share this truth with other people I met
and that’s what I’m doing inspiring
millions of people now there are light
workers who are all about showing people
the light the truth that they are the
power and there are dark workers who
want to manipulate people while all
about greed war fear I always say this
deep divers let love guide you and not
fear now things only like workers will
understand you’re very sensitive like
SuperDuper sensitive you can pick up
other people’s energies and sometimes
this can become very overwhelming
because there are over seven billion
people on planet Earth but I’m here to
tell you as a light work of myself
sensitivity is a super power slow motion
in this life I wouldn’t exchange it for
the world the reason I can inspire I can
inspire so many millions of people is
because I am sensitive and you feel me
right you feel me right exactly
I know what other people are going
through many light workers are highly
empathetic they can put themselves into
other people’s shoes and that’s a great
gift it’s not a weakness to be sensitive
in fact it shows your true strength to
have the ability to feel you see dark
who operate in fear and in dumbing down
humanity keeping them in a perpetual
state of slavery and fear and bondage
are desensitized they don’t want to feel
anything they can’t feel as a light
worker you have this ability to feel
everything around you and that’s why you
are super powerful so I’m here to tell
you that it’s okay to be sensitive it’s
okay to be vulnerable it’s okay it’s
okay to be vulnerable and vulnerability
is a sign of strength because it takes a
lot of courage to feel and as a light
worker keep being sensitive
it’s a superpower things only light
workers will understand in a stand and
over stand your whole entire life it’s
been difficult for you to fit in it’s
hard isn’t it you’re like I’m the odd
one out Ralph why do I feel so weird
that’s because you’re a light worker you
came to Planet Earth for a different
I knew that growing up because I’m like
all my friends are talking about this
and I’m like thinking of the Milky Way
I’m thinking about the fifth dimension
okay if you know that you don’t fit in
if you know that you don’t fit in that’s
because you came here to stand out slow
motion this side now many light workers
you already know that you can easily fit
in assimilate yourself into the matrix
but now you don’t want to do that
because you realize it’s the Maya
it’s the illusion and it’s all about you
now being free but also helping other
people be free and realize their true
power you see light workers are all
about helping the collective it’s not
about them it’s about all
fuss and therefore you want to show
other people that it’s okay to be weird
crazy even called strange because those
all the geniuses anyway slow motion this
slide Nikola Tesla weird but he gave a
lot of humanity the technologies we’re
using today so don’t be afraid of being
called weird or crazy in fact you’re the
same one because you are woke you are
conscious you are aware okay things only
like workers will understand in a stand
and over stand being alone is normal in
fact you crave alone time you crave
being alone because it’s time where you
can get away from those humans yes
that’s such a beautiful feeling right
now okay you love humanity but you know
that if you’re by yourself you’re still
at peace because many lightworkers are
all about creating a better relationship
with themselves you’re practicing
self-care every single day and I’m here
to commend you because as we are
approaching the Age of Aquarius Humanity
is gonna need you like workers and when
you are alone what happens like workers
you can recharge there’s a reason why I
make so many videos in nature because
I’m recharging at the same time what
this is actually a docking station slow
motion this side the crowd is the matrix
the dock workers want to keep you in the
crowd the light workers want a free
watch it now many light workers actually
in disguise as musicians healers okay
Lauren Hill a light worker they have a
message to share with humanity they want
humanity to really realize the true
potential of all of us okay
things only light workers will
understand in a stand and over stand you
have this burning passion just to help
everybody you meet because you are free
of the ego whilst the whereas the dark
workers are so preoccupied preoccupied
with ego which is all about separation
Wars nationalities countries the light
workers are all about the fusion showing
humanity that we are all connected slow
motion this side and I’m here to tell
you like workers you are supported
because this is your time this is the
Age of Aquarius this is the time where
the illuminated ones reign and those who
are trying to blind humanity from the
truth their days are numbered in fact
their time is up
can I get a hello things only light
workers will understand in a stand and
over Stan seven day vegan challenge you
honor every single life form on the
planet because you realize all is energy
and all life is sacred therefore many
light workers are vegans raw foodists
they have chosen the plant-based diet
because they are all about they are all
about living you see peace begins on
your plate slow motion this side dark
watch animals every single day because
they have no respect for life itself so
as a light worker who is all about
showing people that over 64 billion
animals are killed every single year and
we have to protect the animals because
what goes around comes around be proud
of yourself because not only does the
cat down the road love you but the cow
down the road loves you and the pig down
the road loves you so beautiful
lightworkers you are amazing keep
shining your light keep helping people
keep awakening other people keep showing
other people the truth but my advice to
you like workers is that the truth can
be told it has to be realized
be a lighthouse I don’t have to go up to
every single person I meet and say hey
awaken awaken
I’m just shining my light like a
lighthouse and whoever needs it will
find it and then we’ll just say fill so
get to be a live baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart and nature just wolf breathing
in that well getting high off that good
ass prana baby you like the shirt Ralph
smart come slash clothes check out the
good Oz prana shirts get more
inspiration on Instagram are infinite
waters deep divers you are amazing
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay well stay healthy peace you they call us the illuminated ones

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