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5 Things To Let Go Of Before The End Of The Year

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again why do we always wait till the end
of the year to make changes when we can
just make them right now procrastination
can I get a Hello things to let go off
before the new year so I’m gonna share
with you what’s helped me along my
journey because a lot of us we wait for
the new year and then start making all
of these resolutions I will not eat this
piece of chocolate cake I will not do
this and we don’t do it
why because we haven’t prepared we
haven’t trained ourselves for that level
of discipline so I see that time is an
illusion and the new year is a symbol of
a cycle so I say what do I need to let
go off before the new year so once it
arrives I’m cruising I mean cruise
control and for me number one is what I
call the serious face
oh no we all know this serious face
really well because a lot of us practice
it every single day it’s the serious
I saw all on my journey when you beat
yourself up
problems arise why because it doesn’t
change anything so that’s what I’m
letting go off right now so when the new
year comes I embrace myself a hundred
percent a lot of people ask how do I
stop beating myself up and I always say
it is all about changing how you see
yourself look if you see yourself as
this perfect individual now you can
never make a mistake I say I am work in
progress my whole life is a piece of art
I am constantly evolving therefore
whatever I do is an expression so that’s
helped me not beat myself up I realized
that we came here as children to always
be like Peter Pan because a lot of us
were rushing to grow up but it’s all
about I’ve seen keeping alive in a child
and that’s why I’m letting go of this
serious face before the new year and I’m
being more lighthearted because that’s
the only way to fly
learn from the butterfly number two is
I’m letting go off the fear of the
unknown so many of us were afraid of
using our intuition I was talking to
someone in Whole Foods today and I said
I have to talk to this person why I
don’t know why but I had this impulse to
and guess what we started to talk and
they were also interested in becoming
their greatest version they were sharing
with me so many new insights so that’s
what I’m doing right now I’m letting go
of my preconceived ideas of who I think
people are because whenever I start to
speak to them they blow my mind away so
when the new year comes I’m gonna be
talking to you you’re not gonna be a
stranger any longer
number three is I’m letting go of this
idea that there is a right and wrong
have seen the secret we have to allow
other people the freedom of experiencing
their own reality I talk about I talk
about a lot of different things healthy
food to eat the love connection becoming
your greatest version but this is only
my perspective it is only my subjective
truth and if people don’t care about it
no problem no worries because I’m
enjoying what I’m doing
there was a long time where I wanted to
control other people I wanted to control
their reactions I wanted to get a
response out of them and now I realize
we’re like crayons you have different
colors different expressions and that is
what life is about
uniqueness because for a long time I
thought okay my way or the highway I am
living the best way there is possible on
planet Earth then I had to check myself
I said wait a minute wait a minute
you’re living a lifestyle which works
for you so embrace that but at the same
time it’s not about imposing that on
other people and that’s why I always say
along my journey this is what’s helped
me because I am sharing with you I’m
sharing my way of seeing this whole
thing and I appreciate your way let’s
exchange notes let’s see what we can
learn from each other
number four is I’m letting go of self
hate right now because there is only now
so when the new year comes which is only
a continuation of this present moment I
can lock myself a hundred percent when
we talked of self hate many people say I
don’t like the way I look if you don’t
like the way you look that’s gonna start
affecting how you feel and how you feel
determines what kind of conditions you
attract so for me letting go of self
hate first starts with realizing you are
not this idea of who you think you are
you are so much more than what your mind
can comprehend you are blows my mind
every time when I realize that we don’t
even know who we are
literally because we are infinite
how can you explore infinity therefore I
realize we are multi-dimensional beings
having a human experience we are
everything at the same time nothing for
me it does wonders when you start to
have this self care I’m letting go of
being in an environment for a long time
I thought okay the city life this is it
this is all I can do this is all I’m
good for
I don’t have the money to do this but
wait a minute
I do the question is what do I really
want and much of our self hate emanates
not from other people but the
relationship we have towards our self
when you constantly treat yourself like
a punching bag you forget the secret
where else are you gonna live and I’ve
seen it’s time to come home so to come
home I’m reconnecting back to nature and
number five I am letting go off making
excuses to live the life I truly one is
the scream that’s impossible I can’t do
it no no only those people live that
lifestyle the people you read about in
the magazines
you watch on TV and I said wait a minute
wait a minute that’s me I can do it and
it all changed once I started to take
responsibility that I am a co-creator
look where do you see written you can’t
do that ah we are writing it and I’ve
seen what’s helped me along my journey
is all about rewriting the story many of
us we see ourselves as victims we see
ourselves living in a world where it’s
unfair and I’ve seen we live in a very
fluid world hence we are made up of
water which means that we can transform
into anything we desire but at the same
time it takes the mindset because it is
all bs belief systems when the new year
comes which is already here I am gonna
be flying I’m gonna be so far in the sky
you’re gonna need binoculars to see me
oh yeah
oh yeah because right now on the planet
I’ve seen it’s just about opening up
more connecting with those who remind us
who we truly are let love guide you not
fear we’re here infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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