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5 Steps to Reduce Belly Fat and Excess Weight

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we are here we’re in nature in an
open field in nature getting high five
steps to reduce belly fat and excess
weight can I get a hello there a woman
wrote in saying she’s always been a big
girl she doesn’t want to look like some
women on these billboard posters or on
Instagram she just wants to get into our
natural body shape but because she has
always been big and beautiful she is
wondering can she still reduce belly fat
let me share with you what’s helped me
along my journey number one did you
drink your glass of water this morning
no no
did you drink two glasses of water this
morning but waters boring until you find
out the benefits then waters your best
dehydration is one of the biggest causes
for weight gain and belly fat look we
are 70% water when you are really
thirsty you are really hungry
you’re growling now you’re moaning now
you’re searching in the cupboard at 2:00
a.m. in the morning now you’re craving
anything you can get your hands on what
helped me along my journey was letting
off soda and embracing more water and if
you don’t like water there are always
potassium ions coconut water because the
more hydrated we become the more we stop
number two the day I became a vegan I
bought a really massive suitcase I put
all the junk food in the suitcase I
drove to a bridge and I tossed all the
junk food over the bridge
no I didn’t but I wish I did that just
to remember that beautiful day many of
us have to ask ourselves are we eating
to live or are we eating to die mmm
sugar is the number one culprit for
belly fat 50% glucose 50% fructose the
fructose goes straight to the liver the
livers like ain’t nobody got time for
that so it converts it into fat how nice
and that’s the fat we’ve all got to deal
with right so once you start eating more
enzyme rich food that can help break
down the foods they leave your body in a
very natural way but if you eat a lot of
foods which are devoid of enzymes they
stay in your body longer no they stay in
your belly longer no they stay
everywhere longer and you stay on the
toilet seat longer what help me along my
journey was eating more life right I
actually have a food diary I write down
how every single food makes me feel
another culprit uh-oh go into your
cabinet your cupboard
tables own table so increases the water
attention level in our bodies so we end
up holding on to fat for longer so now I
embrace pink Himalayan salt Hawaiian
salt exotic so full of 84 mineral salt
right not that junk and now you feel so
good many times we don’t realize it’s
not just about taking away junk foods we
have to go on to number three which is
about stress many of us are in a hurry
to get nowhere fast
there was a Harvard study people who
were really sleepy during the day but
also found the time to eat a lot of junk
foods the ventromedial part the
prefrontal cortex the prefrontal cortex
the part of the brain which governs your
urges yeah that part was deactivated so
that’s why they were eating anything and
everything be careful so once you start
resting taking care of yourself slowing
down when you are very stressed in that
fight-or-flight mode you produce
cortisol now cortisol inhibits the fat
loss hormone insulin which regulates our
weight right that’s why our weight
fluctuates so be kind to yourself for
goodness sake number for exercise oh
yeah get moving do the water dance Oh
get shaking right because air
Oh big exercise not only increases
oxygen within our blood cells but it
reduces the cortisol levels their stress
levels which are the cause for waking
because an aerobic exercise very fast
vigorous exercise what happens we become
a hub for cortisol so be easy on
yourself be easy on yourself
be easy on yourself when you exercise
and lastly number five I always talk
about everything from a psychological
psychological standpoint how you see
yourself is so important the image you
have of yourself is the image you will
manifest into reality right many of us
we eat to fulfill certain emotions which
are not being met when you want love
sometimes we got a bit of a sweet tooth
we want that sugar baby when you’re
really bitter we become very salty right
can you see the link they’re salty so
right I get it
so change how you see yourself change
your thoughts and you change your world
it is all a mindset start realizing you
don’t have to lose weight you have to be
healthy let me say that again you don’t
have to lose weight you have to be
healthy you have to move into your
natural body shape and then say can I
get a hello
they’re in an open field have a
beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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