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5 Signs Your Third eye is Opening

peas infinite waters diving deep once
again five signs your third eye is
opening can I get a Hello so I’ve spoken
a lot about the pineal gland but I
haven’t spoken about some of the signs
which show your third eye is opening
what is the third eye the ajna chakra or
the brow chakra right here right in the
middle of your forehead this is what
ancients referred to as the seat of the
soul so in many ancient cultures people
spoke off an awakening from ancient
Sumer IROC ancient Egypt you have the
eye of horus a lot of people say I’ve
got a pain at the top of my head and
that’s what happened to me along my
journey I knew I was going through a
I knew something major was happening
it’s called consciousness so what is the
first sign I experienced heightened
senses clairvoyance which means you are
now seeing things which aren’t there so
you’re watching the news and you’re
seeing things which aren’t there you’re
starting to think more deeply about what
is in front of you you realize what you
see is only a fraction of what actually
exists therefore you begin to raise your
frequency Claire audience you begin to
hear things which have not been said
who said that is it a voice in my head
you are able to perceive in audible
frequencies you are able to hear the
tones people are not uttering
clairsentience you are able now to feel
into other people’s emotions this is
what we call the intuitive empath so yes
a lot of intuitive empaths naturally
have their third eye open which is
giving them this ability to feel what
other people are going through and it’s
not easy because a lot of people are
going through a health alone so you have
to learn how to protect your energy
right now things are heating up on the
planet so when you embrace those gifts
you now see they are working for you
what’s the second sign not just
believing but knowing many of us right
now we’ve got a hunger for information
for knowledge you want to know the truth
you want to know more we have so many
belief systems what is the problem of
just believing if someone says that
mountain over there is amazing we repeat
what they have just said without
experiencing it for ourselves
knowing is a first
hand account you have to go through you
gotta feel it that is knowing it is your
own experience not someone elses that is
a sign your third eye is opening you are
now questioning your reality can I
believe everything I watch on the TV you
can’t believe you’ve got to know it for
yourself you’ve got to see that the
power lies within you and the greatest
guru is yourself
the third sign meaningful
synchronicities meaningful coincidences
you are seeing synchronicities as
meaningful events you are now beginning
everything is held together by a
mathematical design let’s break down the
words starting with synchronicity
emanating from the Greek sin together
Chronos time happening at the same time
when you see someone on the beach down
the road it’s not an accident it is
because they are aligning with your
vibrational frequency your wonderful
energy you are now aware of this because
the third eye which I call the first eye
is the ending of duality there are no
colors black white that all
disappears there are no races in essence
it is the synthesis now you step into
your true power because you are dealing
with synthesis not separation the
greatest illusion ever created is the
one of separation so when all of these
amazing synchronistic experiences happen
you realize why they are happening and
as we change our vibrational frequency
everything aligns to that same frequency
number four you begin to become more
health-conscious that’s right
I use the love junk food I’m not a saint
instead of living to eat white sugar
white bread the GMOs when you’re opening
your third eye which is in a clarity
more wisdom more consciousness you only
want to put the best fuel into this
human vehicle you only want to put the
best food that can help you become your
greatest version what I realized was
that there is a design in this world and
you have to be smart to decode it but
once you start taking care of your body
because if you don’t take care of your
body where else are you gonna live more
leafy greens watercress got the coconut
water by the side
that’s great but it’s not something
which you wanna do what happened to me
along my journey I just naturally
gravitated to improving my health
because the body spirit mind the three
items connected and that’s where the
magic happens and the last sign is that
you now see the interconnectedness
between all things that human beings yes
we are amazing
but we are not so amazing that we have
the right to kill animals who are who we
think are inferior to us we think we are
superior to the interconnectedness
between all things is realizing we are
all comprised of energy if only we would
love other animals like we love our cats
and dogs when your third eye is opening
you appreciate all life-forms you begin
to take care of the planet by not just
becoming a consumer but by becoming a
contributor by becoming a content
creator in helping to uplift the
vibration of the planet and you know it
because many times we see someone and we
feel their energy they haven’t even
opened their mouth but you know who
you’re talking to
this is the time the times we are living
in a powerful because the veil is being
lifted everything you think you know is
about to be questioned
thank goodness gracious so have a
wonderful day
and just remind yourself that wisdom
will set you free we are here infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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